The one with the good steak - 20

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Wearing her usual disguise, Michelle gave Anntonia a kiss on her temple. She just looks cute with the Yankees cap, glasses and face mask.

Michelle remembers quite clearly that Anntonia said she enjoys her time shopping grocery with Rhian so they went there together this time. A few days after Anntonia cooked one of her favorite dishes, Michelle asked Anntonia to cook her favorite thai dish next time because Michelle wanted to eat it.

Anntonia agreed happily, hence their trip to the grocery this time.

Rhian also asked Michelle if they could have a small gathering in the penthouse because they wanted to catch up with Anntonia and see the penthouse since only Rhian has been there before.

"They even had the audacity to tell me that they want to catch up with you!" Michelle said pouting while pushing the cart. "You! They just said you! I am not even in the picture!"

Anntonia laughed as she stand up from her slightly crouching to get an ingredient below the shelf. "Such a cry baby"

"Imagine this, we have been friends for 5 years now, and they met you once, and I'm out of the picture?" Michelle exclaimed. "I mean, I am happy that they like you, and really they do not have a choice, but me? Excluded in the picture?"

Michelle was busy ranting that she didn't noticed Anntonia stopped walking so she almost ran her with the big cart.

"Aw! Michelle!" Anntonia said.

Michelle laughed and ran towards Anntonia to give her a kiss. "I am sorry baby. But you literally just look my mom when I accidentally did this to her before while buying groceries"

Anntonia gave her a death glare before turning towards the products ahead and started walking again. "Be careful!"

"Yes ma'am!" Michelle said, almost running back to the cart and follows Anntonia.

They just decided to cook steak for the dinner with their friends since Michelle won't shut up to Rhian how good Anntonia cooks one. She basically hyped her friends for that steak which Anntonia is not too happy about and had to slap Michelle's arm a couple of times for doing that, asking her "What if it's not a good as they'd expect?!"

After buying the grocery, they just went to buy a take out pizza and proceeded to put everything in the trunk.

Michelle said she knows this place with a good over looking place so they just brought their food and drive there.

When they arrived, they just opened the trunk and sat there. Good thing Michelle brought the wrangler so they have big space for the groceries and their dinner.

"The view is really good" Anntonia commented, munching on her pizza.

"My view is good" Michelle said. Anntonia look at her and noticed she's looking straight at her.

"That is an overrated pick up line" Anntonia said.

"But a good one?" Michelle asked. Anntonia just laughed.

"Oh, I forgot about it, but how did you go to the office the other day?"

"I took a cab" Anntonia answered. "I asked Rhian how. She was really nice because she booked it for me using an app"

"You know, you talk more to Rhian than I do, these days" Michelle said, laughing. "What do you think of the office though?"

"I like it. The dark hallways and stuff. Feels like a spa" Anntonia chuckled. "But when I entered your office, it feels like a different place. I love how simple and white it is. But I have 2 favorite things there"


"The display of the awards is one. Because it's a flex that you have a lot of those" Anntonia answered. "But my top 1 favorite is the photo on your table"

Michelle laughed out loud. "Yeah, I only have 3. The one with my family, that was the last time we were complete before my siblings flew to the US. The second was our very comfy very domestic photo in Siargao and the last one was when we arrived here in Manila, we literally look like we own the place, posing like that. Rhian takes good photos too"

"All have a very deep and special meaning to me" Michelle said as she wrapped her left arm on Anntonia's waist.

"I am honored to have two photos there" Anntonia joked.

The night goes on as peaceful as ever. Both are just having conversations about life, sometimes exchanging hugs and kisses.

Their friends started arriving one by one, bringing some food.

As usual it was Rhian who arrived first who brought wine. She asked Anntonia if she can help but Anntonia was almost finished with the cooking so Anntonia told her to just relax and enjoy. Of course Rhian didn't, and just talked to Anntonia the whole time which earned another whine from Michelle. 

Both woman agreed that Michelle could be childish sometimes.

Janina and her husband arrived after and then Max. Sam, Rhian's boyfriend was the last one to arrived before they started to eat.

"Look I am not saying that I suck in golf. I am just saying that Anntonia is very good at playing one" Michelle said, defending herself.

"That was one hell of a feat, I'd say. Michelle is one of the best golfer here" Max said.

"Agreed. If anyone here comes close to her score, will just be happy" Rhian said.

"When did you guys started playing though?" Anntonia asked.

"I started the same time as Rhi. Michelle influenced us to play" Sam answered. 

"I started last from the bunch" Max said nonchalantly. 

"I started almost the same time as Michelle. But this girl, I think we all know her, she won't stop until she is satisfied with her performance" Janina said. 

"Oh yeah! And when she didn't get what she wants, she gonna be so whiney like a baby like she doesn't stand 5'10!" Anntonia agreed. 

Everyone laughed with that, even Michelle herself. 

Janina asked Anntonia back when she started golfing. "I think it was when I was only 16? My brother pushed me on playing when I told him repeatedly I didn't want to play one. He insisted because our mom gifted me with a whole set"

"No wonder you play good! You've been doing it for a long time!" Max noted. 

"With her form and stroke, you could tell it already. She looks like a pro! I can't wait for you guys to watch her play. By then, you won't tease me for losing against her!" Michelle said which earned a laugh from the group.

Michelle's heart is full as she watch her long time friends mingle and enjoy their time with Anntonia, her girlfriend.

She's happy that Anntonia is enjoying herself as well, and acts very comfortable around them. It really seems like they have known each other for a very long time.

Michelle reached out to hold Anntonia's hand which is under the table and the latter look back to her, raising her eyebrows as if asking why.

Michelle shook her head, but proceeded to kiss her hand, with a smile on her face.

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