Anyone But You 2-5: A Maternal Figure

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That Saturday evening was the musical recital night.

There were going to be five performers. Eun Jae, Ji Eun, Go Eun, So Hee and even Song Kang would show their skills.

Determined to not humiliate herself, Go Eun had practiced diligently, along with So Hee, who also wouldn't let herself be ridiculed.

As she prepared herself for the event, she longed for the chance to have no social appointments for at least a week. She used to enjoy going to Jeju to meet her nephews, Eun Jae, Ji Eun and Countess Song. Until the previous year, they were the only people she associated with there.

Il Woo was still away in the navy, and even when he had a break, he chose to be in his townhouse in Seoul. Because the man decided to spend his autumn in Jeju, he brought Min Ho and Kim Bum to the Song family's social circle, making her social life busier than usual.

Her annual visit in Jeju used to be a time for some rest and quiet. She missed her daily walks with the girls. Eun Jae had fallen for Min Ho, and Ji Eun, despite her casual manners, seemed to be interested in Il Woo. Their social encounters had turned to become the usual husband-hunting session.

Not that they were wrong. It's very normal to be in your early twenties and do everything you could as you join the husband-hunting market. But she felt that she had passed her time. It was obvious that she's going to be a spinster. She had accepted that and had built her life around trying to be a useful woman with no husband or children to take care of.

Hyo Joo was two years older than her, but there were a lot of men who were interested in her, and she's just prolonging her time as a single woman, as she knew the responsibilities of a wife were something she couldn't avoid.

Regardless, once she was in Seoul, she'd use one whole week to just rest, be still, read books and to engage in no social appointments at all. She felt exhausted.

With this mindset, she went to the recital at the Song Mansion.

The Countess's drawing room had been arranged for the occasion. Chairs were arranged in a few rows, just like a small concert would be like. The usual group was there. Hyo Seop was also invited by Eun Jae, and greeted Go Eun soon after she entered the room with Song Kang and So Hee.

"I'm looking forward to your performance, Lady."

"Don't expect too much. I can play and sing, but my talent stopped there. I'm not good at it."

"I'm sure you're just being humble."

"I assure you I'd show off if I had any talents. Unfortunately, my musical skills stopped at being acceptable."

She left Hyo Seop cordially, as Kim Bum approached and wished her the best of luck for her performance and to enjoy it.

Go Eun rubbed her own stomach, "I just realized it now. I'm nervous. It's as if a butterfly was fluttering in my stomach."

"You'll be alright. I promise I will applaud no matter what."

"That's nice of you," she laughed.

Hearing her laugh, Min Ho turned to her.

In front of him, Eun Jae was telling him about how hard she practiced. She'd dressed up as well, in a light pink dress, looking as pretty as could be.

After looking at Go Eun and Kim Bum briefly, Min Ho tried his best to focus on Eun Jae. The young girl was good looking, and was determined to please him. Yet, he always found his mind wandering when she's speaking, only half focusing on what she was saying.

The recital started. All the noble families' children would at least try to learn musical instruments. Many wouldn't be able to play well, but making an effort when you're young was a must.

A Flavorful BoxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora