33. The Rainbow Date 🌈

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Jimin took Kook on a simple candle light dinner date. He was too tired and couldn't get himself mentally ready for an amusement park date, which Kook had suggested a long time ago.

Kook and Jimin were currently sitting facing eachothers and having their food along with some fine Wine.

[ Pic credit to owner ]

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

[ Pic credit to owner ]

The food was super tasty; not more than Jin's cooking though ! The music was calming and everyone was indulged in their lover's eyes; and Kook was getting bored !

" Hyungie, why did you bring me here ? I am getting bored. The music is lame, I am almost sleepy ! Nobody is on the dance floor nor the music is getting me going !

The crowd is drowned in their lovers. I am feeling like we are sitting in a fucking lovers park ! "

Kook said rolling his eyes. Jimin chuckled at his whiny baby.

" Sugar, the name of the club is Rainbow World for some reason ! The people from LGBTQ umbrella come here to spend some peaceful moments with their lovers.

Away from the jugdy, preying eyes of the abnormally straight and homophobic people !

They can go to any other club for dancing and enjoying the music. But they won't get the privacy they need there !

Here nobody gives a fuck about the others as, they want to be with the person they love !

This club is owned by, occupied by and enjoyed by people who just know to love; irrespective of the gender of the others ! "

Jimin said softly caressing back of Kook's knuckles.

" Oh, I am so sorry, I didn't paid attention to the name of the club or anything. "

Kook said smiling sheepishly.

" It's alright, love. And if, you still are getting bored, let me change it for you ! "

Jimin said smirking and went to the band, singing live songs. He requested the singer to let him have the mic for a few moments.

" Excuse me, friends ! "

Jimin said smiling gaining attention from everyone in the club.

Kook was confused and saying he was scared of what Jimin was gonna say, would be an understatement.

He knows his lover is full of mischiefs !

" I have something to share with all of you ! I am so happy tonight. Just now I found out that, I am gonna be a father; my sweet lovely boyfriend there, is pregnant ! "

Jimin said grinning and pointed at Kook.

The spotlights focused at Kook and he turned red as everyone was looking at him and started clapping and cheering for them.

💜💜 The Flower Of Aphrodite 💜💜 BTS× KOOK 🔞🔞🔞Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang