Chapter Eighteen - Love wins all

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The waiting was excruciating, I stood in the middle of the road tapping my foot anxiously against the gravel. Each moment waiting I didn't know what to expect, I just had to hope the flare wasn't bringing every monster in the close proximity to my location.

The faint whistling of the wind was slowly replaced with footsteps, the harsh treading of boots hammering against the ground. My neck twisted in all directions on panic mode, my eyes sticking to anything and everything until finally I saw him.

Carter was stood frozen in spot in the middle of the road, his lips slightly parted as he blinked overcautiously. The tears were a natural element in seeing him again, but I couldn't move and neither could he. His raven locks were glued to his scalp, his handsome face pale but still as adoring as ever, and them hazel eyes that I'd dreamed of every night as glossy as ever.

"Katie?" We were meters apart but still his voice was like music to my ears, the smile slowly indenting my face as he started walking towards me. His bag was discarded on the floor as well as mine when I started running to meet him in the middle.

Being near him again was like floating, the mere closeness of him slowly filling the cracks that were showing.  I jumped into his arms feeling his tight grip wrap around my waist, my head sinking into his neck as he held me as close as possible. I couldn't believe I doubted our luck, knowing what we would both do to get back to each other, we were inevitable. He was my reason for living.

I pulled back to take in his face keeping my legs locked around his waist "I can't believe you're here" I smiled watching as a few tears drifted from his cheeks and into his stubble.

"Did you really think I could go without finding you baby" His grin was wide as his eyes traced every detail of me, his hand releasing my waist only to rest on my cheek. I leaned into his touch, closing my eyes as his palm warmed me from the top down "I missed you so much" .

"Don't ever leave me again" My lip wobbled as I spoke, Carter nodded before crashing his lips onto mine with more force than ever before. We were both tired physically and mentally, but every movement against him was lighting me on fire. Each swipe was full of passion and hunger, it wasn't until we pulled apart and my eyes rested on him again that I really felt like I was home.

I always thought where ever we were safe was our home, but that was never true. Anywhere you find love or comfort is home.

"Is no one going to jump and kiss me?" Ben popped his head around with a huge grin plastered across his face.

"Ben" I gasped smiling over to him as he walked beside us "I've missed you but I'm not kissing you".

"Damn it" His laugh was pure until Carter turned to him with the prominent glare "it was a joke. I'm guessing you found Matt" I nodded jumping down from Carters waist but I didn't venture far with his arms still around me.

"No way" A woman's voice erupted from behind Ben, we all turned to see Maddie inching closer "I guess we all saw the flare".

Seeing her face me realise the boys didn't know about Brent yet, Maddie looked to me with an ashen face and I shook my head slightly looking back to the boys.

Ben was pulling Maddie in for a hug while Carter gave her a curt nod and smile "Where's Brent. I'm going to whoop his ass for making us look for him" Carter laughed before noticing the look on both us girls faces "What?".

"Where is he?" Ben added stopping at my feet.

My lip was already wobbling as the boys looked to me for the whereabouts of their friend, this was going to break them. "No" Bens hands were clenching at his sides as he looked to the brunette.

"He was bitten. Me and Maddie stayed with him until the end" Bens sob echoed the deserted road, and I felt my heart break. Carter was frozen to the spot, his body still but his lips shaking as he sucked in a breath. I cupped his face in my hands rubbing down his cheeks with my thumbs as the tears started to sink "I'm so sorry baby. He told me to tell you how much he loved you boys, you guys were like his brothers".

Carter opened his mouth to say something but the words didn't flow, I could feel his body losing energy each time he stayed mute and when he dropped to the floor on his knees I fell with him. Holding him as his body shook with grief and he finally let emotions free. Carter was tough, but at the same time closed off. Never did he show emotions like this and that's how I knew he'd changed the time apart.

"We didn't get to say goodbye" My husband whispered as he pulled his head from my chest, his puffy eyes drowning into my own.

"You still can" I pressed a chaste kiss to his forehead, brushing the stray hairs from his skin "I buried him around the block, I know it's not the same but you can still say goodbye" I looked over to Ben who was wrapped around Maddie, both of them lost in comforting each other "Both of you".

"Where's Hayley" Carters word were rushed "Please tell me she's still alive".

I nodded watching him letting out a sigh of relief "She's fine. Let's go do this, then we can get the reunions over and done with" I stood up pulling him up with me.

The three of them sat at the grave each of them letting their feelings sink into the dirt, I stayed back but close enough that Carter could reach his hands out to mine. As they spoke I realised the four of them were together the whole time and it gave me a sense of relief, knowing Carter wasn't alone these past weeks. Each of us had gone through the imaginable after the loss of our home and it wouldn't be an easy road from now on but at least we had each other.

We all had a choice to make a choice too, do we take a risk and sail to an island we don't know is real or do we try and rebuild another home.

Carter stood up and wrapped me in his hold, resting his chin at the top of his head as I breathed him in. "It feels whenever something good happens something bad cancels it out" he sighed as his hands rubbed down my sides.

"I know" I pulled back slightly to look up to him "But from now on, whatever happens we handle it together. For better or worse".

Carter smiled lightly leaning his forehead against mine "For better or worse. I love you Katie".

"I love you Lucifer".

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