Start from the beginning

She witnessed some people trying to run away. But the gravitational pull was too strong. She saw mothers and daughters hugging, husbands and wives having one last kiss, entire families and friends saying their tearful goodbyes... as they all disappear without a trace, in a painful death.

A portal opened up and the figure took Wanda by her shoulders.

Figure: Do you finally understand? It is inevitabile.

She was too distraught to say anything in return. Only witnessing tragedy as it unfolded in front of her eyes. Her entire expression showed that she has accepted the inevitable, and it completely destroyed her.

Figure: There is nothing we can do for them. Come, there is work to be done.

He then took her away through the portal and they escaped the tragic death of this universe.

Billions of lives...


The present Day
Universe-199999 (The Main Timeline)

Among the many misconceptions humanity holds dear, is the fallacy that all beings are created equal. In truth, there are those who are greater. They are called heroes.

But even among heroes, there are different echelons. Beings of the purest will. Individuals whose sole purpose is to exist for the greater good... a greater plan. They are known as Paragons.

But even then, there is one who stands out among them all. A person who strived a normal life in a world filled with heroes and villains alike, a person who never felt like she belonged. Her name is Wanda Maximoff, also called The Scarlet Redeemer, but most know her as The Scarlet Witch. For thousands of years, there were stories and whispers... A prophecy that came forth and cemented her as a fabled, mythical being destined to destroy the multiverse. But her heart is more human than any other.

For years, enduring more loss and trauma than anyone can fully understand, she has stumbled and lost her way several times. But in the end she found her purpose. Saving the multiverse from the onslaught of the Kangs, and Doctor Doom. Giving existence a fighting chance, to hopefully flourish into a new era.

Throughout her life, she has been continually misunderstood and begrudged by society, fixated solely on her wrongdoings and ignoring all factors that contributed to what happened. Meanwhile, her truly altruistic and valiant deeds have consistently gone unnoticed by the public eye... and that is something tearing her soul apart every single day.

Her road to redemption cannot be any harder. Over the last couple of months, she has become the most talked about figure in the entire world. News headlines, debates and social media influencers causing the name Wanda Maximoff to constantly be on everybody's mouth. Many people still wanting her to take responsibility for her previous actions and face the consequences, many others simply fearing her, while only a small amount of the population forgave her for past transgressions.

That won't stop her from trying.

12:13 PM EST

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