Catching Moonbeams Part 5

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Author's Note:

New characters appeared. Mild angst, NSFW.

3,300 words, unedited.


Eun Gyo spent her first month in Osaka getting used to her new life. As someone who usually slept on the kitchen floor of a boarding house, to suddenly become the owner of a four bedroom house and a garden was overwhelming. 

With the house came the four people Hansu hired for her comfort. She had her maid, Yoon Seo, who helped her with everything she did. There's also Jung Rok. Hansu said he's Eun Gyo's driver. He did park one car at the house, but so far, Eun Gyo had never used it. Actually, Jung Rok was one of the yakuza members under Hansu. He just wanted to make sure that his young mistress was safe. 

There's also Hye Young, the house maid, and Sun Woo, the gardener. 

Eun Gyo thought that she got too many helpers. One maid would be more than enough. But the four helpers were there to stay. And because they were all from Joseon, it helped her got used to her new life. 

A midwife checked on her again a week after she arrived. Her baby was healthy. She'd be checking Eun Gyo's condition every week.

Eun Gyo didn't feel much nausea. She felt slight headaches every morning, but it went by quickly. 

Hansu gave her money once a week. The first time he did it, she stared at it, speechless. 

"What would I do with this?"

"Buy some ingredients for cooking. You need to eat well everyday, you're pregnant."

The next week on the same day, Hansu gave her the same amount. 

"I still have a lot from last week," Eun Gyo argued.

"This is for you. You'll have it once a week. If you have anything left from it, just keep it."

So Eun Gyo learnt to get used in having more money than she had ever seen in her entire life. 

The high class Japanese madams never went to the market. Only the middle or lower class women did. But Eun Gyo, Yoon Seo and Jung Rok went to the market every morning to buy ingredients for their meals. For the first time in her life, Eun Gyo could buy as much meat as she wanted. 

She's the one who cooked everything. Yoon Seo and Hye Young only helped to chop things for her. They all had the same meals as their young madam, which touched their hearts incredibly. Life was hard outside that house. But inside, she filled it with warmth. 

Hansu lived there. 

Eun Gyo thought he wouldn't, but he did. There were days when he came home very late, or he didn't return for a day or two. However, he's mostly there. 

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