So Humiliating

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SMG4 was unsure of what type of hell he's gonna be put through with the outfits he'd have, but honestly he was gonna tough it out and not be a wuss about the bet. So after his defeat, he and SMG3 put BEEG and Eggdog in the mall's daycare for a little while, so as to not scar their kiddos too much. SMG3 dragged SMG4 out of the mall, and to the Spirit Halloween across the way for costumes. Though, it did make SMG4 remember that he did need a costume for Halloween later this month.

SMG3 led the other inside, looking around at the different costumes. "Hey, what size do you wear?" SMG3 asked as he looked through one of the racks of clothes.

"I typically wear a large, sometimes an extra large depending on the material." SMG4 said, looking around at the different props and decorations available. Though as SMG4 continued to look around, SMG3 managed to get the majority of the outfits he wanted SMG4 to wear, except for one which he couldn't figure out which one to choose.

"Gah, I managed to find six outfits for you, but I'm missing one!" SMG3 said in minor frustration as he came over with the bags of paid for costumes.

"Well, six isn't so bad." SMG4 said, thinking the other would give up at six instead of trying to find a seventh costume. SMG4 led him out of the store, wanting to head back to the mall so that they could get BEEG and Eggdog. At least that was the plan until SMG3 saw an erotica shop that advertised costumes.

"Actually, we could look in there too. Come on." SMG3 said, grabbing SMG4's wrist and leading him inside before he could even register what store they were going into. Once he realized what type of shop they were in, SMG4 turned a bright red.

"Dude, no way! I'm not wearing anything from here!" SMG4 stated in a low hiss as he pulled his wrist away.

"Quit being a brat when you agreed to the bet. Besides, you're acting like you've never been in an sex shop before." SMG3 stated.

"I haven't." SMG4 admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck. His eyes cast down to the floor as he avoided looking at the other.

"Oh, well, it's not that embarrassing. It's normal for people to come in and just look around." SMG3 said and led him to where the different outfits were. They were definitely sexual in nature and SMG4 was so worried SMG3 would find something for him to wear for one of the days. "Don't worry, I won't make you wear anything that you will have to insert into yourself." He teased, making SMG4 feel mortified about the whole thing. After awhile, SMG3 found the perfect outfit, with a little something extra that he bought for the purpose of the outfit.

When they were done, the two went back to the mall and collected BEEG and Eggdog. "I'll see you at work tomorrow. Feel free to pick whichever outfit you wanna wear first. I can't wait to see them on you." SMG3 chuckled, making SMG4 nervous. SMG3 bid SMG4 a farewell before the two of them went their separate ways.

-Day 1-

SMG4 would do his best to honor the bet and decided to go with the least embarrassing outfit that SMG3 had picked out for him for the first day. Which was a pair of cat ears and a clip on tail. This was probably the least embarrassing and more practical of the others. At least he didn't get too many comments on it from his coworkers, or the patrons. Though he did have SMG3 occasionally come by and rub his head or lightly pull his fake tail. So that was a fun day.

-Day 2-

A giant foot costume was worn by SMG4 on the second day which made working with cleaning things up a lot harder as he had to constantly duck under the doorways to enter rooms. He did hear someone ask him when he was gonna start an only fans for his feet. He didn't respond to that one.

-Day 3-

A clown costume was worn, complete with the big red nose that he thought was ridiculous. At least he got the tiniest bit of revenge towards SMG3 that day by making a bunch of terrible puns. He almost got smacked for the last one he said but thankfully it was time for him to clock out so he didn't have a be a clown any longer.

-Day 4-

People would think SMG4 had gone mental if they didn't know about the bet that he was in. A blue bathrobe, pink slippers and a wig with curlers in it. He looked like a grandma. Or the crazy homeless guy down the street. Neither of which helped him out for the day.

-Day 5-

A princess looking costume. By now his coworkers were used to his antics about dressing up so he wasn't getting too much flack from them. The only downside was that the outfit scratched him like crazy and made him feel itchy. He practically ripped the thing off when he got home.

-Day 6-

A giant inflatable baby costume. That was more than enough for it to ruin SMG4's day.

-Day 7-

SMG4 stared down at his last outfit of the week that he had to wear. A sexy French maid costume, complete with fishnets and a white lacey thong for him to wear underneath. This was the worst one to wear and he was still stuck wearing it no matter what. He swallowed hard and took in deep breaths as he dropped the towel he was wearing to put the clothes on. After getting them on, he secured the headband to his head and tried to adjust the rest of the clothes.

"How the hell do women wear thongs? I feel like I constantly have a wedgie." He mumbled before finally shifting to where it would be the least bothersome for him. He slipped on his shoes before taking in a deep breath and stepping outside. He walked to work, same as always, and walked inside the casino. He walked, immediately getting stared at by Chris and Swag as he walked passed them to go get clocked in for the day.

"Why can't you dress like that for me?" Swag asked.

"Shut up Swag." Chris replied.

SMG4 walked over to the time clock and punched in. Just as he was about to head off to go get his cart, he saw SMG3 pull up with it. "I figured that you could use this." He said, before SMG4 yanked the cart away.

"Thanks." He said lowly, looking away from him as he moved to go to the elevators to start his shift.

"Hold on." SMG3 gently grabbed SMG4's shoulder, gently spinning him around so that SMG4 was forced to lock eyes with his boss. "I want you to clean my office first."

((Author's note: Okay, so I hope you guys are enjoying this so far. I really wanna do a lemon/smut chapter next but I don't know exactly how far I can push it on Wattpad. If you guys could let me know if I should risk it that would be great. And if I can't do it here, you guys will have to wait until I get my AO3 account up and running so that I can post it there. I appreciate the feedback.))

A Debt to Repay (SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now