The Guest

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After a few days off of work, SMG4 was kind of relieved to get back into a bit of routine with his job, but it was gonna be a bit weird with him going with SMG3. He was certain that people would be talking about the two of them and assume they were dating or something. Which wasn't too far from the actual truth, but he still didn't want any sort of rumors floating around about them. He also didn't want to risk any sort of trouble for SMG3.

"Hey, do you think you could actually drop me off a block from work and I'll just walk the rest of the way?" SMG4 asked, making SMG3 looked over at him when they hit a red light.

"Why?" SMG3 questioned before looking back at the street ahead before driving off once the light had turned green. He wasn't opposed to it, but he just wanted to know why.

"Well, I don't want the others to think we're dating or anything. You and I don't need that kind of heat." SMG4 rubbed the back of his neck before hearing SMG3 sigh a little.

"You do realize you can just tell them the truth about your house right? It wouldn't be that bad to know about us being roommates." SMG3 stated before pulling over.

"I don't want anyone to give me pity or ask questions I can't or don't want to answer." SMG4 said as SMG3 rolled his eyes a little.

"People will ask questions regardless. It's in their nature. You can just tell them that you don't want to talk about it." SMG3 said as he watched SMG4 get out of the car.

"I know, but there's just some things I don't wanna talk about with people." SMG4 replied, which definitely struck a cord with SMG3. Sighing in defeat, SMG3 nodded.

"I can understand that...Hey, did you want to hang out on your lunch break?" SMG3 asked as SMG4 was about to shut the door.

"Sure. I'll text you when I'm about ready to head up to your office."

"Awesome, see you then." SMG3 said before SMG4 shut the car door. SMG4 watched the other drive off before sighing a little bit. He began to walk down the street, pulling his jacket closer to his body to ward of the cold for a little while longer. He walked further down the road until he got inside the casino, sighing softly. He went to the break room and hung up his coat before going to clock in for the day.

He moved out of the back and went to where his cart was, pulling out as he hummed softly. He walked into the elevator and road it up to the first floor that he would start on. He walked down the hallway and began to work. He spent time cleaning up the various rooms and giving each room, that needed them, more amenities. He worked for the next few hours, occasionally pausing and talking with some of the guests that were staying in the various rooms.

Once he was near lunch time, he pulled out his phone and sent a text to SMG3, saying that he'd be upstairs shortly. SMG3 replied a minute later with a thumbs up emoji. SMG4 smiled and pocketed his phone before moving on to the last room of the floor he was one. He walked over and gently knocked, not wanting to be rude and barge in if there was a guest in the room. He soon heard footsteps and saw the door swing open to reveal a man that seemed to tower over him, who was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. Long wet silver hair went down to his waist as piercing blue eyes stared down at SMG4.

"Can I help you?" He asked, his voice making SMG4 freeze up.

"Uh, do you need housekeeping?" SMG4 asked nervously, shaking a little bit, but breathed out a soft breath of air as the man moved to the side to let him in to work. He got to work with taking care of the trash in the small bin and sweeping the floor, seeing out of the corner of his eye that the man was using a different towel to dry off his hair. He looked over fully, watching the man's back as his arms moved to dry his hair. The man's physique was impressive, damn near sculpted, SMG4 let his eyes linger a minute.

"See something you like?" The man spoke, making SMG4 flinch a little. He then noticed that the man was in front of a mirror, and could clearly see that SMG4 was staring at him the whole time.

"S-Sorry sorry, sir. I'll just finish up quickly." SMG4 squeaked out, his face flushed in embarrassment at being caught staring. He quickly finished his cleaning and put his supplies back on the cart. "Is there, uh, anything else you need before I leave, sir?" SMG4 asked, hoping to just get out of the room as fast as possible as he didn't want to make things anymore awkward than need be.

The man, who was maybe a foot or two away, stepped closer, making SMG4 step back and end up pressing himself against the wall near the opening of the door. The man placed his forearm above SMG4's head, leaning down so that he was a bit more level with the shorter man.

"You know, I wasn't upset that you were checking me out earlier. I was flattered that you thought I was attractive enough to stare at." He said, his voice low with a small smirk playing on his lips. SMG4 swallowed hard as his face flushed.

"I-I uh..." He couldn't find the words to speak out.

"I'm gonna be a few days. So maybe when you get off work, I could get you off." He said, his free hand reaching up and gently grasping SMG4's chin, tilting it up and rubbing his thumb over the other's bottom lip. "More than once."

SMG4 turned a bright red and tried to speak when he happened to hear SMG3 calling for him from the hallway.

"Yo! SMG4, what's taking you so lo-" SMG3 stopped as he saw from the open doorway the scene between the two men.

SMG4 noticed that SMG3 seemed to go white as a sheet and his eyes dilated. It seemed like he was almost afraid of something. Before SMG4 could even respond, SMG3 took off like a bullet, back down the hallway towards the elevators that he came from. SMG4 was immediately concerned, pulling away from the man and grabbing his cart. "Gotta go, sorry!" He said quickly as he peeled out of the room.

He practically threw the cart into the closet before racing to the elevator, seeing it was stopped back up at SMG3's office. He called it down, got inside of it and road it all the way up.

'Three, please be okay.' He thought as he saw the elevator doors finally open up.

A Debt to Repay (SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now