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I'm getting married! He's the man of my dreams! He's everything I ever wanted. He's kind, daring, and great with the elderly. I could go on for hours about what I love about him.

I'm going to be so busy now that I'll be planning my wedding. I won't have anytime to write so I'm going to give...

My love! Are you ready to go out to eat?

Yes! I'll be there in a minute!

With that, I give the characters in my book free will to do whatever they want, however they want, whenever they want.

It feels like a great weight has been lifted. Free will is going to be great but can we stop for a moment and talk about the fact that Sandy's getting married.

She's gotta be in her twenties now, that must mean I am too. I'm so old!

Ah, Sandy's getting married. My sweet little cousin is growing up! She's going to be so happy, I wish I could be there to see her marry the man of her dreams.

"Mate!" Snow White calls from outside the shed, breaking my focus. "I'm coming!" I answer.

I go out and see him soaked in blood with a body at his feet. "For you." He flashes me his teeth, red with blood and hair sticking between the gaps.

The body at his feet is another buck, one much meatier than he is. Seeing the absolute carnage on that buck's body makes me scared. Snow White is also a deer, a herbivore. Why did he kill this buck with his teeth? That's not normal!

"Do you not like it?" He looks sad, like someone just beat his puppy. "Is it not enough blood? I can make there be more blood." He reaches down for the buck and sticks his hands into the wound on the throat.

His hands come out covered in blood and he wipes them up and down his arms, smearing the blood everywhere. This is not normal herbivore behavior. Herbivores don't kill other herbivores, especially not with their teeth.

This must be the free will Sandy granted us and it scares me, just slightly. If he's willing to defy nature's laws he might just kill me too.

"More blood?" He asks. When he bends down to get more blood, I bolt for the shed. I slam the door shut and lean against it, I feel him slam against the door trying to get in. This is giving me major deja vu.

"Mate let me in. I'm not going to hurt you." He pleads, slamming into the door extra hard. "Leave me alone!" "I will never leave you alone." He pants as the door cracks and opens.

I scramble backwards and grab the pot as a weapon. "Stay away from me." I threaten him by swinging the pot.

"I will never go away." He flashes his teeth again. He looks like a serial killer and I'm thoroughly terrified.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He says in a soothing tone. "Stay away!" Another deadly swing.

Sandy! Any minute now! Help me!

"Everything's going to be okay." He tells me before everything goes black.

Hours Later

I slowly open my eyes. I don't recognize where I am. Where the hell am I?

I would call out for help, but that might cause me more problems.

I move to get up and notice something around my leg. I lean forward and see something dull silver. I grab it and gasp. It's a damn shackle!

Attached to the damn shackle is a fucking chain that's connected to the wall. Well escape looks slim now.

"My mate, are you awake?" A sickly sweet voice calls out. I immediately lay back down and pretend to sleep. I hear a door creak and the sound of footsteps approaching.

"I know you're awake. I didn't stalk you for months to not know your every mannerism." Creepy stalker alert!

I open my eyes to see Snow White looming over me with a glint of something unknown in his eyes. This time however the blood and fur is gone.

"I finally have you forever!" He sings, backing away from me to grab something. "This is for you my darling to show our love for each other." He shows me a necklace filled with dried flowers encased in glass.

" He shows me a necklace filled with dried flowers encased in glass

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"May I?" He asks, making the gesture of putting it on. "No." "I get it, you're mad at me right now and that's understandable," he raises his hands in the air, "but you have to understand I have you locked away for your safety. Nothing can hurt you as long as your locked away here in my care."

"So that's why I'm chained to this wall?" I ask him, sitting up so I don't feel like he's looking down at me as much.

"Of course, I can't have you having the ability to wander around on your own. You could get lost or even worse, hurt yourself. I can't have anything ever happen to you." He explains, twirling the necklace chain on his finger.

"Snow White, you can't just keep me here." I argue with him. "It's Bastion my darling and I can do whatever I want. Besides, you deserve better than that run down hovel." I would take the run down hovel and boring life over being kidnapped by a mad man.

"I need to be able to move around and get sunlight, staying here will be bad for my health." I try a different angle, one this 'calculating' stalker might be able to understand.

"I'll walk you, don't worry. I rather like the tan of your skin." He runs a finger over my cheek and I make a disgusted face at him.

"Oh my darling, don't look at me like that. I'm the only one who can ever love you. You don't look at someone who loves you like that." Loves me?! What the fuck is he on?!

"You're making that face again. If you keep that up I'm going to have to punish you and believe me, I'll enjoy it more than you will." Like the threat of a punishment will work. Try me bitch!

"Would you like to eat? I have fresh deer meat waiting for you." He smiles. "No." "Ah, my stubborn mate, you'll have to eat eventually. I won't let you starve yourself. I'll go get it for you."

As soon as he's gone I let out a sigh of relief. I can't believe this creep is the same buck I played tag with. I can't believe he's the same man who was skipping. I don't know how that can be. Probably something to do with having "freewill" and all. I would much rather he be skipping everywhere than kidnapping me.

"My beautiful darling, I have your food." He sings as he comes back with a platter of venison. I'm not going to lie, it looks delicious.

He places it on my lap and looks at me expectantly. "I swear, if you poisoned this, I'm going to haunt you." I threaten which causes him to laugh. "Why would I poison you? I love you too much to ever cause you harm. The thought of killing you disgusts me to no end."

I give him a glare before picking up a piece of meat. Snow Whi- Bastion didn't give me a fork so I have to eat with my hands. He's probably afraid I'm going stab him or myself with it.

Actually that's genius, not the stabbing part, but if I had a fork I could use it to pick the shackle's lock. A fork is going to my ticket out of this joint!

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