<Chapter 32>

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"I don't think you need to train for a long time", one of the mentors called out to us, after we showed them a few of our dance routines.

"The only thing, which you really need to improve is speaking in front of people and dealing with cameras. I know it's hard but if you really want to debut, you have to get used to it. Paparazzi will follow you everywhere and interviews will often have a big part in your schedule too. But don't worry. We have great media training.", she smiled at us, noticing how we were shy when talking to them.

"Thank you", we bowed and smiled at them.

"We'll send you your assigned dance teacher now. You must have really amazed her. She actually asked to train you five as soon as she heard that you signed the contract", one of the other mentors chuckled, making me smile, knowing who was going to step through the door soon.

Of course I was sad that we wouldn't be able to practice with Lisa and Jennie anymore, but they assured us that they would visit us often. They also told us they would have a special way to spend more time with us, but I just hoped they wouldn't do something silly.

I plopped myself on the floor as soon as the mentors left, the other four doing the same, satisfied with the feedback we got. The door opened shortly after, making us stand up again and bow to the person, who entered the practice room.

"Hi girls!", I looked up to see Jia standing in front of us, smiling from ear to ear.

"Hi!", I grinned, happy that my prediction was right.

Jia was the mentor, who gave us the JYP card and offered us to train under her company, after the competition.

"I'm Park Ni-Jia but you can just call me Jia. I couldn't wait to finally train with you after I found out that you signed the contracts.", she giggled and put her bag on the ground.

"Before we start, we'll have to wait a little, so we can just get to know each other in the meantime.", she sat down and patted on the place next to her, indicating us to do the same.

We started to introduce us properly and told her about our competitions before and other hobbies, like going shopping or meeting up at our favorite coffee shop.

She was actually really nice and told us how she also mentored Twice and Stray Kids before, making me smile. I've been a fan of Twice ever since they debuted, which also played a big role in my dream of becoming a kpop idol.

We spent quite a lot of time talking, making me curious what we waited for. The mentors told us we would only get one dance teacher so there was no one we could wait for, right?

A knock on the door could be heard, pulling me out of my thoughts. Shock was written on everyone's face, except of Jia's, as two very familiar people walked through the door, smiles plastered on their lips.

"What are you doing here?", I was the first one to say something, the others still trying to find the right words.

"To teach you, what else do you think?", Lisa and Jennie came to us and engulfed us in a hug.

"What?", Lia was as confused as me, seeing the two here.

"Lisa and Jennie were offered contracts too and signed them as soon as they found out you five accepted the offer, meaning that they will continue what they did before. Lisa will be your group manager and Jennie will be one of your stylists.", Jia smiled at us.

"So we will continue to work together?", Yuna squealed.

"Yup. Like we did before. Did you think we would just leave you like that?", Jennie chuckled while Lisa stood up smiling at us.

"Shall we start?"



Shock was written on everyone's faces as soon as I entered the mansion, heading upstairs. They were probably not expecting to see me so soon again after what had happened with Yeji.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm just here to grab Yeji's stuff as she will be living at mine from now on", I continued to make my way towards Yeji's room, when someone forcefully grabbed my wrist, making me hiss a little, not expecting the sudden body contact.

"Don't you dare take her away from us", Jungkook gritted his teeth, making me scoff.

"Take her away from you? Do I need to remind you that you slapped her and tried to make her feel bad for living her dream?", I glared at every one of them.

"We just tried to protect her!", Jimin angrily gazed at me.

"Protect her, my ass.", I scoffed and yanked my hand away from Jungkook, which wasn't very successful as he grabbed it again, this time harder. It would probably leave a purple mark, if he didn't stop or loosened his grip.

"You know how dangerous our job is Jisoo!", Namjoon raised his voice.

"I know that, because I have the same job if you didn't notice. But I don't care! I can protect her on my own and if it takes my life but I won't just sit and watch how you ruin her's more and more without even noticing!"

I glared at them, tears welling up in my eyes. Not because of the pain due to Jungkook's grip, I was used to pain. But because of their behavior. How could they be so cruel to their own family? I didn't care if they did it unintentionally or not, but this was too much.

"We just want what's best for her", Yoongi took part in our discussion.

"Then act like it", I glared at them one last time before yanking my hand away from Jungkooks grip and continuing my way to Yeji's room.


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