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I open my eyes and see the familiar walls of my room. Everything is in the same place as I left it. Was that all a dream?

I think it was. This is awesome! That means I never died and I never had a stalker. I need to call Sandy and tell her all about my wild dream.

I try to sit up and find that I can't move. Why can't I move? Maybe it's sleep paralysis? That must be it!

How do you get sleep paralysis to stop? Is there some magic trick? I'll just go back to sleep and hope it's gone when I wake up.

I snuggle deeper into my blankets. Wait, something doesn't feel right. I open my eyes back up and look at my blanket. I don't remember having this brown blanket in my bed when I went to sleep. Eh, whatever it's warm.

I wake up to a board in the hallway creaking. My whole family knows to avoid that board. That must mean an intruder is in the house!

I should pretend I'm sleeping. The intruder will then see me and leave me alone because it's easier to rob a sleeping person than an awake one.

I close my eyes and lay limp. My bedroom door creaks open and I almost open my eyes to see who's walked in.

"I know you're fake sleeping." Welp, the gigs up. How did he know? I open my eyes and am met with a man that has red hair and freckles all over his face. Who is this?

"Who are you?" I ask. "Oh, I should've bathed before I came to see you." He reaches up and runs a hand down the middle of his hair. Where his hand ran is now a pinkish-white streak.

"I still don't know who you are." He wipes his cheeks and the freckles disappear. I still don't recognize him. He must see my confusion because he then puts both hands in his hair and rubs it. The red vanishes and is replaced with that pinkish-white.

"It was real? It wasn't a dream?" I gawk at him. "Yes, I'm sorry you didn't recognize me. I changed clothes because of how blood stained they became. I didn't realize I had that much blood on my head otherwise I would've bathed. I know how much you don't like other's blood getting on you."

That blood he shook off was Brad's and Sandy's! Oh God, I didn't stop him. I got them killed. Everyone I love is dead and it's all my fault.

"Don't look at me like that. You know it had to be done. They lied about loving you. They tricked you into coming here and then they hurt you. They had to pay for that." His voice deepens to an assertive tone and he gives me a stern look.

" His voice deepens to an assertive tone and he gives me a stern look

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He sits down on the bed and smoothes out the brown blanket. "First I hunted down the male who's clothes you wore. I ripped his dick off and shoved it down his throat. I made him swallow it." He sounds gleeful telling me this.

"I also broke each individual rib. Now that was hard because I had to really focus on hitting each one with the right amount of pressure. If I hit it too hard it would shatter and shards would go into his guts. I didn't want that because I wanted him to feel extreme pain for forcing himself onto you. He screamed and cried in pain during the whole ordeal. It got so annoying that I ripped his throat out instead of torturing him longer like I planned on." I think I'm going to be sick.

Poor Brad. He didn't deserve that. "Don't cry for him. He doesn't deserve your tears." He scolds me, brushing the tears off my face.

"Secondly I hunted down your cousin. Now she took longer to find. Once I found her I had to deal with her mate before I could deal with her. I broke his legs and arms and propped him up so he could watch me torture his mate." He starts making hand gestures to go along with the story and it adds to the horror of it all.

"It was pathetic really. He could hardly protect his mate. I will never be pathetic like him. I will always be the strong man you need." He says.
Yeah the strong man who killed everyone I love.

"After I got him propped up, I went after your cousin. Did you know she was going to have a baby? I did, because I ripped it out of her. But don't worry, I moved the male's arms into a position where he could hold it. Those two weren't who I was after, so I had no interest in torturing them more than was necessary." Holy mother of God, this man is a monster!

"Back to your cousin though. I started at where I ripped the baby out and I started to peel back her skin. It was fun skinning her alive. She screamed and begged. I didn't listen of course. She had to pay for all that she did to you. Much to my disappointment she bled out and I didn't get to end her pathetic life by ripping her throat out. I mean honestly, she hardly even fought me when I went after her. She hardly even protected her baby. I know you'll protect our fawn though. I know you'll do all that it takes to keep them safe." I'm full on sobbing now. There's enough tears that I could drown.

"I killed your cousin's mate quickly. I wanted his death to be quick after I had to listen to him plead for his mate's life. He really did love her and his baby. He wouldn't stop crying when I put the baby in his arms."

"Y-you're a d-d-disgusting m-m-monster." I hiccup. He cocks his head and smirks at me. "I know, but I'm your disgusting monster."

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