The one with the runaways - 1

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Being the heiress of the biggest holding company of management, retail, real estate development, banking and tourism, Michelle has been in the spotlight since birth. If the Philippines has a royal family, Michelle is next in line as the heir to the throne.

Michelle is not really a fan of the attention she has been getting. Not to mention, one of the most famous actress of today's generation, Rhian, is her best friend that has been linked to her numerous times.

"I'm gonna do it" Michelle stood up from the couch of the apartment she is sharing with Rhian while the latter is busy memorizing her lines for her next shooting.

"Do what?"

Instead of answering, Michelle went to her office and opened her laptop to book a flight to Siargao.

"Do what?" Rhian repeated as she emerged from the door.

"Booked, and done. A one way ticket" Michelle replied.

"To where?" Rhian asked

"I'm gonna tell you, but I have to kill you" the taller girl smiled.

"If this is one of your shenanigans again, I'm tired of it" Rhian said.

"Oh honey, no need to worry, because you might not see me again for quite some time"

"Where are you going this time?" Rhian inquired.

"I need a change" Michelle answered. "You told me I look good in a short hair, right?"

Before even Rhian could answer, Michelle was out of the door on her way to her favorite hair stylist to cut her hair. The iconic short hair of the Michelle Marquez Dee is now born.


Being under pressure is one of the things Anntonia needs to succeed in. She was trained time and time again so when the time comes, she needs to decide quickly because she might not have the luxury of time.

She ran as fast as she can to dodge the guards and the cameras around to castle to meet with her brother who is already waiting outside of the gates.

"That was one of the hardest things I did in my life" she commented.

"Among all other things? Breaking the rules is not really your thing" Chris chuckled as he stepped on the pedal. "All of the things you need is here?"

Anntonia nodded. "I suppose. What more can I need as a run away princess?"

"The Philippines is a big country. You may or may not be found in a day or two. I hope the letter you made for dad is enough to convince him to let you go for the time being" Chris pulled out a phone from his pocket and handed it to Anntonia. "Here's a phone I got from.. you do not want to know where. Only use this in times of emergency and I swear, I will be there in a few hours. I do not know why you chose that country, and why you wanna do this, but know that I support you"

Anntonia smiled. "I love you and everything about you. A month is all I need. I just have to find myself, before I totally lose myself in the process"

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