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When I wake up I find that I'm chained in my bedroom again which isn't a surprise.

What is a surprise is that this little shit (Bastion) is sleeping at the foot of my bed. His hair is tousled like he's ran his hand through it a million times, wait why am I thinking about his hair?

He opens his eyes and slowly blinks them before standing up and staring at me with glee. "You're awake! I was so worried about you when you fell and broke your hands."

I lift my hands up and stare at the white wrapping around them. I fell down? I don't remember falling down. I remember sitting in his bed with him and then intense pain when he held my hands in his.

"I never fell down, you broke me hands!" I tell him. Disgust covers his face at my accusation. "I would never hurt you my sweet darling. Hurting a beautiful creature such as yourself would be a crime." He looks at me with adoration and it's disgusting.

"You fell down and broke your hands in the process. You hit your head hard too. I think you hit it so hard you have some memory damage. I would never hurt you, you know that. Your brain is just trying to trick you into thinking I would." My eyebrows furrow at his words.

He does raise a fair point. The only times he's ever hurt me is when he shackled me and it rubbed my ankle raw and when he made me eat that spicy food. Maybe he is telling the truth and I simply dreamt that he hurt me.

"How long will it take my hands to heal?" I ask him, avoiding admitting that he was right about me falling down. "Between forty-two and fifty-six days." No way! In that amount of time he could get me to go through that blasted mating ceremony.

He must see the distress on my face at this because he then says, "It'll be okay Briar." His words aren't comforting in the slightest though.

How the hell am I supposed to escape now? My fingers won't be able to manipulate the fork into unlocking the shackle. It looks like I'm doomed to a life of shackles and being forced to have babies. Sandy should've left me dead! Death would be a better fate than this.

"Now that I know you're okay, I'm going to patrol. When I get back I'll feed you." With that he leaves.

I now can take a moment to have a breakdown and cry. I hate being in this fiction world. I hate Bastion. I hate that he's going to force me to go through some retarded mating ceremony. I hate that he's going to force me to have his babies.

I hate my life.

The tears freely fall and soak the white dress I'm still wearing. I feel absolutely pathetic crying. This man doesn't deserve my tears and here I am letting them fall for him anyway.

My whole life has been a disaster. Why couldn't Sandy have left me dead? Why did she have to resurrect me? Why did this horrible guy have to kidnap me?

Why did this all have to happen to me?

A Long Time of Crying Later

"My darling Briar, I'm back!" I hear the devil shout from outside of my room. Thankfully he doesn't come in my room and I take that as a sign to bury my face in my pillow. That way I don't have to see his stupid face when he comes in with my food.

I listen as he bustles about the kitchen and I mentally laugh when I hear him yelp in pain. Hopefully he cut himself and is bleeding out.

"I'm okay!" He shouts. Damn, I can't win.

A few minutes later I hear my door open and Bastion walk in. "What's wrong?" He asks with concern when he gets closer. I don't answer and I hear him set the plate on the table.

"You can tell me Briar, I'll always be here to listen." I don't reply and stay face down in my pillow even though it's hard to breath.

"Come on my sweet, you can tell me what's wrong." He gently touches my shoulder and I shrug him off. "Don't be like this, you know I'm trying to help you." His tone changes from comforting to annoyed.

When Hunter Becomes PreyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ