The one with the warehouse - 36

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The last thing Michelle saw before a black cloth was put over her head was Anntonia on the ground, reaching out to her.

One moment, they were reviewing the land where the sanctuary will be built, the next thing Michelle knew was there was a document given to Anntonia, and all the color was drained from Anntonia's face.

And then one second, she heard a gun shot from behind her, but her reaction was too slow. She felt that Anntonia pushed her out of the way.

Michelle panicked as she saw the bullet hit Anntonia on her arm, instead of her.

Then there was an explosion, and Michelle thinks those are the cars that they used going there.

She was thrown off the ground with Anntonia, and they both crawled to each other. 

She felt her ears ringing, her head tingling but at that time, she didn't care. She wanted to reach Anntonia. She didn't know what to do, but her only plan was to hold her girlfriend, and shield her from everything. 

She wanted to protect her queen.

But the next thing Michelle knew was two man pulled her off from Anntonia just as she held her hand.

She tried fighting them off, but they were too strong for her. She was placed in a van and a cloth was put over her head, blocking her sight.

Her head was spinning. It may be from the explosion earlier, or maybe from the driving of whoever that is. Maybe it was because of her worry for Anntonia who was bleeding on the ground because she saw blood coming from her forehead and her arm.

After 20 minutes, Michelle felt the car stopped. She was pulled from the backseat out of the car, then lifted from the ground to be carried wherever they are.

She felt that her hands were now tied at her back, and heard a running water on her right.

The black cloth was pulled from her head and saw for the first time that they are in an abandoned warehouse.

A man who she thinks is very familiar smiled at her. "The princess is too easy. I expected more from her" He has a very heavy thai accent, but what he was saying was not hard to understand.

Michelle hissed in pain as she felt for the first time the cut on her cheek. She may got it from when she was thrown on the ground earlier.

"I expected her to be careful, but she was in the Philippines, roaming freely like she's not someone important in Thailand? You didn't know, did you?"

Slowly, Michelle realized who the man was. He was the same person who was the head of the security they met back in the Philippines. He was the man who talked to Anntonia in Thai when Anntonia saved a woman from a man holding a knife and was the head of the security.

"Because if you knew who she was, you might have ran off, or maybe at least , was more careful" He continued.

"Oh, where are my manners?" He said, laughing. "I'm Adisorn"

"Adisorn means son of Adam. My father is not Adam from the bible. But my father was a great man who would have had the throne if it wasn't for his brother, Anntonia's grandfather, the former king"

"You can say that Anntonia and I are related by blood" He continued. "Tell me about yourself, Michelle"

Michelle was just looking at him. And if looks could kill, he should be dead minutes ago. 

How could he talk to this man who endangered not just her life but also Anntonia.

She got it now. Anntonia told her one time that she led the capture of these terrorists. Because it felt personnel to her. First, her mother was killed in an attack of these people, second their time was cut off short because of their most recent attack, injuring Anntonia's father. 

Now, their time was cut off short again because of them.

"You're stubborn, I give you that" He said. "But answer when I am asking!" He shouted and punched Michelle on her stomach.

Michelle winced in pain again, she can taste blood from her mouth maybe because she was biting the inside of her mouth earlier so she won't told Adisorn off, and to make things worse.

"Let me rephrase it. Who do you think you are, and how important are you for Anntonia?"

"I don't know" Michelle managed to answer.

"Well, I think you're very important" Adisorn said, shrugging and playing with the gun on his right hand. "Once the princess woke up, if she's not yet dead. She will do anything to contact us, maybe even find us. And I bet she'll come right here. She'll run straight here"

"It was hard to find her in the Philippines" He started. "When we were able to trace her in that island, she already left to the capital. At first I thought someone is helping her. Thankfully, I buried myself on working with the king. He knew where she was. We were watching you from afar"

"If she wasn't what's blocking me from the throne, I would have been happy for you both" He continued. "You two really looked happy" 

"But I was threatened at first" He said, chuckling. "You came from a very well off family. Your family and your business literally run the country since you have different companies across all industries. Thailand is a small nation, and I bet you're as powerful, if not more than the royal family. But I realized you're nothing if you're not in your country" 

"It was easy. I knew you will follow Anntonia here. It took you long like I wanted though. That is why my men were captured. I really just have to pull her away from you for her to go back here. See? You're here now, and it was easy for me now to get you. And soon, she'll be here"

"It's funny how love works really. You both will really follow each other wherever the other is, even if it's endangering their lives. Very very noble"

"It's very simple, really. I will just kill her once she set her foot here. Then plan to kill her brother next. The old king won't be able to do anything more but to hand over the throne. After all, I have the royal blood too"

Michelle's head started to hurt again. Not because of her wounds, not because of the strong punch she got, also not because of what this guy was telling her, but because of the thought of Anntonia who might not make it, or her going here to save Michelle, only to be endangered again.

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