The one with the first meeting with the king - 28

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When she was informed that she can go to Thailand with the finished proposal in two weeks, Michelle decided she couldn't wait much longer.

She went to her parents' house in Makati in the middle of the night, to agree on what her dad proposed. "Please look out for the company for me, for the time being. Please give me another month to sort this out. I promise you that this will be the last month I will ask for a break and whatever happens, I will go back here to run the business"

Her dad understood and the next thing she was doing was booking the earliest flight to Bangkok while on her way home.

She called Rhian and Max, her very trusted friends to look out for her other business ventures. She also told Janina to be the sole decision maker for their restaurant business together for the time being until she goes back.

Even her flight was scheduled in the morning, Michelle went to the airport 8 hours earlier and waited for it on the cold, hard airport chair.

She cannot take the risks, she wanted to be the first person in the plane to Thailand so she doesn't mind suffering sitting here, holding Anntonia's gift to her that one perfect night in Siargao.

After she saw what Anntonia posted, one thing is clear for her. They are destined for each other and it has been like that since she was 12, and Anntonia was 11.

When finally, after hours of waiting, the staff announced that they will be boarding their flight, she put her most important gift to her pocket, keeping it safe until she see the person who gave her that.

The 3 hour flight to Thailand is longer than what Michelle wants. She has circled the plane thrice, and she moved on her chair definitely a hundred times.

She doesn't have a plan. She just wanted to see Anntonia. She wanted to confirm everything that had happened was true. She needed some answers and she thinks she'll be able to get it in Thailand.

Michelle only brought 1 checked in baggage full of clothes, her passport, her phone and her camera.

Before going to the airport, she went by to Mark for a particular gown. She doesn't know why, but she had a feeling that she will need it.

She also took time to choose her clothes for today. She also has a feeling that she will see Anntonia and she wants her to see her in the best way possible.

Wearing a black pants, a white top, a blue cardigan like jacket, her shades and her leather cap, she went straight to the airport without thinking more than seeing Anntonia in a few hours time.

When she arrived at the Thailand, the first face she saw was Anntonia's. There was a big screen on arrival of the royal family's photo, welcoming people to their land. Michelle doesn't know what to feel because the truth is literally at her face in a form of a photo.

She took a cab straight to her hotel to just settle her luggage and she went out straight to the city center where she heard the princess will have a royal parade.

All throughout her trip, she can see billboards of Anntonia. She laughed to herself realizing that her girlfriend is really a royalty. The heir to the throne.

In the Philippines, Michelle's small circle of people who she trusts are the only people who knows Anntonia, but here in Thailand, literally everyone knows who she is.

The cab driver striked a conversation with her. With a heavy thai accent, he conversed to her in english.

He said that he is really happy of the princess taking over. They need a fresh perspective on how to run the country. He knows that the princess is ready, and he's excited for the coronation in a month. "But after she went back, a lot of people could see that she's not happy. Her smile does not reach her eyes it has been like that since the queen died, but she's more sad right now" He said.

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