Be My Valentine?

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"Remind me again why anyone celebrates this holiday? Or Sweetest Day for that matter?" SMG3 questioned as him and SMG4 were walking through the grocery store, seeing all of the flowers and the decorative chocolate boxes on display.

"Sounds like someone doesn't have a valentine." SMG4 teased a little, making SMG3 go a little red.

"Obviously not you idiot. I still wouldn't celebrate the holiday either way. It's a stupid holiday for schmucks to shill out extra money to brag about what they got their partner. It's a way for corporations to sucker people into paying more money otherwise people would just normally celebrate their anniversary." SMG3 stated as he picked up a carton of eggs to look at them.

SMG4 frowned a little. "It may be a bit silly but it can still be sweet." He said as he looked over at the cute little teddy bears that held a heart. He picked one up before bringing it over to SMG3. "Don't you want a valentine, Three?" He put on a voice and held up the bear to make it seem like the bear was talking.

SMG3 raised an eyebrow and looked at the other, obviously unamused. "I've survived this long without one, another year won't hurt." He said, making SMG4 put the bear back. SMG4 continued their grocery shopping routine. "But I guess I wouldn't stop the person I'm with if they wanted to celebrate it." SMG3 admitted quietly as they made their way to the check out counter. SMG4 looked at him and got a bit of an idea, one that he would set forward in motion tomorrow.

The next few days were uneventful, and by the time Valentine's Day rolled around, SMG3 had pretty much forgotten the incident in the grocery store. He was just finishing up payroll when someone knocked on his office door. "Come in." He said before looking up to see Chris come in with a bouquet of blood red roses.

"A delivery guy dropped these off, saying it was addressed to you." Chris said as he walked over, handing them over to a very surprised SMG3. "They look very nice." He commented before leaving the room. SMG3 was surprised, taking a look at the tiny card to check out who they were from. Aside from his name, the only thing it had written on there was 'Your Secret Admirer'.

SMG3 scratched his head as he tried to think of who could have sent him flowers. Hopefully it wasn't himself like he did the one time a few years back. That was cringe. He soon looked at the flowers and smiled a little. It felt nice to be cared about like this, even if he didn't know the person. He set the flowers aside and finished up payroll. He soon decided to call it a day and took hold of the flowers, heading downstairs.

When he reached the ground floor and began to walk to the parking garage, he was stopped by Melony. "Aww, you got flowers? That's so sweet." She said, clearly happy for SMG3. SMG3 looked down at the flowers and nodded.

"Yeah, don't know who got them for me though."

"Well, I hope you find out soon." Melony said before leaving.

SMG3 sighed and walked to the car, setting the bouquet down on the passenger seat and getting in. He drove back home and sighed softly. He took hold of the bouquet once more and sniffed them, inhaling their sweet scent. It was nice. He got out of the car, stepping over the freshly fallen snow and got into the house. He got his shoes off and was prepared to unwind from a long day when he smelled something burning.

"Ah! No no! It can't burn! It's gotta be perfect!" He heard SMG4 yelling from the kitchen. He walked around and looked to see SMG4 struggling with a slightly burnt pan. He watched him for a moment before walking over to help with the mess he made.

"Three, you're home early." SMG4 commented as he looked at the other with slightly wide eyes.

"Only by an hour. What did you burn?" SMG3 asked as he looked at the food.

"I tried to cook salmon and ended up burning the skin on it." SMG4 said with a frown.

"Well, the actual piece still looks good. Let's just get rid of the skin and get a different pan to finish it." SMG3 said as he removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves to help. The two worked together to finish making the dinner before setting it all at the table. SMG3 remembered the flowers and went to go get them into a vase. SMG4 looked over and smiled.

"Oh, you got the flowers I sent." SMG4 said, making SMG3 pause and look at him.

"You sent me the flowers?" SMG3 asked quietly as his facial expression softened.

"Yeah, just wanted you to feel like someone had a soft spot for you." SMG4 admitted, making SMG3 blush as he sat back down at the table to eat dinner with him.

"I appreciate the effort you went through for my sake." SMG3 said as he looked at him. SMG4 smiled and they ate their dinner while talking with one another about their day. After they were done, they gathered up the dishes and began to wash them.

"So, I remember a little bit more about New Years..." SMG4 said, making SMG3 immediately stop washing the dish in his hand to look at him.

"Oh yeah...? What do you remember...?" He asked, a little nervously.

"I remember convincing you to kiss me and actually kissing you, and that was it actually..." SMG4 admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck. SMG3 swallowed hard.

"And uh, you're telling me this why...?" He asked, waiting for something awful to happen. SMG4 stepped closer to him.

"Can I kiss you again...?" SMG4 asked, making SMG3 relax a little bit.

"I guess that would be okay." He said, before the other carefully took hold of his face in his hands. SMG4 leaned up, pressing his lips against SMG3's. The kiss was delicate and slow, their bodies moving closer to hold one another in an embrace. SMG4 kept his hands on SMG3's face, while SMG3 had his left hand rest on the small of SMG4's back and the other tangled in his messy hair.

They closed their eyes as their mouths moved against one another, the two never have been like this before. SMG4 took a step backwards, pulling SMG3 with him, until he was pressed against a wall. SMG4 felt like his heart was going to explode any moment, and he was certain that SMG3 could feel it too. SMG3 could feel something else too, something soft and wet poking against his lips. It took him a moment to realize that it was the other's tongue.

He hesitantly opened his mouth and allowed SMG4 access. SMG4 slipped his tongue inside the other man's mouth, slowly exploring where he could reach. SMG3 let him take his time, occasionally he would move his own tongue against the others. SMG3 made soft noises as the hand on SMG4's back moved lower to lightly grope his ass.

SMG4 let out a similar noise as he moved one hand down from SMG3's face to his torso. He slowly popped the top button of his shirt open, slowly working his way down. He moved his hand down, letting it come down to just above SMG3's knee, before slowly moving it back up the length of his inner thigh.

 It felt amazing, until the two needed to breathe. They pulled away, panting softly as they opened their eyes to look at each. Their cheeks were flushed red, and their eyes shown desire. They wanted more. SMG3 was the first to make a move, picking SMG4 up, the latter wrapping his legs around his waist, before the two headed off to the bedroom.

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