<Chapter 34>

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Time-skip two weeks


"That was great!", Jia clapped her hands, applauding for our dance routine, that we practiced for the nth time.

I smiled and quickly grabbed my water bottle, refreshing my dry throat and trying to breathe normally again. We were currently practicing on our synchronization as a group, trying to improve it a little more.

The last two weeks were full of dance and vocal lessons, which was really fun. Most of the mentors and teachers were really nice, making it easier for us to coordinate and learn something, even though it was really though sometimes, but every time I thought about our debut made me forget the pain and just practice harder, to show them that we deserved to become idols.

It motivated me how mentors gave us feedback about our performance after the lessons, which made me realize that we really improved since we signed the contract, even though we've only been training for two weeks.

The girls and I even moved into a dorm together to make our bond stronger, but I didn't really think that bond could grow any stronger than it already was. I was ready to die for any of the girls if it was necessary, which showed how close we were.

"Let's go to our dorm now. I think it's enough for today", I smiled at the girls and Jia, seeing the other four as exhausted as I was.

"Yeah let's call it a day. We'll se each other tomorrow. Sleep well and eat enough", Jia reminded us before she bade goodbye and left the practice room.

"I'm hungryyyy", Yuna grabbed her bag and opened the door for us, after we packed our stuff.

"Yeah me too. Today was exhausting", Ryujin chuckled as we followed Yuna into the hallway, taking the next elevator to the ground floor.

While walking to the exit of the building, as our dorm was located elsewhere, I thought about JYP's words. We actually had a meeting before practice this morning, where he told us, that we would already start preparing for our debut, even though we were only training for two weeks. Depending on how long it took for us to work on it, he would announce the debut sooner or later.

My worries because of our short trainee time vanished really quick with his answer, that we were already better than half the industry and didn't need that much training anymore, which left me a little bit dumbfounded, but still motivated me to show them, that his words were right.

A shiver ran down my spine, when I suddenly felt myself being watched, pulling me out of my thoughts. Thinking that it probably was just some of BTS or Jisoo's bodyguards, I shrugged it off, but when I suddenly heard noises, like someone clicking pictures, I got alerted again. Quickly looking around to see if someone was near us, I caught Chaeryeong's attention, who linked her arm with mine and slowed down, leading to us having a little distance towards the others.

"Is everything okay?", she quietly asked me, trying not to worry the others.

"I feel like somebody's watching us. I heard some clicking sounds, like someone capturing pictures, you know?", I replied a little worried, thinking about someone who had done that before.

Chaeryeong gulped and looked around like I did before.

"Let's just hurry up. Maybe I just imagined things", I quickly said when I saw her reaction, trying not to scare her.

She nodded slowly, but still sped up her pace along with me, following my recommendation. My heart stopped a beat when I heard that clicking sound again and felt Chaeryeong grabbing my right arm with her left, with our arms still linked, indicating that she heard it too.

"Unnie, let's hurry up, please", Chaeryeong's voice started to shiver as I tried my best to not panic.

"Let's tell the others and call Rosé and Jisoo. They'll know what to do"



I sighed and massaged my temples as soon as we got seated in our car again.

"Hurry up please. We'll have to hold a meeting with BTS as soon as possible!", Jisoo called out to our driver first and then to our bodyguard, who was seated in the passenger seat and nodded at her statement.

"Rosie could you please call them? I don't really think they would be happy to talk to me right now", Jisoo sadly chuckled.

I nodded at her request and pulled my phone out of my bag, dialing Jungkooks number.

Still shocked about what we found out, I stared out of the car window, while the continual beeping sound indicated that he rejected my call, which left me kinda dumbfounded. None of them had ever rejected my calls. They normally had a soft spot for Jisoo and me, as we were the only girls in the family, until Yeji came, and were something like sisters to them.

I tried dialing Yoongi's number, as he was the most protective over me. He always called me squirrel, teasing me about my big love for food, which always ended in us having a big argument, but at the end of the day, he was the one, who always came back to me, apologizing and asking if I wanted to have a movie night and cuddle with him.

"Rosie?", his voice could be heard through the speaker of my phone, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, oppa we have to talk"

"I don't have time now"


My heart skipped a beat, when the beeping sound could be heard again, indicating that he broke the call.

"Is everything okay?", Jisoo turned to me.

"H-he broke the call"


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