I'm Home

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Whoa! My head is spinning. What happened?

I slowly open my eyes and am met with a magnificent sight. I'm in my deer stand!

Hell yeah! Step six of my plan is complete. I'm home!

"I missed you so much! You don't know how hellish it was to be away from you!" I tell my beloved deer stand

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"I missed you so much! You don't know how hellish it was to be away from you!" I tell my beloved deer stand. "Did you miss me?" I ask even though I know it can't answer.

"You really got dirty while I was gone. Has no one hunted in you since I left?" I look around at all of the cobwebs and wasp nests. It's absolutely filthy in here.

Upon a closer inspection I notice some sort of speckling all over the walls. I lean closer to examine them and notice they look awfully like blood stains.

Why would there be bloodstains inside my deer stand? I've killed nothing insi- that's right. I accidentally killed myself in here.

I turn around to see a much larger bloodstain along with a hole in the wall. Suddenly I've lost my greatfulness to be back in my deer stand.

I get up to climb down and I see an even larger blood stain where I was sitting. Good God did I bleed everywhere. I can't believe a slug to the head did so much damage!

I reach to open the door and hesitate. Turning the knob is really going to hurt my hands. I ignore that thought and wrap my fingers around the knob and turn it. It doesn't hurt at all. In fact, my fingers feel as good as new!

After I climb down I notice that everything is tall and overgrown. I pull my cloak tight around my body to use it as a shield from all of the scratchy weeds.

I plow through the thick brush until I finally get to the path I normally use to get to my stand. It too is overgrown with weeds.

During the walk home I notice everything has changed a least a little bit. Some trees have been cut down and others have grown in their place.

When I finally get home I find the house has long since been abandoned. There's various broken windows and a thick layer of grime on the unbroken windows. No one has been in there for years.

There's no point in going in there, it will only cause me pain and will waste my time. Right now I need to find Sandy.

I go to the garage to get my car and find it gone. That's not surprising but definitely frustrating. It looks like I'll be walking to Sandy's house.

I'm about halfway there when I remember that Sandy's married and won't be living with her parents anymore. Who can I go to that would know where Sandy is?

I betcha Brad would be a good guy to go to about finding Sandy. But where would Brad live now? Probably the apartments.

It's going to be faster to get there if I shift. Except when I go to shift nothing happens. Ha, that's right I'm in the real world now, not some fantasy book. Looks like I'll be walking to the apartments.

When Hunter Becomes PreyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant