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The Next Day

"You stay here while I patrol our territory." Bastion commands. I'm chained to the wall, it's not like I can go anywhere. His comment is completely unnecessary.

"Can you bring me a book to read? I'll be bored out of my mind while you're gone." This will be a small mercy.

"Of course." He beams at me. He comes back with the same book that bored me to sleep. But hey, beggars can't be choosers.

"Thank you Love!" He blushes under my praise before he hands me the book and leaves.

Time to be bored to death.

Three Hours Later

"Darling, I'm home!" Bastion announces. I don't reply, I'm too engrossed in this history book. "Darling?" He asks in a slightly panicked tone. Again I don't reply.

The door to my room busts open and I look up to see a panicked Bastion. "I'm so happy you're here! Do you know how scared I was when you didn't answer me?" He approaches my bed and I go back to reading.

"Is your book really so interesting that you can't look at the love of your life?" He teases me, reaching for the book at the same time. I move the book out of his reach and stare at him stupidly.

"History is fascinating! I want to read all of the books. I need to learn it all!" I tell him excitedly. He chuckles at my response. "So you're saying you want me to bring you the other books?" "Yes!" Then I do something stupid, I kiss him.

Only twenty something kisses to go. Wait, why was I counting the kisses? Ah whatever, I'll think of the reason later.

"I love it when you do that." He whispers before locking our lips again. It gives me a disgustingly good feeling when he does this.

If I'm not careful I could end up actually feeling things for him and that would be hella bad. I can't escape if I'm in love with the dirty bastard.

Five Weeks Later

"Briar, pay attention to me." Bastion whines but I pay him no mind. I need to keep reading, this book holds the key to my escape. I've spent the past month reading every book that Bastion owns. It's taken me that long to discover the book that holds the key to getting the fuck out of here.

"Darling please!" He whines again. I reluctantly put a bookmark in and then set the book down. "What is it you want Love?" I take a deep breath after I say that and try not to make an annoyed face at him.

"I want you to pay attention to me! All you do now is read and I'm tempted to use your books as kindling." He glares at the book I set down.

"I'm sorry Love. I got so engrossed in the beautiful history of our world that I forgot I needed to pay attention to you too. Please forgive me." He stares at me with a blank look before sitting down and slinging an arm around me.

"I forgive you. Besides soon you won't have time to pay attention to your books." He gives me a shit eating grin.

"What are you talking about?" He confuses me when he says things like that with no context.

"Tomorrow we're going to find the Path of Love. Finally being to tied to you so no one can separate us will be the best day of my life." His voice is giddy and he takes my hand in his.

"I'm overjoyed with the thought of finally consummating our love. Think of how amazing it will be to have a family of our own." Oh Sandy, this is terrible! I need to think fast in order to stall this.

"That's amazing Bastion! In the book I'm reading," at the mention of my book he frowns, "I read about what's needed for the perfect walk to find the Path of Love. You should get us those things so everything will go perfectly." He grins again and I think I have him on board with my plan.

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