The Truth

395 21 4

SMG4 sighed as he looked up at the dark sky, seeing the rain pouring down and drenching the streets. He had to walk home in this, with no umbrella. He knew he was gonna get soaked by the time he got back to the motel, but he didn't exactly have any other choice. He flipped up the collar on his coat and began his trek back. He shivered as the cold rain hit his face, making him pull his coat closer to the center of his body. He soon saw a light approaching him from behind and turned to see a car slowly driving up to speed beside him.

The driver window rolled down. "Hey buddy, you need a lift?" He asked, which SMG4 was grateful for and nodded as the driver came to a stop.

"Please, and thank you." SMG4 said before hearing the doors being clicked to unlock. He soon got into the backseat and sighed.

"SMG4 is that you?" The passenger up front asked, moving to turn on the overhead light before the driver could drive off. SMG4 blinked at the brightness before his eyes adjusted, seeing SMG1 in the driver's seat and SMG2 in the passenger seat. He smiled at seeing his old friends that he used to game with.

"Oh, SMG1 and SMG2, it's good to see you guys." SMG4 said as he looked at them before SMG1 turned the light out so that he could go back to driving.

"It's good seeing you too, SMG4. I'm glad we bumped into you on our way back into town." SMG1 said as he drove down the road.

"Same, it's been awhile since we've seen each other. How's work been?" SMG4 asked making idle conversation.

"Well, we technically just got back from vacation." SMG2 pointed out. "But we are immediately jumping back into an old case of ours after we pick up something from a friend's house."

SMG1 nodded as he listened to his partner. "Yeah. We think the person that's blackmailing this friend of ours is the same person that's connected to a few homicides...including Spudnick's." He said, his voice laced with anger and hurt. SMG2 frowned and reached over, rubbing SMG1's shoulder gently. SMG4 frowned a little as he remembered what had happened.




Spudnick was SMG1 and SMG2's mentor in the police academy, and really was the only one on the force that actually believed in the two of them when everyone else there didn't. They became incredibly close, almost like family. When SMG1 and SMG2 were out on patrol about five years ago, they got a distressing message over the radio from Spudnick about shots fired and there being an officer down. They got the address from him and sped off down the road to go help.

They heard the gunshots as they got closer to a warehouse, jumping out of the car when they were close. They ran inside, scoping the room and finding an officer on the ground. SMG2 walked over and checked for a pulse, shaking his head before hearing another gunshot ring out from upstairs. The duo looked at one another before quietly heading upstairs, pushing open a door they found Spudnick in a corner, sitting in a pool of his own blood.

SMG2 was the first to rush to his mentor's side, hoping to see if he was still alive. "Spudnick!" He yelled, tearing up as he tried in vain to wake him up.

"Two, get back here!" SMG1 yelled before he saw the glint of something shiny catch his eye. It was a gun that was catching the moonlight, and someone was aiming it at his partner. SMG1 rushed forward, jumping in front of SMG2 and taking a bullet in his leg. SMG1 yelled in pain as SMG2 spun around and fired into the darkness, but hit nothing as his magazine was soon emptied. The two saw someone go to the window, their eye a bright red with a white zero in it glaring at them before jumping out the window.

"Go after them!" SMG1 yelled at SMG2 as he tried to stop his leg from bleeding out.

"I can't just leave you like this!" SMG2 stated, removing his jacket and pressing it against the open wound.

"I'll be fine, you need to get them before they get away!" SMG1 hissed in pain as SMG2 kept the jacket in place with pressure.

"No, I can't let you die too!" SMG2 stated before hearing sirens blaring in the distance, letting them know that back up had finally arrived.




"If this is the same guy that killed Spudnick, I don't know if I'll be able to stop myself from doing something I may regret." SMG1 said as he rubbed his leg, the shot had damaged some nerves so he had pains every once in awhile.

SMG4 frowned and looked at SMG1. "I hope you get this guy." He said before seeing the familiar road they were on, but didn't question it much as the two in the front said they had to get something from a friend.

"We hope so too." SMG1 said before turning a corner.

SMG2 sighed. "I feel really bad for our friend right now though. He had to push away the man he loves because his blackmailer threatened to hurt him."

SMG1 nodded. "And right after his love confession too. I probably would have done the same if it meant keeping them safe." He said before pulling into the driveway of SMG3's house. "We'll drop you off after this."

SMG4 was surprised about where they had stopped. "Hold on, how do you know SMG3?"

"He's a friend of ours, we met him after he helped tip us off about some shady character at his casino. Turns out the guy was an arsonist and was planning to burn the casino down if we hadn't arrived." SMG1 stated.

"Wait, you know SMG3 too?" SMG2 asked as he looked at SMG4 with a bit of confusion.

"I was the guy you two were talking about...The one who told SMG3 he was in love with him." SMG4 said softly as the two in front of him looked shocked. It all made sense to SMG4 now. SMG3 suddenly acting like a dick when he told him he loved him, pushing him away and saying all of those hurtful words. None of it was how SMG3 actually felt. SMG3 loved him back but was just scared of someone hurting him.

No wonder he punched out Niles and told him to stay away from him. It took him a moment to think back on how SMG3 really acted that night. 'Wait, that didn't really seem like jealousy. That seemed more like protectiveness.' SMG4 soon got a very bad thought in his head as he looked at SMG1 and SMG2 with wide eyes.

"Did he happen to say who was blackmailing him?"

A Debt to Repay (SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now