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I haven't seen Snow White in a few days and am very happy about that. Like seriously, what the hell am I supposed to go about this mates thing? Being mates is going to lead to sex and there's no way in hell I'm having a baby in this fucked up fantasy of Sandy's.

Anyway, while I have not seen hide nor hair of Snow White, the gifts have returned. Today's gift is a ring. Now this is very different. Well more like awfully suspicious. Normally it's berries or sticks, why is it a ring?!

My stalker gets creepier everyday! Here I was thinking I was finally free from having to worry about the stalker all the time, but now they're back

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My stalker gets creepier everyday! Here I was thinking I was finally free from having to worry about the stalker all the time, but now they're back. Maybe this is why Sandy said I need a mate.

"Thank you." I lie as I pick up the ring and bring it inside. I have no plans of ever wearing this ring just like I don't have any plans of wearing the dress.

I mean honestly, what's the point? It's the same thing day in and day out. This life is boring as fuck. My traps never catch anything but sticks and hunting deer is easy. This life is so boring!

I want to go back to the real world. I miss my friends, I miss my family, and I miss deer hunting. (Real deer hunting not this slit their throats shit.)

I miss stupid ass Brad. I miss how we called me a bitch. I miss making fun of him and him making fun back.

I miss my family. I miss how we would spend holidays together and bake cookies.

I miss real deer hunting. Waking up hours before sunrise to freeze in a deer stand waiting for dawn to come. The amazing sight of watching the sun rise and animals come out to eat. The feel of the recoil as I pulled the trigger and a big buck went down.

I miss those days. I miss the real world.

Why couldn't Sandy just let me stay dead? Why did she have to resurrect me into this fucked up fantasy to live the same day over and over again.

She did say she was mad at me, this must be my punishment.

But it was an accident! It's not like I intentionally killed myself. Why would I do that? I had people left to spite! I wanted to call Brad a cock sucker again and tell him he couldn't deport me that easy!

I mean I guess he did get his wish, I technically have been deported to this fucked up fantasy. Dammit, this means Brad wins!

"Damn you Brad!" I scream.

In the real world, Brad gets a pleasant and familiar feeling. "Damn you Brad!" His eyes go wide and he perks up. He questions if he really heard her voice or if he's going crazy. "You fucking win you cock sucker!" Win? What is she talking about? Cock sucker? Now it all comes rushing back. The basketball game, the name calling, the threatening of deportation. She's been deported to death. Guilt now eats at Brad and he gets the feeling that it's time to lay flowers at her grave again.

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