20. Whiny

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" Baby, don't leave me, I can't sleep without cuddling you ! "

Yoongi whined, cuddling Kook from behind, on their bed.

Kook was shocked witnessing Yoongi's this side.

Yoongi is usually cold to everyone. Talking less with everyone. Strict with his words. Never acting like a child. Always masking his behavior with a serious adult's !

Yup, Yoongi loves his husband so much and have done things for him; shocking everyone !

But he have he never acted this clingy and whiny; even with Jungkook !

But today he was clinging onto Kook the entire day as, it was his day off.

He didn't let Kook finish his painting, didn't let him go out with Jimin and now he isn't letting him go to Jin !

He was well aware that, it was time for Kook to get married to Hobi soon and he wanted Kook's entire time; at least till then !

He knew Kook won't get to spend as much time with him as he had been till now, once he gets married to Hobi !

But Kook had promised Jin that, he isn't gonna ignore him from now on and so, he had decided to spend the alternate night with his both husbands and tonight he was supposed to be with Jin and this clingy cat wasn't letting him go !

" Hyungie, don't be a stubborn baby ! We have spent the entire day together, with you all over me, clinging onto me; now let me go. Everyone will be returning home soon ! "

Kook said trying to get off the bed but Yoongi pulled him back and rested his head on Kook's chest.

" I won't be getting your time as much from now on Jungkook-ah ! Please let me have you completely, at least till then !

You'd be married to Hobi soon. He is such a clingy bastard. He won't let you spare your time for me ! "

Yoongi said nuzzling his nose in Kook's neck, almost pouting; completely out of his character. He pressed a soft kiss there.

Kook sighed and held him close. He was feeling like his child was being stubborn to have his favourite candy even though, the dentist had denied him to !

" Look who's talking ! YOU are talking about Hobi hyung being clingy and not letting me spare my time for you ? Aren't you doing the same thing with Jin hyung right now ?

And I am damn sure he won't be calling names to his own brother behind his back; just because he isn't letting his husband spend time with him ! "

Kook said chuckling softly.

He never thought about facing such situation before marrying either of them ! The thought of them being possessive of him and wanting to have him all to themselves; didn't crossed his mind even once !

He wanted Yoongi to understand the situation without hurting his feelings. He cupped Yoongi's face and pecked his lips.

" Hyungie, you are feeling parted from me just at the thought of not being able to spend time with me; but Jin hyung is facing it since our wedding !

After being married to you, I haven't spent even a single day with him so, just imagine how he might be feeling ? Isn't it wrong to ignore him completely ?

He loves me hyung and misses me so much as well ! I can't ignore my one husband for the other like this. I have to give everyone equal time and love !

You guys would be having only one husband and I can understand you'd want him to have all to yourselves !

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