Catch Me If I Fall

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SMG4 felt his heart stop for a moment as he heard Meggy tell him what SMG3 planned to do and he looked at SMG1 and SMG2. "I need a ride to the casino! Now!" He said, making SMG1 and SMG2 immediately head to the car, getting in and speeding off to the casino. SMG1 pulled out the magnetic red and blue flasher and put it on top of his car, flipping it on so other cars would get out of their way. "Meggy, please tell me he's okay! Please!" SMG4 begged as he felt like he was gonna pass out or throw up.

"He's standing in his office, the window is broken and he's at the edge! Please just hurry! I don't know if he'll jump or not!" Meggy said in a panicked state. "The others are trying to talk him down right now but they can't get into the office!"

"Please keep trying and I'll be there as soon as possible!" SMG4 said as he gripped his phone.

"Four, before I hang up, I need to be honest with you! After SMG3 broke your heart, Mario and I went to confront him and he told us the truth! He told us to lie to you to protect you!"

SMG4 nearly fell on to his side as SMG1 rounded a corner. "I already know about the blackmailing!"

"He was being blackmailed?! He just told Mario and I that he felt that he wasn't good enough for you and didn't want you to wait around for him and waste your life!" Meggy stated. "He seemed genuine it may have been the truth too!"

"What?! I would have waited a hundred years for him to be okay with dating me!" SMG4 confessed as he kept himself upright at the next turn. "Look, I know he loves me and I love him still, and I am not willing to lose him forever! Just keep trying to get him away from the ledge!" He said before hanging up, the car suddenly jolting to a stop. "Why did we stop?!"

"Traffic jam up ahead! We can't move through!" SMG2 stated before SMG4 opened the door. "What are you doing?!"

"I'll meet you at the casino!" SMG4 yelled before he began to run through the freezing cold rain, his heart pounding so loud he could practically hear it in his own ears. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him, not stopping for even a moment until he saw the lights of the casino coming into view. His eyes widened as he looked up, the rain slowly stopping to provide better visual, which resulted in him barely seeing SMG3 at the ledge of his window before sprinting inside.

He went over to the elevator and mashed the button a few times before the doors opened. He ran in and hit the button for the office. He was anxious and breathing hard as he tried calm himself. He'd talk SMG3 away from the edge and they can both go home together. He wasn't gonna risk having him fall by rushing him. The doors reopened and he ran to the office doors, passing some of his former coworkers. He tried the door and found something was blocking it. He used all of his strength to push it open, finding that it was blocked by a desk.

"You guys stay out here and let me talk to him." SMG4 said before walking in and closing the door behind him. He stepped around the desk and walked over to where SMG3 was, but kept a small distance between them. "Three."

SMG3 turned his head towards the person that called his name and went wide eyed. "Four...? What are you doing here...?" He said, his words slightly slurred making SMG4 realize he was a little intoxicated.

"I came because Meggy told me you may jump. Please, step away from the edge and let's just talk." SMG4 said, trying to remain calm enough to get him to step towards him.

SMG3 shook his head. "You shouldn't be here...You shouldn't even care about me..." He spoke softly as he looked back down at the ground outside.

"I do care about you Three, and I always will." SMG4 said, taking a hesitant step forward.

"Please just leave, it's not good for you to be with me..." SMG3 stated as he teared up.

"I know Niles was blackmailing you." SMG4 stated as he saw SMG3 tense up. "You don't have to worry about him anymore. SMG1 and SMG2 arrested him a little while ago." He said, taking one more step. He only had a few more steps to go until he could safely grab SMG3 away from the broken window.

"He...He's really gone...?" He said in a hesitant voice, afraid of this just being a cruel joke.

"He is. I promise." SMG4 said as he slowly moved closer yet again.

SMG3 looked at him, sniffling. "Did he show you anything...? Anything about what I did before...?" He asked, his voice wavering. SMG4 knew what the other was talking about, but he didn't want to risk him spiraling.

"No, he didn't." He lied as he looked into SMG3's eyes. He saw fear in them.

"Four, I'm a monster. I did a lot of bad stuff to a lot of people, all in the name of money. I can't imagine you seeing all of my demons." SMG3 said as SMG4 held out a hand for him to take.

"Whatever your demons are, I'll be with you the entire time to confront them. I love you, Three, and I always will." He said, still holding out his hand. SMG3 was hesitant, but as he took a few steps forward to accept SMG4's hand, the wind kicked up greatly, sending the papers in the room flying. Some of the papers began to go out the window, brushing past the duo. SMG3 stumbled as he was hit in the face and started to fall off the edge.

SMG4 immediately grabbed his wrist with his left hand as he fell, holding on to the broken glass covered window frame with his right hand. SMG4 felt like his left arm, which had only recently just come out of the cast, was on fire. His right hand was being shred apart by the glass. He breathed hard as he tried to focus on something other than the pain, he needed to pull SMG3 back in. "Guys! I need your help!" He yelled out to the people on the other side of the door.

SMG3 was breathing fast as he tried to focus on climbing back in with SMG4's help, but there was nothing to get a grip on with his feet, and his other hand was torn by the bottle he broke earlier. He looked up at SMG4 and saw his feet were slowly being scooted to the edge from trying to hold on to him. He knew that it was only a matter of time before the two of them both fell to their deaths. "You have to let me go!"

"I'm not gonna drop you! I can pull you up, just give me a moment!" SMG4 hissed as he heard the others try to open the door, but were having difficulty. Something about it being jammed and needing to bust down the door.

"This can't end with both of us dying! My life isn't important to anyone!"

"It is to me you idiot!" SMG4 said, feeling himself getting dragged closer to the edge as he could hear people pounding on the door to break it down. "Please just let me be able to save you this one time!" SMG4 cried out to him as he looked down at him. "I can't be without you again..." He whimpered as he teared up.

SMG3 stared up at him for a moment. "And I don't want to be without you either..." SMG3 said as he started to tear up himself.

"So please just hold on..." SMG4 said as he heard the door being cracked open as half of his feet dangled off of the edge from trying to hold his lover up. SMG4 stared down, his eyes connecting with SMG3's wine red eyes, it reminded him of why he fell so hard in love with the man to begin with. SMG3 looked right back into his eyes, those damn blue eyes he loved staring into so much, seeing them filled with tears hurt him greatly. Knowing what he had to do, he took in a deep breath and opened his mouth.

"Four, I love you."

A Debt to Repay (SMG34)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum