Performance Review

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Time seemed to go on as normal, SMG4 working his shifts and chatting with some of the other staff in passing. He even got to be real good friends with some of them. Meggy had been really supportive of him trying to score a date with Saiko, but the latter turned him down, which he respected even if he was a little crushed. Thankfully, Meggy didn't let him drink his sorrows away that night and instead talked him through it.

The others in the casino were very nice as well. There was Karen, who was the manager over the coffee shop and was Axol's direct boss, who informed him he was allowed to have a free cup of coffee every shift he worked. As for Axol, he was currently in the hospital due to getting hit with debris from Mario's rampage, which SMG4 sent some apology flowers when he had the money to spare. The gift shop cashier, Melony, was upset that Axol was in the hospital and would visit him every day to make sure he was okay and gave everyone an update on his condition.

Even Chris and Swag were pretty okay once you got used to Swag's antics and that Chris was pretty much his babysitter. Maybe SMG4 could actually continue to work here after the debt was paid off, if SMG3 would let him keep his job. As he was pushing his cart down the hallway to get back to the elevators, he saw his boss come around the corner.

"Hey, SMG4, mind putting the cart up and coming up to the office with me?" SMG3 asked, making the other nod and move to go put the cart in the closet. He followed SMG3 into the elevator and rode it up with him to the top floor. He walked inside and over to the doors to the office. "Have a seat." SMG3 said as he got behind his desk to sit down.

"So, what did you want to talk with me about?" SMG4 asked as he sat down in front of the desk.

"I just wanted to go over a performance review with you, and discuss some possible issues that may be happening." SMG3 said as he pulled out some paperwork. "So you've been here about a month now. How are you feeling with the duties that you've been given? Do you feel confident with doing everything by yourself?"

"I mean, yeah. I guess. It is just work."

SMG3 wrote that down. "And you know all of the equipment you're supposed to use?"

"Yeah, I was shown properly." SMG4 said simply.

"Okay, I've had a couple issues come up with your cleaning abilities. Someone found a pair of dirty underwear tucked underneath the bed sheets." SMG4 looked disgusted at that revelation.

"Eww. Look, I don't know how they got there because I strip the linens after each guest leaves, you know that." SMG4 stated.

"I'm just letting you know that because there could be an instance where they're left in the sheets and you throw the underwear in with the rest of the linens."

"I'm not throwing stained underwear in the machines with the sheets." SMG4 stated as he leaned forward in his seat.

"Good, just keep an eye out for it." SMG3 continued on with the review, making SMG4 internally groan. Though, he stopped his thoughts as he felt a gentle nudge to his leg. He looked down in confusion and spotted an egg shaped animal with a dog face on it pressing against him. He smiled gently and gave it a few pats to the head. "Hey, are you even listening?" SMG3 questioned in an annoyed tone, making SMG4 looking up.

"Sorry, this little guy here distracted me." SMG4 admitted as he gently picked up the small creature to show SMG3. SMG4 noticed SMG3 went from mild annoyance to his features softening.

"Aww, sorry Eggdog, I'll play with you after I'm done talking with SMG4 okay?" He said in a loving tone which surprised SMG4, never having heard the other speak like that before. Eggdog yipped and hopped off of SMG4's lap before going to lay down in a nearby dog bed. "Sorry about him. I've been working longer hours lately and I didn't want to leave him alone by himself." SMG3 admitted, making the other nod before getting an idea.

"Hey, I have a little guy at home too." SMG4 said as he pulled out his phone and showed SMG3 some pictures of BEEG. "Maybe we could organize a playdate for the two of them." SMG4 suggested before he was given his phone back.

"Maybe. How about we discuss that after the review okay?" SMG3 said and SMG4 agreed with him. The review went a bit more smoothly after that, and thankfully wasn't as harsh as when it first started. It was more relaxed and SMG4 managed to voice his own concerns about some the equipment starting to malfunction. Thankfully, it ended pretty well.

"Okay, since the review is over, you want to discuss playdates?" SMG4 asked as he smiled.

"Of course. I normally give you Saturday's off, we could do one the next coming week if that's cool with you." SMG3 suggested as he looked at his employee.

"I don't really have an plans when I'm off so, sure. Next Saturday should work perfectly. Did you have anything in mind for what we should do with them?" SMG4 asked as he stood up from his chair.

"How about we just go walking around the mall for a bit? Sound good?" SMG3 said as he scribbled something down on a piece of paper.

"Sounds good to me." SMG4 replied before he was handed the paper that SMG3 had wrote on.

"Here's my number in case something comes up and we need to reschedule." SMG4 pocketed the new phone number.

"I'll send a text later to make sure you have my number too. See you later." SMG4 said before stepping out of the office to go back to work. He returned to the floor he was previously on and got the cart out to begin his cleaning once again. He paused a brief moment and pulled the phone number out of his pocket. He input the number into his contacts before putting it away again. He sighed softly, pushing the cart to the next room. He knocked first, and when he received no answer, he opened the door. He knew this room had just been vacated so he would need to deep clean it. He started by stripping the sheets, and underneath he found a pair of underwear, with a note attached to them. He picked up the note and read it. 'Just wanted to make sure you're paying attention ;) From SMG3'. SMG4 chuckled a little bit and rolled his eyes as he picked up the rest of the room.

A Debt to Repay (SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now