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As it turns out, trying to wash yourself when your hands are broken is harder than you'd think.

"This is taking you longer than normal. Do you need help?" Bastion is sitting with his back to me and I can't help but wonder how he knows this is taking longer than normal. He can't see me and he doesn't have a clock.

"Oh no, I can manage." I reply, trying harder to scrub myself. Of course it doesn't work because my fingers can't move the way I want them to.

I let out a sigh of frustration, "Bastion can you help me? I can't get my fingers to work well enough to scrub myself properly."

"I will happily help you." He turns around with his eyes squeezed shut. He shuffles forward with his arms outstretched until he finally gets to the edge of the tub. "Here, take the rag." I place the rag in his hand and he eagerly starts rubbing it up my arm.

"Don't you even think about peaking!" I warn him as he continues scrubbing. "I wouldn't dare!" He replies with a grin.

"I'm sorry I got you covered in blood. That wasn't my intention when I carried you home." He says with sincerity.

"It's not your fault. I'm glad you saved me."

Thirty Minutes Later

"How did you bathe so fast? You were in and out in a flash!" I exclaim. In the time it took for me to get dressed in pjs he's already done. That shouldn't be possible.

"I wanted to get done fast so I can cuddle you. Even though you washed, I can still smell that vile buck on you. You can't smell like anyone but me." This is the perfect time to say something pathetic and sappy.

I don't get a chance to say anything though because Bastion grabs my hand and all but drags me to the living room.

"Sit here while I pick a book to read to you." Oh, this is different. I didn't expect him to actually have an interest (or the ability) in reading.

From my vantage point on the couch, I watch him open and close different books. He must be realizing what I did, they're all boring history books.

"This won't work. She won't want to hear about boring history." I hear him mumble to himself.

He finally picks a book and comes over to the couch. He sits down and pulls me close. He places a kiss on my forehead before he opens the book and starts to read.

The book is about history, no surprise there, and is fairly boring.

At some point I must've nodded off because now Bastion is nudging me. "Wha?" I ask groggily. "You fell asleep. I woke you because it's better for you to sleep on your bed then leaning on me on the couch." Okay, it's time for me to freak out and get to sleep in his room unshackled.

"No! No! No!" I attempt to screech in panic. "You can't leave me alone Bastion! As soon as you're gone something will get me! Look at what happened to me today, you were gone and that buck attacked me!" I try to cling to the shirt on his chest and he looks down at me with sympathy. I would be clutching his shirt tightly if it weren't for my broken hands.

"Briar, I can't stay with you. You have to sleep in your room by yourself." He tries reasoning with me. Time to turn the panic up a notch.

"Nooooooo!!!! You can't leave me!!!! I'm scared Bastion!!!! Someone will get me if you're not there to protect me!!! I don't want to be anyone but yours!!" I bury my face in his chest. Pretending to be panicking is so hard, if he doesn't buy this attempt I'm toast.

He starts to stroke my hair, probably thinking it will calm me down. "Will you calm down if I sleep in your room?"

"No! It has to be in your room. No one will dare enter your room."

"Briar, I can't do that. There isn't a shackle in my room to keep you safe."

"But you'll be there to keep me safe. Please Love, don't leave me alone." Calling him Love is all it takes for him to cave into my demands.
I truly am terrible.

After we eat we go into his room.

I plop onto the bed and then burrow under the blankets. Mhm, these are the warmest blankets I've ever been under.

I turn my head when I feel the bed dip and watch as Bastion burrows under the blankets. I involuntarily let out a squeak when he puts his cold ass feet on mine.

"Get your cold feet off me!" I demand. Instead of listening he simply laughs and moves the rest of his body closer.

"Why are you so cold?!" I ask when the rest of his cold ass body comes in contact with mine. "I can't be warm unless I'm with you." This must be him trying to be romantic.

"Aww Love, let me warm you up." Shit, I just thought of that dirtily. Hopefully he didn't think of it like that too.

I maneuver so I'm chest to chest with him and I wrap my arms around him. He buries his nose in my hair and creepily takes a deep breath.

"I love snuggling with you." He whispers into my hair. "I love you too." Oh Sandy, I didn't say that intentionally! It slipped out!

He kisses my forehead in response and takes one of my hands in his. Well, he attempts to anyway. It's not exactly easy for him to hold my hand with all of the bandages.

"I'm going to keep you safe as long as I live. You will have nothing to fear as long as I'm by your side." I can't help but smile and get a warm feeling in my chest.

We lay there in silence, enjoying the feeling of being in each other's arms. Fuck, what am I thinking? Enjoying being in his arms? I must be on crack.

Crack or not, I am enjoying this feeling. It feels nice to be able to lay in a bed without having a shackle on. Having strong arms wrapped around me is an added bonus.

"It's going to be a lot harder to hold you close like this once you're pregnant." And he ruined the moment.

"It'll be nice to see you rounding out though. We'll be one big family, you, me, and our fawns. You'll likely have twins the first time around since the Waters of Undying Love will enhance your chances of becoming pregnant." He really must like ruining the moment.

I let go of him and roll over so my back's to him. I then move away from him so there's a visible gap between us. I really don't want to look at him right now, let alone touch him.

He must notice my pissed offness because he asks, "Briar my darling, what's wrong?" I don't answer and I roll my eyes when he tries to pull me back to him.

I elbow him in the gut and shimmy away from him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, you don't want to get too far from me. You don't want someone else to get you." That's right, I'm supposed to be acting pathetic right now.

He grabs me again and pulls me flush against his chest. "I'm sorry I freaked out. The mention of fawns made me think of that buck trying to rape me. Do you know how horrible it would've been to have his fawns instead of yours?" Perfect, that sounds pathetic for me.

"I would've killed them as soon as they were born. The only fawns you will be having are mine. Any other fawns or even spawn of other creatures will be torn apart." His voice becomes deeper and I'm sure he has that crazy look on his face.

I'm glad I can't see his face. I'm pretty sure the deadly look on his face would haunt my dreams for at least a week.

"You know my darling? I enjoy the feeling of you in my arms, in my bed. I can't go back to how it used to be. From now on you will be sleeping in my bed, with me."

Step four is complete.

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