Sleepy Thanksgiving

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It had been about a week since SMG3 had told SMG4 about what had happened to him a few years ago, and while it felt good to be out in the open about things, SMG3 couldn't help but to feel exhausted about the sleepless nights he was getting from the nightmares he was having. Dredging up his past definitely had an affect on his ability to sleep soundly. He had stayed up late the past two nights, just wanting to make some food for the employees that chose to work at his casino that day. He also didn't really wanna relive the horrors each night in his dreams.

He had made nearly everything from the turkey to the mashed potatoes to the gravy and even a special spiced rum cake. He had a lot of food to transport, but thankfully he had enough room in the car, and that the majority of it was in aluminum containers. The turkey included as he had sliced it before hand. SMG3 heaved a sigh as the last aluminum tray went into the warmed up car.

SMG4 came around with a small dish of his own. "Hey, hope you don't mind, I just put some cranberry sauce in a pan to take with." He said as SMG3 smiled.

"Yeah, no problem. Just put it in the backseat. I'm also gonna need you to hold something as I drive." SMG3 said as he went back in the house for the cake that he had made, which was in a glass cake carrier. SMG4 got in the passenger seat and looked at the cake as it was handed to him in surprise.

"Wow, you made this? It looks really good." SMG4 commented as SMG3 got into the driver's seat, feeling a sense of pride.

"Of course I did. Took a lot of time to perfect that too. Bundt pans aren't easy to work with you know." He said as he buckled in and began to drive to the casino.

"Honestly, you've been making me really hungry throughout the night. Everything just smelled so good." SMG4 said before hearing SMG3 yawn, to which SMG4 yawned. "And you've also made me worried, I know you've been up really late and haven't been getting much sleep." SMG3 sighed and shook his head.

"Don't worry dude, I used to get less sleep than this." 

"You know that's not good for you." SMG4 said

"I know but I'm fine, Four. Just chill out." SMG3 said, a bit harsh but it did get SMG4 to shut up for a little while. Once they arrived at the casino, they got out and began to go unload the food into the break room. They set up the food and smiled once it was all done.

"I'll go round everyone up so that they can get some of the food while it's still hot." SMG4 said as he left the break room, taking a look around the large casino, seeing it practically empty except a few people that had nothing better to do today. SMG4 gathered up the others, bringing them to the break room.

There were six others in total, Meggy, Melony, Swag, Chris, Axol, and even the repair girl Tari joined in on the feast. It was nice to have a sort of big group of people just sitting around, eating and laughing together. SMG4 loved how all of it sort of felt like a big and weird family get together with everyone here. They all ate their fill and still had plenty left over for people to take home with them if they wanted any of it.

SMG4 was telling a joke's punchline when he felt something fall against his shoulder. Or rather someone. He turned his head and saw that SMG3 had fallen asleep against him. He smiled slightly and let him rest against him.

"Aww, how cute." Tari said as she looked at the two of them, making SMG4 blush.

"He hasn't been sleeping that well lately, I think I'm gonna take him up to his office to let him rest." SMG4 said as he looked at SMG3, before carefully moving and picking him up, supporting his back and legs.

"I don't know, seems kind of ga-" Swag was cut off as Chris shoved a piece of the rum back into his mouth to silence him. Once the two men had left the room, the others began to talk about SMG4 and SMG3's relationship status.

"They're totally dating." Meggy said as she looked happy at the others at the table.

"I think they're just friends. You can act like that and still be just friends with people." Tari pointed out.

"Guys, I don't think we should be discussing their relationship. It seems wrong." Axol said to them as he shook his head.

"I hope they love each other like you and I do, Axol." Melony said as she moved and hugged her boyfriend's arm, making him blush.

Upstairs, SMG4 got to the office floor and stepped off, heading to the the door and carefully opened it. He walked over to the loveseat couch in the room, after kicking the door closed behind him with his foot. He carefully sat down with SMG3 in his lap, yawning softly. Maybe he could use a nap too. He shifted so that the two of them could lay down on the couch together. He let SMG3 lay down on top of him and he instinctively wrapped an arm around him. SMG3 gently nuzzled his face into SMG4's shoulder, getting more comfortable in his sleep.

SMG4 smiled, softly rubbing his side as he enjoyed the closeness the two of them shared. SMG4 yawned once more before closing his eyes and slowly falling asleep.

About an hour later, SMG3 slowly awoke to find himself on top of SMG4, and the other sleeping underneath him. He felt an odd warmness in his chest and smiled a little. He rested his head on SMG4's chest, listening to his heartbeat and how steady of a rhythm it had. It had a very calming affect on him.

SMG3 shifted slightly, looking up at SMG4's sleeping face. It was so calm, so soft and relaxed. He felt himself leaning up closer to the other's face. He was unsure why he was leaning up, or what he was planning to do once he was so close, but he just felt the need to be close. He reached up and slowly moved his hand up, brushing a few locks of hair out from in front of his face.

His fingers lingered on his face, his eyes fixated on his lips. He bit the inside of his cheek a moment before slowly leaning down, wanting to kiss him. Well, that was the plan if not for SMG4 snoring all of a sudden, scaring the crap out of SMG3 and making him fall off of the couch. With a soft whump, he groaned a little, before seeing SMG4 reaching up and rubbing his eyes.

"Three...? What are you doing on the floor...?" He asked with a sleep laced voice that made SMG3 a little turned on, but his sarcasm got the better of him.

"Oh gee, you know, hunting for elephants." He rolled his eyes. "You knocked me off of the couch, you baka." SMG3 stated as he sat up straight.

"Crap, sorry Three." SMG4 sat up, helping SMG3 back on to the couch. "Did you at least sleep well?"

SMG3 smiled a little bit. "Yeah, I actually did this time."

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