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Three Days Later

Sandy has been writing on and off. Mostly she has me sitting in this room with a killer headache.

"Little female, what would you like to eat?" Pleq has quickly figured out it's just better to ask what I want than to randomly bring me food.

"Venison and rice." Normally he makes a face of disgust when I ask for venison except this time he looks confused.

"Rice? What's rice? You really don't remember anything do you?" He asks question after question. Okay folks, I know where I am!

Sandy wrote me into her damn story about animal shifters. I vividly remember her telling me all about how there would be no rice in this story because she hates rice.

Great. I'll never eat rice again. This sucks ass.

"That's right. I'll have venison and vegetables instead then." Pleq's face quickly turns to one of delight.

'My little female is finally eating something somewhat normal.' Pleq thinks with an internal grin.

Oh, and this has been happening. Whenever Sandy writes something that is not from my perspective that happens.

And I don't plan on being Pleq's anymore. From what I understand unless he and I copulate, as it's called here, I can reject him.

Why would I reject this blue haired man? I don't want this castle life. Don't get me wrong, it's great here. But compared to where I'm originally from this castle is just too much.

Two Days Later

Briar had rejected Pleq and was promptly forced to leave his castle. With no male to protect her, she has started to get unwanted attention as she travels to find a place to live.

Unwanted attention is an understatement. Everywhere I turn males are salivating over me and trying to get me to accept them.

It's like, hold on there buddy. I'm a minor and you're a grown man. Back off!

While I've been traveling, I've been trying to remember everything Sandy has ever said about her little fiction.

From what I can remember a female needs a male to keep her safe and satisfied. She can take a male once she's sexually mature, which is disgusting because some females become mature very early in life.

The female and her male aren't considered mates until they copulate, a fancy word for sex. This world is terrifying. A thirty year old male and a fifteen year old female can be mates. Absolutely disgusting!

I do not know what Sandy is thinking with this story.

At the moment that's all I can remember from Sandy's rambling. Almost every time she would start talking about her little fiction I would ignore her. I'm an idiot!

But since she said a female needs a male to keep her safe, I likely should get one fairly soon because some of these males eying me up are definitely dangerous.

Briar ends up choosing a hovel like shed to live in. It is located on the edge of the vast forest where prey are abundant. It is a good place to live and raise a family. Except to do that Briar needs to get a male and have him build her something better than this shed. This far away from town she won't have to deal with any males. She will have to take care of herself until she becomes sexually mature and takes a mate.

I'm not sexually mature yet? Yay!!!! No periods for me!!! No periods for me!!! Take that losers!!!

Anyway, the shed I'm living in has a fireplace, an old boiling pot, a chipped plate, a bent fork, and a rusty cup. That's it. No furniture, no bed, and no food.

Sandy did say I will be taking care of myself until I'm practically an adult. That being said, I should go round up some food.

When Briar goes outside she spots three small coils of wire leaning against the house.

Thanks cousin! This wire is perfect for making rabbit snares.

I take all the coils and slide them onto my wrists like bracelets. Once they're secure I walk into the woods.

The trees are tall and the perfect places for squirrels. I would kill for some squirrel brains. That shit is good!

I won't be getting any squirrel anytime soon though. I'm setting snares for rabbits not squirrels. Can you even snare a squirrel?

I eventually find a heavily trodded down trail. It's a rabbit highway!

I slip one coil off of my wrist and stretch it out. It's probably about two and half feet long, perfect for snares.

I create a small loop at one end of the wire and then twist the end of the wire to hold it into place.

Then I take the other end of wire and push it through the loop. I then pull it through to make a noose.

I take the end I pushed through the loop and tie it to a skinny tree. The loop is now limply hanging over the rabbit highway.

This snare is not going to catch a rabbit hanging limply like that. I snap off a fork shaped branch and put it under the end of the loop. Now the loop is supported and ready to snare me some food.

I go on further into the woods and set two more snares before going back to my shed.

It's getting close to dark and it's cold. There's no way for me to cut wood and there's no blankets or cloth to cover me with. What am I going to do?

Briar tries and tries to think of what to do until she finally realizes she can just shift into deer form. She strips out of her clothes and envisions her deer form. Her shift is slow and painful because she's only ever shifted one other time.

Sandy made my shift the most painful thing I've ever experienced. It felt like all of my bones were breaking and broken glass was being rubbed into my skin.

But now that I'm actually in deer form it feels nice, like an itch that's finally been scratched.

When Hunter Becomes PreyWhere stories live. Discover now