Lucy Bronze x Reader (44) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (6)

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Lucy finished rubbing the cream gently into her palms and turned them over, kissing her knuckles. She looked up and they shared that look that Jordan had seen often, the one where they shared their love with their eyes. It shifted slightly to a hint of melancholy at what Jordan could only assume was Lucy's upcoming flight home that morning. Lucy leant forwards to kiss her when Jordan's stomach growled loudly and they both spun to her. A moment of surprise was quickly overcome with sympathetic smiles.

"Morning Jords."

"Morning Dory," YFN untangled her body from Lucy's and came over to lean over the couch. Jordan laid back down and stretched. "Good sleep?"

"I think it's the best I'm going to get," she admitted.

"What time did you say you had to leave...?"

"I have to be at training by midday. I'm lucky Carla has given me that off to be fair."

YFN hummed. "Okay well you need to leave by 9:30. It's currently..." she looked at her watch. "...7:22, so we all have a few hours together."

Jordan rubbed her eyes again and yawned as she nodded. "What time is Lucy's flight?"

"She changed it to 1pm so she can come to work with me for a few hours and see the new office."

Jordan popped her head back up over the couch. "Don't you have a game tomorrow?"

Lucy nodded. "Yeah, but my knee is being a pain. Jonatan knows I work hard so I've only trained a few days this week to avoid straining it. I have a boxing class tonight though which will be my work out before the game."

"You're playing?"

"The full ninety if my knee can take it," she shrugged. "It's El Clasico, they'll have to drag me off."

Jordan chuckled and YFN rolled her eyes, giving Lucy a look. She didn't like it when she was in pain. "So we can all have breakfast together, if you want? Lucy's favourite around the corner?"

Jordan nodded as she wondered where Leah was. It was early. She would be up and on her way to the oval, perhaps. She was training again, close to playing so-

YFN's hand on her shoulder snapped her out of it. Jordan looked up at her. "How are you feeling about last night..?"

Of course, YFN had known what she was thinking about. She had that ability with people; she always knew what they were thinking. Jordan appreciated that because it meant she didn't have to speak her feelings so much, which was the reason she'd gotten so low in the first place. She looked over at Lucy who was silent, and listening to what she had to say.

"I'm...overwhelmed I think. I'm trying to understand what my feelings about it are. I just started to get better... to potentially move on and... this."

YFN nodded, understanding, and squeezed her shoulder. "What do you need right now?"

Jordan sighed. "I want to get back to what I know which is training for the game tomorrow."

"But what do you want...? In this moment? Before you go home and try to figure it all out?"

YFN looked like she already knew, and just wanted her to say. Jordan knew what she wanted. "What I want doesn-"

"None of that bullshit, Jords," she said. "What do you want?"

"It's stupid..."

"Nothing is stupid. Be honest with yourself."

"I don't know if I will ever trust her again or let myself be with her again. But right now, knowing what she did for me without me even realising... and finally knowing that we weren't broken after all... I just want to hug her. No talking, no awkwardness. I just want a Leah hug." Leah hugs were the best part of her day, something she missed. It was pure comfort for her. But she knew she couldn't have that-

Sunsets and footballersМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя