Between Life and Death, I Choose Love

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'My answer is yes.'

SMG3 felt himself grow weak after his answer to SMG4, he noticed his own light fading in and out as he tried to fight off the feeling of passing out. He was unsure how this could happen, as he was already in a coma, but he didn't have time to think things through as he was being spoken to by a disembodied voice.

"SMG3, awaken my child."

SMG3 felt his body being incredibly light as he sat up, rubbing his head for a moment before looking around the place, seeing no identifiable markers of the world that he had just been in. Only empty blackness. He looked for the source of the voice, carefully standing up and stepping forward, walking on ahead.

"SMG3, do you know why you're here?" The voice asked again, to which SMG3 clenched his fist as he spun around to try and find the person speaking to him.

"Come out and face me!" SMG3 spoke, a little surprised to hear his voice. For the first time in months, he was finally able to speak again. He was glad to finally use his voice to speak all of the thoughts that he had couldn't say before.

"I will choose a suitable form so as to not scare you with my true visage." The voice spoke before SMG3 felt a tap on his shoulder. SMG3 turned around, and much to his surprise, saw SMG4 standing before him. "Will this form work?" SMG4 sneered as he heard the question, whatever it was had used SMG4's voice and it made SMG3's skin crawl.

"No. No way. You will not use him to talk to me." SMG3 stated before the being sighed.

"Very well, I will change to something a bit more appealing." The being said before it snapped its fingers and changed before SMG3, morphing its body until it decided to look like Meggy. "Is this better?" Its voice sounded just like Meggy. SMG3 really hated that it was using the people he cared about, Meggy was a close friend after all, but he was glad that it wasn't SMG4 anymore.

"No, but it's better than you looking and sounding like Four." SMG3 stated as he looked at the thing wearing a Meggy skin. This was all surreal. "Who or what are you?"

"I go by many names, but God would suffice to make it easier for you." He, or rather she, said as she placed a hand on SMG3's shoulder. SMG3 looked at the hand and brushed it off of him.

"Alright then, God, why are you even here?" SMG3 questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

"My child, I am offering to bring you to heaven."

"Look, those other holy tax accountants already tried their hand at getting my soul, and I'm not budging." SMG3 stated as he squinted at his creator.

A sigh came from the other. "You must understand that this is your last chance to enter heaven. The gates only stay open for willing souls for so long." She said as she stepped forward. "If you choose to stay here, there will be nothing for all eternity. Don't you want a guarantee of a beautiful and peaceful afterlife?" She said, waving her hand and letting the scenery change to a sunny landscape to show him what he'd be getting. The world was a little bare with only green grass and a blue sky. "You are allowed complete control over your own heaven, anything your heart desires you can think it and it will show itself to you."

SMG3 looked around and frowned as he knew it would be lonely here. He looked down at his shoes and wished SMG4 was here. He looked back up upon feeling someone caress his cheek. He looked up and saw familiar looking blue eyes staring at him. It was SMG4, at least what SMG3's mind made up for him. He sighed softly. "But, I won't really have him with me." SMG3 said as the imitation SMG4 disappeared from his sight.

"Not until he passes away." God said as she moved in front of him.

"But that won't be for decades. I can't let him be alone like I was." SMG3 said as he looked at her, the scenery fading back to black.

"You are choosing to face eternal darkness and possible corruption over simply waiting for your lover to die and getting a guaranteed way to see him?"

"I don't expect you to understand my choice. I never felt this way about anyone else before, and for me to not even try to fight to be with him would be idiotic." SMG3 stated, clenching his fists tightly as he glared at God. "So if that means telling God themself to piss off, then so be it. I'm not going to heaven without Four." He said as he looked at God. Her expression was neutral and unreadable, and for a brief moment SMG3 wondered if he was about to get smited. 

She simply nodded her head as she snapped her fingers, a door appearing beside them. "I would consider it your lucky day then. Someone has given you another chance at life. Head through that door and you will return to your normal life." She said as SMG3 reached for the door handle. If this was his chance to get back, he was gonna take it. He opened the door and began to step through, hearing beeping sounds and seeing bright lights up ahead.

"Until we meet again, SMG3."




SMG3 slowly opened his eyes up as he slowly adjusted to the fluorescent lights, taking a few moments before registering that a nurse was in the room and messing with something around his chest. It took the nurse a moment before realizing SMG3 was awake, making her jump.

"Oh my, you startled me. I didn't expect you to be awake so soon. Let me just finish changing your bandages and I'll get that tube out of your throat." She replied as she skillfully moved her hands to finish up with the bandages. Once she was done, she moved her hands to turn off the ventilator before removing the endotracheal tube from his throat slowly. Once out, SMG3 cough and breathed, his mouth dry. The nurse picked up a water pitcher and poured him a glass, sticking a straw in and holding it up to SMG3's lips so he could drink.

Once he got his fill, he stopped and looked up at the nurse, hoping to get some answers. The nurse set the glass down. "You are very lucky to have survived that fall, we were all hoping that you would pull through." She said as she grabbed her clipboard to record his vitals. "One of your ribs punctured your heart and you were put on a list to await a donor. We were only just recently able to receive a donor heart that matched your blood type." She said before looking back at him. "You've been in a coma for almost ten months, sir." She said, making SMG3 blink as she finished up with her duties. "I will be back shortly." She said before she left the room.

SMG3 internally sighed before looking up at the ceiling. He wanted to see SMG4. He looked over at the door as he heard it open again, hoping it was actually his lover visiting, only to see Meggy and Mario enter the room. Meggy immediately went over to SMG3 and smiled. "SMG3, you're awake!" She stated as she teared up, so glad to see him finally awake after so long. She wanted to hug him, but she knew better than to risk anything on her touching the bandages and infecting him.

"We need to celebrate when you can leave!" Mario said as he smiled at him.

SMG3 looked behind them, and Meggy followed his gaze for a moment before looking back at SMG3 with a small frown. "Are you looking for SMG4?" She asked, and when she only got a simple concerned stare back at him, she sighed. She opened her mouth to say something, but Mario was the first to speak up.

"Who do you think gave you the heart?"

A Debt to Repay (SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now