"What are you doing?" I wheezed, trying to push his body off of mine.

"I thought we were waiting for Luke to get here?" Michael asked, looking confused at my question. I could tell that he knew he was crushing me but didn't want to let me know because he thought it was hilarious.

"I meant what are you doing on top of me?!" I almost yelled trying to push him off of me.

"Oh, this?" Michael asked, almost with a smirk on his face. "Well, I'm testing whether this is the best way to feel your boobs without you realising," Michael laughed, pushing up from me slightly, "and yes, yes it is."

"You're such a perv." I laughed trying to roll out from underneath him, having no success. Eventually once Michael allowed me to breathe, I spread myself out to give my lungs more room to allow air in.

"Yeah well lets not talk for a minute, I need to catch my breathe." Michael said quietly, almost as if he was out of breath.

"You need to catch your breathe?" I asked, almost not believing the words coming out of his mouth. He  was laying on top of me not the other way around. 


It wasn't long after when I heard a knock on my front door, the same rhythm as what Luke does when he knocks on a door. This made my nerves shoot through the roof, I don't think I prepared myself properly for the confrontation with Luke and my nerves were showing. I was starting to perspirate from my nerves, I didn't know if I could deal with the conversation I was about to have.

Slowly I stood up from the setee and walked towards the door, Michael following close behind. I took a deep breathe before opening the door slowly, not expecting Luke's harsh push open of the door.

Luke had taken me completely by surprise when he quickly said an apology before grabbing my face with both of his hands and kissing me. My eyes had widened immediately and I heard Michael's voice of disapproval follow soon after.

"Dude, woah ok back off." Michael said calmly, pushing Luke away from me and me back into the house. "Let's sit in the living room, yeah?"

"What?" Luke asked quizically, "Why can't I kiss my girlfriend?"

"Luke, can we just talk about this in the living room?" I asked, motioning for him to follow me into the next room, quickly offering him a hot beverage - he kindly refused, still looking confused.

I sat on the setee and Luke tried to sit next to me, but I quickly moved to sit opposite him on my coffee whilst Michael sat next to Luke, almost in a comforting manner. Mentally I thanked Michael for being there, I couldn't have done that next hour by myself.

I was sat silently for what felt like forever, not daring to break the awkward air that was between all of us. I didn't know how to start this, and I didn't expect Michael to start it because this wasn't really his problem. I got myself into this mess and I would get myself out of it.

"So... Luke?" I said his name almost as a question.

"Ri?" Luke replied, he probably would've smiled if the conversation we were about to have wasn't as serious as he knew it was going to be.

"Ok I'm just gonna say it." I said aloud, not wanting to put this off for any longer otherwise I wouldn't have gone through with it. "What you messaged me the other day wasn't acceptable, and I'm going to be honest with you.. it made me cry." I admitted, not wanting to hold anything back because now I believe that I should tell Luke the whole truth and not hold anything back.

"I'm so so-" Luke started, however, Michael squeezed his knee warning him not to. I thanked Michael for that before carrying on:

"A lot has happened since then," I said, trying to ease into it. "Michael was there to comfort me, as a best friend would and I would really grateful for that."

"I feel like you've just skipped a massive part of this story." Luke said, interrupting me looking slightly angry. This is when my nerves were nearly getting the best of me, I didn't want Luke to be angry at me. Ever since I was small, if I knew someone was angry or disappointed in me I was never like other kids that laughed, I did the opposite and cried. I hated the feeling that it gave me, and I would always try to do something to make it better, and the worst thing is. Here I couldn't make it better for Luke.

"I like you Luke, I really do." I said, trying to ignore the hurt that was evident in Michael's face. "But I love Michael." I said, sucking my lips into my mouth, scared of the outcome. Luke's face had dropped, which I was glad for because I didn't want him angry but I certainly didn't want to upset him. "Luke, I'm really sorry."

"What happened?" Luke asked quite aggressively.

"What?" I asked, trying to stay calm, I didn't want to seem out of control because I didn't want the situation to get out of control.

"Have you fu.cked Michael?" Luke asked louder, and I swear I could've shrinked back into myself like a snail does with it's shell.

"Dude? What's wrong with you?" Michael  asked, moving away slightly so he could look at his best friend properly. "Do you think that she would treat you like that? How I would treat my best friend?"

Luke looked slightly ashamed with what he said, and he seemed slightly cooled down. I was happy that Michael was here because I feel like if he wasn't then that would've gotten out of my control and there would have been a lot of yelling.

"I'm sorry, Ri." Luke said, looking down at his hands. "I guess I kinda knew this was coming and I'm just mad at myself slightly for not listening to Michael."

Scrunching my eyebrows, I looked to Michael for him to tell me the story but he simply shook his head mouthing that he would tell me later.

"I'm so sorry Luke." I said, honestly feeling terrible and feeling like I led him on slightly. I probably only felt this way because I made Luke disappointed and I hated doing that to someone. 

"No, honestly it's fine, it was kind of expected I guess." Luke shrugged, not wanting to make a big deal out of this and he seemed quite uncomfortable with it. "Can you guys just not do a lot of coupley stuff in front of me straight away, you know? Until I get used to the idea."

"Of course mate, I wouldn't want to do anything to make you uncomfortable." Michael smiled, pulling Luke in for a hug and I heard him mumble to his friend: "No girls get in the way of the band." Which seemed to have made Luke happier as he hugged Michael tighter and I knew that everything will be ok between them.

"Can I have a hug? Just so I know I'm ok with you?" I asked Luke, "I know it's selfish but I'll feel like a horrible person unless we have like a hug or something, I don't know." I told him, smiling when he opened his arms wide for me to go in for the hug.

And this hug was the best one that we had shared. There wasn't any pressure in it and there wasn't any awkwardness to it either, it was just like how a friends hug should be.


I'm so sorry for the wait but I've been going to different colleges and stuff and I don't even know where I'm going and it's so stressful ugh

I hope you like this.. it's sort of a cop out but yeah


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love you all


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