<Chapter 17>

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"I'll miss you", Wooyoung hugged me as we arrived in front of my school. Ateez and I had a sleepover after our shopping trip and they dropped me off for school today.

"I'll miss you too", I chuckled while patting his back.

"Let her go now. Lessons are starting soon", Seonghwa looked up to us.

"Thank you for dropping me off" I smiled while breaking the hug and waved at them before going to the entrance.

I really had a great time yesterday and it made me happy, knowing that they had too. We only knew each other for a few days, but to be honest I was closer to them than to BTS. It was kind of sad, considering that BTS were my brothers and Ateez 'only' friends, but I knew they just needed to adjust to their new lifestyle with me and my mom and learn to respect my opinion. They've always gotten everything they wanted, so they tried to order me around too, which didn't end up very well as you all know. But I guess it was just to protect me, as Jin had told me after our fight.

I thought we had bonded a bit after our fight again, but considering that they were gone the whole night, wouldn't show up to school today and didn't even inform me about why or where they were going, seemed like they didn't really trust me enough, which made me a little sad. I was very well aware that my brothers still needed time to build a good relationship with me, especially after our fight, but they were so nice to me yesterday that I thought they really cared for me, Taehyung and Jimin included.

"Look who we have here. The slut without her knights in shining armor", I was just opening my locker as I heard a familiar voice and giggles behind me. Turning around wasn't the best idea as I was greeted with Hyejin and her two minions aka the queenkas.

"What do you want from me?", annoyed by her presence, I shut my locker before taking out the books I needed for the next lesson.

"How about you staying away from BTS and Ateez?", how did they even know that those boys were Ateez? They weren't even attending the same school as us.

"You're aware that BTS are my brothers, right?", I chuckled, seeing Hyejin's death glare.

"We don't care. Stay away from them!", Bora, one of Hyejin's minions, gritted her teeth.

"And what if I don't?", I was getting angry. Who were they to tell me what to do? BTS were my brothers and Ateez my friends. There was no way I would stay away from them just because a bunch of delusional girls told me to.

"Do what we say and you'll be fine", Hayoung, the second minion, rolled her eyes.

"No I won't. Why the hell would I stay away from my brothers and friends because you tell me to? Mind your own business", I spat at them before walking to my classroom. Crazy

"Hi Unnie!", Lia greeted me with a hug as soon as I arrived at our table, cheering up my mood.

"Hi Lia! What's that?", I pointed at a paper, which was laying on her side of the table.

"Oh, that's our lyric sheet. Chaeryeong and I stayed longer yesterday and worked on our song. It turned out pretty good till now and we also have a melody in mind, so we're ready for the music studio appointment", she smiled while handing me the paper.

"Well I didn't think we would be that fast", I was shocked seeing the lyrics almost done, my parts included.

"Yeah but it's good. We have more time to make and practice the choreography plus singing parts", I nodded, sitting down on my chair and taking out my books, ready for the lesson.


"You wrote that in three days?!", Lisa looked at us like we just murdered someone in front of her.

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