A Very Kinky Christmas

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((Author's note: Hey guys, it's time for another SMUT chapter! Second verse, same as the first. If you are uncomfortable with anything like this then I suggest you just skip to the next chapter.))

"Remind me again on why you decided on an open bar for the Christmas party?" SMG4 questioned as he walked, or more so stumbled through the front door of the house as they were working on holding each other up.

"Thought it would be fun." SMG3 giggled as he walked through the door, leaning against SMG4. "And it was fun." He said as he laughed softly at what happened. They were both slightly drunk but not hammered thankfully. They had gotten into the house at about two in the morning, and they would have to set the presents out for their kids. They moved quietly as they could, getting the presents out of their secret hiding place before setting them up underneath the brightly lit tree. They finished and stumbled over to the couch, laying down on the couch together.

Before the two of them knew it, they had both fallen asleep against each other. In the morning, they had discovered that someone had laid a blanket over their laps and looked to see their kids were simply waiting for them to wake up. SMG4 yawned and rubbed his eyes, sitting up alongside SMG3. "Morning guys, were you waiting for us to wake up for very long?" SMG4 asked as he saw the two of them looking at them. BEEG let out a noise and moved to go get at his presents.

SMG4 smiled and moved to help sort out the presents, setting their respective presents in front of them before sitting back down beside SMG3 on the couch. They watched the kids open all of their gifts before the kids brought over their gifts. They smiled and opened the gifts from the kids, getting something hand made from them and loving the items so much. Of course, there was one more gift for each of them.

SMG4 handed over his wrapped box to SMG3. "Here, I got you something too." He said before he was handed his own box to open up.

"I got you something too. Hope you like it." SMG3 said before the two opened up their gifts at the same time. They both looked at their gifts and started laughing at the absurdity on what they both picked out. They picked up the tops in the box and looked at each other.

"How in the heck did we pick the same thing?" SMG4 chuckled as he looked at the blue silk pajama set in his box.

"I have no idea, but I do love it. Thank you, Four." He said as he looked at his own pair of purple silk pajamas. The two were smiling happily as they moved to put the pajamas away. The kids were playing together with their new toys and the adults watched some movies until dinner time. They all sat down to a wonderful spread of food, and soon enough, it was time for the kids to be tucked into bed. As SMG3 was about to take Eggdog to put in his own little bed, SMG4 stopped him.

"Hey, maybe we could put the kids in the same room tonight? I kind of have one more present to give you. A private one." SMG4 said, which made SMG3 grin. "Do you mind putting the kids to bed while I go prepare it?" SMG4 asked, which SMG3 agreed and carefully took hold of BEEG as well. He took the kids to the guest room and took his time with tucking them in so that SMG4 had plenty of time to get ready.

SMG3 made sure the two of them were asleep before quietly turning off the light and exiting the room. He made his way back to his room and opened the door, locking it behind him, but frowned as he didn't see SMG4, at least not until he saw the bathroom door open up. SMG4 stepped out into the room, only in a simple blue robe and a similar colored ribbon tied around his neck.

SMG3 had a feeling he knew where this was going, but wanted SMG4 to lead this. "Well, what's this?"

SMG4 gestured him over with one finger. "Your last present you have yet to unwrap." He said, making SMG3 walk over, gently pulling him closer by his hips. He lightly fiddled around with the robe's belt.

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