The one with a basketball game- 17

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Michelle remember quite clearly when they first arrived in Manila on how Anntonia was looking at her while she was driving. If she's not driving now, she would have done the same thing to her.

Her girl, looking as an angelic as ever, wears a white unbuttoned polo shirt. Michelle knows Anntonia already wore her white two piece swim suit under it. Anntonia even joked that she wants to be ready when they arrived, just remove the outer cloth and jump to the water directly.

"You know, we can stop over first if you like, so you can stare" Anntonia said. She even pulled down her glasses and gave Michelle a wink "It's all yours"

Michelle gasped. "Woman! You dared to use my words against me?"

Anntonia chuckled and lean on Michelle's shoulder, holding her right hand as she placed it on top of Anntonia's left tigh "I love the work-life balance that you have. Go to office once or twice a week, and enjoy for the rest"

"Yeah. Perks of being the largest stock holder I guess" Michelle said and laughed as well.

For today's plan, they are riding in the pink rubicon jeep Michelle owns which she calls 'rudeecon' Anntonia found it funny and cute. First the name that she gave it, also because of the hot pink color of it. "Aliens will definitely see this from outer space" she even said.

It is no surprise of course, that Michelle have a membership in most of the exclusive resorts in the country so going in one, even if they literally just planned this the night before, they didn't had any problems.

Once they arrived, they went straight to the beach and soaked in the sun. They were served some refreshments and was just relaxing and enjoying the quiteness around.

"Were there beaches back home?" Michelle asked.

"Yep. Beautiful ones. Less people as well. We're not a big touristy place like the Philippines" Anntonia answered. "But I don't usually go there"

"Why?" Michelle asked.

"Going on vacations are not good for ro.. for us. Even though we literally have the house over looking the beach. It's uhm.. we just have no exclusive resorts like this there. We really cannot mingle to the public, without being mobbed" Anntonia answered as much as she can.

Michelle just nodded. "Well, I'm glad to bring you in your second beach here in the Philippines"

Anntonia nodded as she sip on her smoothie. "Have you been to Switzerland?"

Michelle shook her head. "Not yet. But I was planning to for a long time now. Was just caught up with the business thing, and running away thing"

"Hope to go there with you" Anntonia said.

"I'd love that!" Michelle exclaimed. "But, you don't want to invite me to Thailand?"

Anntonia stopped on her tracks. She knows one way or another, this conversation will pop up. "Sure, why not? It's small, but it offers good things as well. I love the people. We asians share that friendliness, you know. People kinda look the same as well. I'll roam you around.. in the future"

Michelle nodded. "I'd love that too. I just thought of it, because the way you talk about the place, it screams patriotism. I see you love the place so much. It just made me curious"

"I do love the country and want nothing but the best for it" Anntonia answered but ever since she went here in this country, she kept on thinking if she's that person for her country.

Michelle saw the hesitation in Anntonia when she asked if she could come watch a basketball game between her alma mater, DLSU and the state university.

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