The one with the reunion - 29

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It's been two hours since Anntonia's eyes landed on Michelle.

Her Michelle, with the usual boyish grin radiating that perfect aura, wearing that blue blazer that she saw before already which she remember quite clearly how she loves Michelle with it that she took a photo and was uploaded on instagram. She couldn't stopped gushing about it to her girlfriend.

She tried so hard to focus on the program. She had to pinch her arm a couple of times to remind herself that she's in an event. 

But she couldn't. How can she? Michelle is here, the same person she has been thinking every second of her life since she arrived home.

After Chris sent her a message that he secured "her girl" she couldn't sit still anymore. She is itching to go meet Michelle again to hug her, kiss her and just be with her again.

The moment the event ended, Anntonia went straight to the car and asked the driver to drive straight to the palace, quickly as he could.

Chris welcomed her with a teasing smile, but she pushed his face, to wipe the smile and asked. "Where is she?"

Anntonia went straight to her room where Chris said Michelle is. The usual 5 minute walk from the main door to her room was ran by Anntonia in less than 2 minutes.

She hurriedly opened the door and her eyes landed on Michelle, who is looking at the photos that is placed on her dresser, looking as beautiful as ever, but Anntonia noted that she lost some weight.


She didn't let Michelle finish what she's about to say and ran straight to her, almost crushing her with a hug.

"Woah woman! Did you miss me?" Michelle asked with a sheepish grin.

"Shut up and kiss me" Anntonia said with her 'royal voice' that she didn't intended to use, glaring at Michelle.

"Yes your highness" Michelle answered as she cupped her face, and close the distance between them, smiling.

Breathless, Michelle, still holding on to Anntonia's face, leaned her forehead against Anntonia's.

"That was one of a hell a post, love, I literally ran to the airport to fly here" Michelle said, smiling. "Who would have thought that you were that same person from way way back. And in Siargao nonetheless?"

"You talk too much, my head hurts" Anntonia said, here eyes closed, wrapping her arms around Michelle's torso.

She heard Michelle chuckled and just a few seconds after, she felt Michelle lifted her up, and carried her towards her bed. She quickly wrapped both her arms and legs around Anntonia once their head hits the soft mattress as if to strangle her, and closed her eyes as well. "Can we just stay like this?"

"What did Chris tell you?" Anntonia asked. Michelle didn't answer so she opened her eyes and repeated. "What did Chris tell you?"

"You talk too much, my head hurts" Michelle repeated.

Anntonia playfully slapped her arms and said. "Babe!"

"Shh! Your highness! People might hear!" Michelle teased, finally opening her eyes to meet Anntonia's.

Anntonia sat up so Michelle followed. She glared at Michelle as she started to stand up. "Michelle, let's be serious"

Michelle smiled and nodded. "Yeah, let's"

Anntonia walked towards Michelle who is still sitting on the bed. She stood in front of her, placing her arms on Michelle's shoulder. "Michelle, I am sorry"

Michelle shook her head. "I believe that we're way past that" She said as she wrapped her arms on Anntonia's waist.

"Still" Anntonia said. "I am sorry for not telling you who I am. I am sorry for leaving. I am sorry that you have to fly here for you to hear this"

"Well, technically, you told me the truth while we were in Siargao" Michelle said. "I just brushed it off, without knowing you'll be the queen"

Anntonia sighed. "Can we not talk about it, at least for now?"

Michelle nodded. "But baby, believe me. You don't have to say you're sorry"

"I was shocked when I saw the helicopter. I was more shocked when Chris went down. But it shook my whole world when he said that you are needed by your country. You will scold me for sure, but for days, I couldn't move. I don't have the energy to do so. I felt empty. Rhian, Max and Janina literally had to drag me out of the bed to eat. My dad even went to me. But you know who woke me up from my slumber? Sam"

"She literally voiced out my fears. She made me realized that I am stupid staying like that. But what could I do? I couldn't hate you, never in my life I could. I love you, but I do not how. You're miles and miles away from me. You have to do what you have to do. I went home, confused and still empty. I drank the juice you bought, deep in my thoughts and then my heart skipped a beat when I saw a notification. You posted that very very very cute photo of me" With the last sentence she said, she winked at Anntonia before going back to being serious with a sigh.

"Went to my dad's place, told him to take over for now. Booked a flight when I am on my way to the house. Put what I could in the luggage, and I am out of the house, going to the airport"

"Saw your beautiful face all throughout the country. Heard you have an event. Went straight there, saw you again, and Chris opened the window of a black SUV. Next thing I knew, I am here"

"Remember what you told me before? I should go to you first, ask you, hear what you're going to say. Discuss things with you before I decide. I thought I wanted to hear your side of the story. I keep on going back to that conversation we had before, in the balcony? About your mug, and about having a closure? The finality? I thought I could live my life if I hear it from you directly. But hours of waiting, I knew I didn't need nor want that. What I want is you, and only you. It's always been you" Michelle said. She wrapped her arms on Anntonia's torso, burying her face on her stomach. "Whatever happens, I just want to spend the remaining days with you"

"We have a month" Is what Anntonia could only say. "We're running against time again, Michelle"

"It's not our first rodeo" Michelle answered, looking up to her, a sad smile plastered on her face. "What do we do when we're faced with that?"

Anntonia kissed the top of Michelle's head. "We enjoy, we live our lives, and we will cross the bridge when we get there"

Michelle nodded, tightening her hug. "Yeah, so now is your time to show me your world, your people, your life. So where to now, my queen?"

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