Exposing The Lies

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Niles chuckled as he watched over the video that he took of SMG4 one more time, he was actually starting to enjoy how he sounded to him, and he could only wish he could hear SMG3's of anguish when he sees the video. He sent the video and waited a few moments, in case he was immediately watching the video, before he sent a text telling him that he won. He didn't get a reply and smirked before leaning back in his seat. He kicked his feet up and hummed as he relished destroying SMG3 completely. He wondered what he should do next.

His thoughts were interrupted as he felt a knock at the door. He groaned and got up, upset that his thoughts of revenge we put on pause. He made his way to the door and opened it, blinking as he saw SMG4, who was shivering and wet from the rain. "Four, what are you doing here?"

"I-I got caught in the rain...Could I come in until it stops?" SMG4 asked nervously, which Niles looked at him for a moment, debating whether or not he could use SMG4 to his advantage again. He soon stepped to the side and allowed him inside. "Thanks..." He said, shrugging off the wet jacket he wore. Niles took it and placed on the coat rack.

"Don't mention it." Niles said before leading him to the living room. "Let me get you a towel." He said before stepping out of the room. He went into his bathroom, thinking over what to do with SMG4 to keep hurting SMG3. Just as Niles grabbed a towel, he heard SMG4 shouting. He blinked and went back to the living room to see SMG4 on the phone.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me?! Call me one more time and I am getting the police involved!" SMG4 yelled before seemingly hanging up his phone. He groaned and rubbed his face before he noticed that Niles had entered the room. He jumped a little and rubbed the back of his neck. "You didn't hear that right...?"

"I did. You wanna tell me what that was about?" Niles asked as he walked over and began to dry off SMG4's hair for him. SMG4 was quiet for a moment.

"It was SMG3, he's been harassing me lately..." SMG4 said softly before looking up at Niles. "I don't think he'll go any further than that." He said softly.

Niles stopped drying him off and moved away from him. "Don't be so sure about that. You probably don't know what kind of monster he is." He said as he moved to the fireplace, starting up a fire before waving SMG4 over. SMG4 held his hands in front of the fire to warm up. Niles moved to grab a small box from the mantel, opening it up before handing it to SMG4. "Here's what he's really like." He said, before SMG4 took the box to find photos inside.

SMG4 picked up a few and looked through them, seeing SMG3 with many different people. In one, SMG3 was shown to be cutting off someone's finger. Another, he was taking a baseball bat's to someone's stomach. The third photo showed SMG3 with a melon baller and, well, let's just say that one made SMG4 physically ill. There were many more of a similar style, and each one seemed to progressively get worse.

SMG4 covered his mouth in horror. 'These can't be real.' He thought before looking at Niles. Niles grabbed a framed photo from the wall, soon handing it over to SMG4, showing him a red skinned man in a cap. The photo was clearly folded over but there was supposed to be someone else, judging by the arm wrapped around the other.

"This was my friend, Fred. SMG3 took a crowbar to his ribs, I could feel the bones moving under his skin." Niles growled at the memory. SMG4 looked up from the picture at Niles and saw him putting the box of photos back on the mantel. "I found him hanging from the ceiling fan the next morning. SMG3 took my best friend from me, all because he wanted money."

SMG4 took in a deep breath and nodded slowly. "I see...Who is the person next to him?" He asked softly before Niles began to step out of the room.

"Me...I need a drink." He said bitterly before leaving the room. SMG4 made sure he left the room before taking the photo out of the frame, unfolding it and showing a completely different person from Niles. The man was blue skinned, had a single eye and a red hat with zero on it. He took out his phone and snapped a picture before sending it to SMG1 and SMG2. "Who are you sending that picture to?" Niles' voice sent chills down SMG4's spine as he didn't realize that Niles had come back into the room, or even that he was right behind him.

A Debt to Repay (SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now