You Wanna Bet?

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Sleeping soundly in his bed, SMG4 was enjoying having the day off to sleep in and just relax for once, but was suddenly awoken by his phone's blaring ringtone. He sat up and quickly answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Dude, where the hell are you? We were supposed to meet at Wetzel's Pretzel fifteen minutes ago." Came SMG3's voice, sounding annoyed about the fact SMG4 was nowhere in sight. SMG4 looked at his alarm clock and went wide eyed as he realized he had overslept and was late.

"Oh holy crap, I'm sorry! I over slept! Give me a few minutes to throw some clothes on and brush my teeth and I'll be right there okay!" SMG4 jumped out of bed and was running around the place to get ready. He heard SMG3 sigh on the other end of the phone.

"Fine, but hurry up. I'm not gonna wait around all day." SMG3 said before the sound of the call ended, making SMG4 hurry the heck up with getting ready. Once he was all done, he grabbed a hold of BEEG and rushed out the door. "Ready to meet your new buddy, BEEG?" He asked, earning a noise of approval from him as his owner carried him down the street.

Once the mall was in sight, SMG4 slowed his run down to a speed walk, so he was able to catch his breath as he entered the large building, panting softly. He walked through to the center and soon found the duo that he was looking for sitting at a bench. Though, it was a bit of a shock to see SMG3 out of his suit, and instead just wearing a shirt with overalls and a cap. "Hey SMG3, I almost didn't recognize you out of your suit." SMG4 commented as he walked closer.

"Yeah, I just normally wear that for work. I got to look sharp at work. This is more of my comfortable outfit anyways." SMG3 said before sipping from his drink cup that he got from Wetzel's.

"At least I know we have the same taste in fashion." SMG4 joked before setting BEEG down on the ground near Eggdog. "BEEG, this is Eggdog, SMG3's pet." He introduced the two of them to each other. Eggdog looked at BEEG, giving a barking noise and the latter replying with his own noise. "Well, it seems like they like each other at least." SMG4 said with a small smile at SMG3. "So, did you just want to walk around aimlessly for a little bit with them?"

"Sure, I didn't exactly have anything planned out and figured we'd just play it by ear." SMG3 said before the four of them started to walk around. They went in a couple different shops, seeing all of the cool little collectibles that were available or the clothes that the two could dress their little buddies in. BEEG wasn't too happy though, and decided to show that displeasure by biting SMG4.

"Ow! Bad BEEG!" SMG4 said as he pulled his hand back as he saw SMG3 chuckling out of the corner of his eye. "What's so funny?" SMG4 questioned as he rubbed his hand gently from the pain.

"Dude, did you even feed him breakfast this morning?" SMG3 asked with a raised eyebrow and a smile to his face.

"No, I was kind of in a rush to get out here. I didn't even get a chance to eat." SMG4 admitted.

"Well no wonder BEEG bit your hand. He's probably starving." SMG3 said, getting a positive noise from BEEG. "It's lunch time anyway. How about we go to the food court and get some grub? We can resume our shopping afterwards."

"Sounds like a plan. I'd rather not have BEEG try to eat my hand again." SMG4 said, trying to make a light joke about getting attacked. They finished up in the store they were in before heading over to the food court, taking a moment before deciding to go to the Shake Shack to get something for them all. They each got an order of fries and chicken bites for their little ones while they got just some normal burgers and fries for themselves. Once situated at a table, the four of them began to dig into their food. After awhile of comfortable silence, SMG3 looked over and saw the mess on SMG4's face from the burger.

"Dude, you're covered in condiments, how did you manage that?" SMG3 questioned as SMG4 looked over at him mid bite. SMG3 picked up a napkin, setting his own burger down, so that he could clean up his companions face.

"SMG3, stop! I'm not a baby anymore! I can clean myself!"

"Evidently not you idiot!" SMG3 argued as he continued to clean up his face. Once done, he set the dirty napkin down and moved to go get another bite of his burger, until he felt something wet touch his cheek. He looked over and saw that SMG4 had just made a large swipe of ketchup on the side of his face with his fingers. "Why'd you do that?!" He asked as he wiped it off with a clean napkin. "Ugh, you got in in my beard." SMG3 said as he calmed down a little upon seeing other people staring.

"Maybe don't touch other people's faces when they don't want you to." SMG4 retorted as he looked at SMG3 before finishing off his burger. Once their, now awkward, meal was over, they threw the trash in the garbage and continued on their way through the mall. As they passed by an arcade, BEEG and Eggdog got excited and wanted to go in. Their owners decided it was probably a good idea to let them play a little. SMG4 gave BEEG a bit of money, and SMG3 did the same with Eggdog so that they could both go play.

SMG4 turned to walk around the arcade, but stopped as he saw an all too familiar game cabinet. "Holy crap, Super Smash Each Other in the Ass Bros! I haven't played this in forever!" He said as he walked over to the game, since no one was playing it. He looked around for a coin machine briefly before pulling out a couple of bucks, changing it into coins and heading back to the game. Of course, once he put the coins in, someone else saddled up beside him.

"Care for a bit of friendly competition?" SMG3 asked as he put his own coins in. SMG4 nodded and started up the game to get to the character selection screen. The two played for a few rounds, each of them getting so close to winning only for the other to just barely squeak out a win from under them. SMG3 eventually got mad at another close game that he lost. "Okay, that's it. One last game, let's bet on it." SMG3 stated as he looked at SMG4. "If you win, I'll take off five grand from your debt." SMG3 stated, making SMG4 go wide eyed, obviously wanting to win.

"And if I lose?" SMG4 asked, wanting to know what his punishment would be if he lost the next game.

SMG3 thought for a moment before grinning. "You have to wear whatever I tell you to for a week. I'll even be nice and buy your new outfits for you." He said. The look on his face made SMG4 nervous with what he had in mind, but with a chance to clear off a big portion of debt made him agree to the bet. They inserted more coins and began to have one last match. After a long and drawn out battle, the winner, with just a sliver of health left was....SMG3.

A Debt to Repay (SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now