Anyone But You 2-7: Is He Her Prince Charming?

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The night of the Royal Christmas Banquet finally arrived, and Baron Kim's family would all attend in all their brushed-up splendour. Despite the differences between Go Eun, her sisters and their father, they still came from an old line of blue blood. Their ancestors had always been generals of the kingdom that helped win wars. A lady from the family three generations back even became a Queen Consort.

No matter how ridiculous the current Baron Kim and Lady Hyo Joo could be, they would always be a respectable family of the nobles, and would always get invited to the most important royal events of the year.

The palace, which was built exactly like palaces would be in Great Britain, was magnificent. Go Eun enjoyed attending events there, mostly to simply look at what ladies wore that year. All the colors, jewels, and fans people wear were really fun to see and compare.

The palace was decorated in red, white, and gold. Music was played non-stop. It was Hyo Seop's first visit, and he was in awe with how majestic everything was. Her sisters all looked beautiful in their new gowns of light purple and silver, as she opted for a green dress. They all had to shake hands with the king and queen at the beginning of the event.

There's a rumour that the queen hated anyone to dress better than her. She wore a magnificent gold gown. When she shook hands with Go Eun, however, she said, "Lady Go Eun, I've never seen you looking so brilliant. Keep it up."

She smiled happily and thanked the queen.

It was completely expected to meet Count Song's family there, and that Lee Min Ho would also be there as Eun Jae's partner. What she didn't expect was that he would get the very prestigious Order of The Rose of Sharon that night.

It's customary for the King to award the highest order for a civilian for his or her service for the kingdom at the Christmas Banquet, as the timing was excellent in evaluating people who did amazing that entire year. A whole stage was set up, carved bronze awards in the form of rose of sharon were prepared, and distinguished people would line up to get it. Sometimes the order was only given to one person that year, or to three. Three was the highest number thus far.

But she never dreamed that it would be Min Ho, his name called formally by the king's secretary, as he was awarded the order, for "giving job vacancies for the people, fair pay, and helping to add the kingdom's income with his exemplary tax paying, and for informing the world that Korea could perform modern trade well and with good quality."

"I give this to thee with the utmost gratitude. With this title, you are also awarded land in Seoul and everything that could be gained from it. May you be a good example for other people of this kingdom so that they too, would aim to bring honour to the kingdom."

He knelt down and was touched by the dull side of the king's sword on both his shoulders, "Rise, Lord Lee Min Ho."

He smiled, bowed to the king, and accepted his rose of sharon.

Eun Jae was beaming with pride as he returned to her side, still clapping her hands. When he stopped to give Go Eun a pointed stare, she hadn't moved since she first heard the announcement. She's so shocked she became pale.


She instinctively knew he would find her and they would have "that talk."

Hyo Seop met his school friends from law school, while her sisters and father were talking with a few acquaintances they knew.

She was standing on top of the bridge by the pond. Initially, she was admiring all the lanterns and flowers on the palace garden, then she saw him walking to her, and she knew within her very soul that it's time for them to speak as level-headed human beings. At least, that was why she didn't turn back and walk the other way.

It's actually uncomfortable, because she knew people were pretending not to watch them, yet actually were. The ton knew she was once almost married to the newly appointed lord, and was secretly waiting for a scandal to ensue.

Yet, Go Eun planted her feet firmly on the ground because she believed she needed to have that conversation.

"Lady Kim."

"Lord Lee."

"You don't sound bitter saying my title."

"I'm fully aware that you deserve it, and gained it from your own merit."

He looked surprised at that, and couldn't reply.

She said something good. It's his turn to say something good as well. It was only ethical, right?

"I didn't expect that you'd have a different partner this winter. One would think that autumn and winter are not so far apart."

The jab stung, but she tried to control herself. She had an intention, and insisted upon it, even if it's only for her own peace of mind.

"Mr. Kim Bum and I were only friends. We continue to write letters to each other. Friendly letters. It was you who always suspected he and I were more than that."

"'re not denying your partner this winter."

She cleared her throat, and held on to the stone railings of the bridge.

"No, I am not."

"You are in a relationship with Mr. Ahn, then?"

It's not something she should be ashamed of.

"I am."

Fury flashed through his face, at how simply she answered that.


"Why? Why do you need to know?"

"I demand an answer."

He's rude and annoying, but she replied honestly, "I feel happy when I'm with him."

Shock was evident on his face. He didn't expect her to praise another man so brazenly in front of him.

"He makes me feel I am important. I enjoy being with him. And I believe we could be happy together."

He turned to the side, also holding on to the stone railings.

"Isn't it about time?" she asked.

"For what?"

"For you and me to find our own happiness?"

She saw his jaw tightened. And after a few seconds, he asked, "Do you believe my happiness lies with Song Eun Jae?"

"Isn't it?"

He seemed to have enough of their conversation, and nodded to her.

"Goodbye, Lady Kim."

Her chest constricted, but her voice was even when she replied, "Goodbye, Lord Lee."

He then turned, and left her on that bridge.


The next day, people in their social circle said that Mr. Ahn went to the best jewel shop in town. It's rumoured that he was buying a ring.

Also in the same week, Lady Song Eun Jae visited Lady Go Eun at her townhouse.

The newly appointed Lord Lee Min Ho seemed to be as workaholic as usual. There's rumour that he's preparing to build a garment factory in Busan. Besides that, whenever there's a social event, he accompanied Lady Eun Jae.

Objectively, two upcoming weddings appeared to be very possible before summer that year.


To be continued.


Author's Note:

Deciding to find a husband is different from seeing no other way to move forward in life besides finding a husband. That's one important point I wanted to write for this chapter.

And Go Eun here had been such a responsible daughter, despite being negatively compared with her sisters. Comparing a child to his or her sibling brought more woes than good, so that's another interesting point for me.

But as So Hee showed, perhaps there was love between the sisters, and they would show it when they're mature enough to support each other emotionally, or at least to be companions to each other.

As for the men in this chapter, I want you to feel that Ahn Hyo Seop is better than Lee Min Ho here, who seemed to always want to hurt her every chance he got. Kim Bum too, would be a great partner for Go Eun here, if only they were not so sure to be just friends.

It's obvious that Go Eun wanted to move on, but Min Ho hadn't. Despite his elevated social status and wealth, he appeared to not have recovered from that day 8 years ago, where he was dumped by his first love.

He's a bad example of a grown man here, and if I were Go Eun's best friend in this story, I'd just suggest her to marry Ahn Hyo Seop.

But the story hasn't ended, obviously. I hope you'll look forward to what will happen next!

(This story was first published in April 2023)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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