Uh, Surprise?

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SMG4 hummed softly as he made himself busy with wrapping up a present for SMG3, as it was his birthday today. The two had known each other for a few months now, and everything seemed idyllic between the two of them. If he didn't know any better he'd swear they were dating. SMG4 shook the thought away, there's no way that SMG3 would be interested in him like that. He soon finished wrapping the gift and moved to place it in the living room on the coffee table next to a card from BEEG and Eggdog. The room was decorated with balloons and streamers, even a banner that said "Happy Birthday" on it.

SMG3 looked at the clock, seeing that he was gonna be home soon from work. He went into the kitchen and opened the fridge, double checking that the cake he had ordered was still perfect looking. He had ordered a dark chocolate raspberry mousse cake from a local bakery, since he couldn't exactly bake, and he planned on ordering take out from SMG3's favorite restaurant so that he could have a good birthday. He shut the fridge and moved to go get a glass of water when he heard his phone ringing. He blinked and grabbed it, seeing it was Axol calling.

"Hello?" SMG4 answered, wondering why Axol of all people were calling him.

"Hey, SMG4, do you mind coming to the casino? Something happened, and I think you may be the only one to clear this up." He said, his voice laced with worry and concern.

"What happened?" SMG4 said, moving to get his shoes and coat on immediately.

"I can tell you when you get here, but please just hurry. I don't know how long SMG3 can hold on for." Hearing SMG3's name being mentioned, SMG4 immediately rushed outside to get to the casino as fast as possible.

"He's not hurt right?" SMG4 questioned as he ran down the street.

"Not exactly, but he's locked himself in one of the supply closets right now."

"Crap, I'll be there as soon as I can. Just make sure he's okay." He said before hanging up, sprinting as fast as his legs could carry him. 'Hang on Three, I'm coming.' He ran for about ten minutes until the casino was in full view of him. He panted hard as he ran through the doors, seeing a small crowd of his coworkers gathered around. He moved through them and saw them standing in front of a supply closet. He looked at Axol, and before he could even question what was going on, he was suddenly hugged from behind.

He looked at who was hugging him and saw it was Mario. "SMG4! You're safe now!" Mario cried as he held on tightly to his friend. SMG4 blinked and wondered what the hell was going on with him and why he was here. Then he saw the looks of the others. Anger, worry, fear. He wondered what had happened. "Mario will never let you get hurt again!"

"Woah hold on! I'm not hurt! What's going on?!" SMG4 demanded before hearing a soft click from behind him. He turned his head to see the supply closet door open a little, just barely seeing SMG3 through the gap.

"Four...?" He heard his name and immediately pulled away from Mario, stepping closer to the door.

"Three, I'm here. Come out of the closet, please." SMG4 said softly, the door opening more, allowing SMG3 to be fully seen. SMG4's eyes widened in shock as he saw the damage done to SMG3. He had a small cut above his right eyebrow, his lower lip was split open and he had the beginnings of a bruise forming on his cheek. Before SMG4 could get closer and make sure he was okay otherwise, Mario came around and kicked him away.

SMG4 freaked out, glaring at Mario. "What the hell is your problem, Mario?!" He yelled at him, shoving his friend away before moving to kneel beside SMG3, who had now been knocked out. He glared at the others around him. "Someone wanna tell me why Three is so busted up?!" He demanded an answer from them all, clearly angry. Axol stepped forward and began to explain what had happened.

A Debt to Repay (SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now