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Briar and Snow White meet up every few days at the bs patch to play tag. They meet up for months, slowly starting to form a friendship. But it's fall now and Briar needs meat. Her years of predation can't be undone and she needs to eat meat.

I've seen other deer eating at bs pacthes. They must be a delicacy to deer. Which is why I'm hiding on a branch that hangs over a bs patch.

My plan is to jump on a deer's back when it stops to eat. Then I'm going to slit its throat.

I remember back in the real world when my chemistry teacher told me that hunting with my slug gun isn't real hunting. He said hunting deer down with nothing but a knife is real hunting. He sure would be proud right now.

After hours of nothing showing up I start to slip in and out of sleep, just like I used to do in chemistry.

As I try to pull myself out of a tempting sleep, I see a brown shape moving under the branch. I blink the sleep away and feel my heart start beating wildly.

I move to a leaping position and grip my knife tightly in my right hand. She stops to munch on some bs and that's when I leap.

She lets out a startled bleat and starts to run. I wrap my left arm around her throat to keep me on her back. I run my knife over her throat and feel the blood start coating my left arm.

In a matter of seconds she collapses and I get off of her. She stares at me and struggles to get in a breath. "I'm sorry." This reminds me of the first deer I ever shot.

I shot her at just before dark and we had to rush to find her. As soon as she was out of sight we got out of the stand and started tracking her. She didn't make it very far and was still alive when we got to her.

"I need to eat, I'm sorry." I tell her when she finally dies.

I take my time gutting her, this knife is not the knife for gutting deer. And it doesn't have a serrated edge so I can't cut through her pelvis to just pull her guts out in one swift motion.

Instead I roll her onto her side and pull her guts out that way.

It's a family tradition of mine to take a bite out of the heart of every deer you kill. I rummage through her guts and find her heart. It's slightly covered in dirt but I just brush it away.
I take a bite out of it and look up.

Of course he'd be here. I must look like a wolf gorging on its prey to him.

"I need to eat too you know! Be glad it wasn't you!" I shout at him. He shakes his head at me before raising his tail and running off.

Briar and Snow White didn't meet to play tag again after that. Briar is too busy hunting down other deer and smoking their meat to go play with Snow White. It's getting to late fall now and Briar has enough meat to last all mild winter. But it's fall, and that means the rut. Heat. All that fun stuff.

I am currently walking through the woods looking for edible mushrooms. The problem is that the mushrooms look very different than the ones from the real world.

All of a sudden I feel a strong wave of heat flow through me. Fuck, it's my heat. I need to get back to the shed.

I snag some mushrooms that I hope are edible and start back home.

A blur of white goes past me and then I see him. He's looking at me like I'm the best thing since sliced bread. He's panting and I swear I can smell the rut rolling off of him.

I'm terrified. This isn't the Snow White I played tag with. This is an animal that wants sex. I need to get out of here.

I throw the mushrooms at him as a distraction and then run.

When Hunter Becomes PreyWhere stories live. Discover now