Ending 3

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She then clutches her head in pain and drops the blanket. What was that? Who is Bastion and why did she see so much of him?

Alpenrose can't understand what just happened. She doesn't know that the images she saw were a flashback to her previous life.

Zion makes his presence known by knocking on the doorway. "I brought you some food. Deer eat bark right?"

Alpenrose looks from the giant of a man to the plate of bark in his hands. Is he offering her food?

She takes a few tentative steps forward and stops to eye him up again. Zion smiles at her and she takes it as a sign of good faith.

Once she's within range of reaching the plate, Zion thrusts it towards her. She stumbles backward in fear at the sudden movement.

"I'm sorry I didn't know that would scare you." Zion is quick to apologize. Alpenrose is even slower this time but eventually she takes the food from him.

She sniffs the food and then takes a bite. It tastes like normal bark and she takes another bite.

"Thank you."

One Week Later

The horrible sound of screaming can be heard from outside the house. Normally Zion would be out helping with the fight, but instead he's staying inside to keep his mate safe.

"Don't be scared, I'll keep you safe." He tells Alpenrose who is cowering in the bed. She doesn't understand what he's saying and all the screaming has her terrified.

Something inside the house shatters and Zion turns around to face the doorway. "I'll be back, you stay here where it's safe." He tells her before disappearing down the dimly lit hallway.

Alpenrose burrows under the blankets and closes her eyes, picturing the days when she was with her herd.

Familiar footsteps come down the hallway and into the room. "I don't know what that was. There's nothing in here besides us." Zion says, causing the young doe to pop her head out from under the blankets.

With his back to the doorway, he doesn't notice the movement behind him. Alpenrose sees it though and with a shaky hand she points behind him.

Zion is mid turn when something is driven through his back and out his chest. His eyes widen and his hands go to the object sticking through him.

His hands burn at the touch and he immediately knows what it is, a shifter burner.
He's going to die.

Blood trickles out of his mouth as he sinks to his knees. In an instant Alpenrose is out of the bed and at his side.

"What are you doing Alpenrose?" She looks up from Zion to see Dólar standing with a dangerous expression on his face.

"Trying to help him!"

"Why? He kidnapped you and almost killed me!" Dólar can't believe what his love is saying.

Alpenrose stares at him with wide eyes. He's soaked with blood and looks exactly like Bastion. She must be losing her mind.

Dólar walks around the dying bear and kneels by his love's side. Zion's eyes go from one deer to the other. He recognizes Dólar and can't believe he's come all this way for Alpenrose.

"Come on my darling, let's go." He grabs her hand in his. "No, I have to help him." She pulls her hand out of his grip.

"You can't help him. I drove that mineral shifter spear right through his lungs. He's choking on his own blood as we speak." He smirks at the dying bear.

"I'm sorry." She whimpers, brushing her hand over Zion's face. Dólar lets the two have a moment and then decides enough is enough.

He grabs her and forces her to stand up. He drags her by the hand down the hallway and outside.

The carnage outside is horrifying. Bears and wolves fighting each other is something you don't see everyday.

"What is this?" She turns to Dólar with panic. "I allied myself with the wolves to get you back." He releases her hand and wraps an arm around her shoulders.

"What did you give them in return?" Wolves wouldn't ally themselves with him for nothing.

"I gave them the herd." He tells her nonchalantly. "You did what?!" She pulls out of his embrace.

"I gave them the herd. They ate the herd," he pauses to get a better look at Alpenrose, "Why are you looking at me like that? I did this all for you."

"Dólar, this isn't you." Disgust and disbelief bleed from her words.

"Yes it is. I'll do anything to keep you with me. Now let's go. The wolves with be done soon and I don't want you to see any more of the slaughter." Again he grabs her by the hand and drags her off.

"You're not going to kill me, are you?" She asks him timidly once they're away from the battle.

"I would never hurt you my sweet darling. Hurting a beautiful creature such as yourself would be a crime." He looks at her with adoration and she gets an odd feeling of déjà vu.

The two shift forms to be able to move faster and Dólar chases her in the direction he wants her to go. For some odd reason this turns into a game of tag and the feeling of déjà vu gets worse.

Halfway through their game, Alpenrose realizes why she's been getting these strange feelings.

That vision she saw wasn't a vision at all, it was a memory. A memory of a past life she lived with Dólar.

Knowing how the last life turned out, she decides it'll be safer for her to play along with Dólar's game.

"My sweet darling, come here. Let's finish our mating ceremony." He calls her over when he grows bored of playing tag.

Alpenrose does as instructed and goes over to him before shifting. Dólar does his dance in both forms, kisses her, and braids her hair.

It doesn't feel special like the first time, but Alpenrose keeps that thought to herself. She doesn't want this life to be like the last, meaning she'll do anything to keep him happy.

"My beautiful darling, I'm going to love you forever." He proclaims, pulling her into a tight embrace before giving her the sloppiest kiss imaginable.

"We'll be together, forever."

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