Anyone But You 2-4

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Author's Note: 

Around 2,000 words. Mild angst.


Go Eun only intended to stay at So Hee's in October. But it's nearly the end of November and she's still there. However, she'd leave for Seoul soon. She and Young Ji didn't bring winter clothes. They needed winter coats, mittens, boots and a wool blanket for the journey in the carriage.

She could of course borrow everything from So Hee, but she hadn't bought anything for herself for a long time, and she had some money to spare then. So she decided that she'd buy those items. They went to So Hee's tailor, a huge and respectable shop at the center of Jeju which had ready stocks of everything they needed.

Naturally, she'd spend more on her clothes than for Young Ji. They managed to get a really good set of everything for the lady's maid, though. Honestly, if she could afford the same price for her, Go Eun would spend the money. Young Ji meant more than her sisters to her. Oftentimes, she felt more like her sisters than her real ones.

Young Ji got a black coat with the same color for her winter boots and got three pairs of neutral coloured mittens.

It's unfortunate that Go Eun couldn't get a good black coat. It's all sold out. The owner of the shop offered her a gray coat or a khaki coat. She finally bought the gray one since it's of the highest quality, hoping it'd last at least ten years.

Once their shopping items were paid and wrapped, the tailor's servant packed it into Go Eun's carriage. There was a famous bakery nearby, and it smelled like heaven. The two were starving, so she decided to drop by there to have some tea and dessert.

What she didn't expect was, the bakery was exactly opposite Sunsuhan shops. There were Sunsuhan's Groceries, next to Sunsuhan's Haberdashery, and Sunsuhan's Gentlemen's Tailor beside that. And it was exactly the owner, Lee Min Ho, stepping out of the bakery with a younger looking man by his side.

They both went instantly still out there in the pavements.

Go Eun recovered first, and greeted formally, "Good afternoon Mr. Lee."

"What brings you to this part of town?" Min Ho asked, without replying to her greeting.

"I had to buy a few things at the tailor."

"Why? Do you need to appear extra pretty at the recital?"

She's growing more annoyed by the second.

"I need some winter clothes for my journey to Seoul. I didn't bring any, as I overstayed."

"Ah, right. It's the end of this month."

He must have overheard her conversations.

"Have a good day. Excuse me, I'm really starving."

"Allow us to accompany you."

As much as politeness demanded, she had done everything she could. She's not going to sit with him if she could help it.

"We're fine on our own, thank you."

"It's safer."

"We are in the safest part of town, Sir."

"I insist."

"I don't like to be forced!" she said in a low tone, and only Min Ho could hear her.

"Excuse me, Ma'am, Sir? You're blocking the way. Are you going in or out?" a fussy-looking old lady exclaimed loudly.

"I apologize. We're going in," Min Ho replied. She didn't want to cause a riot, so she stepped into the bakery with him, Young Ji and the man who accompanied Min Ho following behind them.

The bakery had tables and chairs just like any other restaurant. The price there was reasonable, so different kinds of people dined there. Shop assistants and noble ladies could dine there and even sit on adjacent tables without feeling awkward, since it was at the busiest area in Jeju.

They got a table for four people, and Min Ho asked Go Eun to order. She asked for a pot of tea and some tiramisu cake.

"This is Woo Do Hwan, my secretary," Min Ho introduced.

Go Eun nodded, as Do Hwan lifted his hat to salute her.

She was not in the mood to make small talks with him. Their body language was both tense and cold.

"Are you going to perform at the music recital?" he suddenly asked.

The waitress arrived to bring a fresh pot of tea and a whole tiramisu cake. She helped make eight slices, poured the tea for them, then left.

Go Eun noticed she tried to make eye contact with Min Ho, but was ignored.

"I must perform something. We young ladies have to."



"Your sister will sing with you?"


"I'm sure some people would really look forward to your performance."

"Well, I don't. I have no talent in music. It's just an obligatory duty. Eun Jae, on the other hand, will play violin. She's very good."

"I see."

"How silly of me. You must have known already."

"I knew she'll perform something, but not exactly what."

She found it odd. She thought he and Eun Jae send letters everyday. It was the custom of lovers at that time.

They lapsed into silence again, as the ladies ate their cake. Young Ji finished hers quickly, and Go Eun put another slice on her plate without asking, knowing she'd want it but would be too afraid to take it. The gesture surprised Do Hwan. It's rare to see such kindness from a noble lady to her lady's maid.

"Take another slice or two. You were never someone who ate only a little," Min Ho urged.

His reference to their past always made her feel ill.

She took another slice, and ate silently.

Since everyone was so quiet, Go Eun finally made conversations.

"Is it a busy day for you?"

"It's nothing much."

Another long silence ensued.

"Are you going directly home after this?" he asked.

"No. I need to find a bookstore. I want something to read on the way to Seoul."

"I own one. I'll walk you there."

"Thank you. You must be busy. Just tell me where it is."

"I'll walk you there."

She could yell at him for being such a stubborn idiot, but that would ruin her reputation. So after she finished her second slice of cake and cup of tea, she walked side by side with her ex fiance and the one who rented her father's palace.

It irked her to think that actually her shopping that day was paid with the money he gave for the rent. A very small part of the whole rent, but it was still from him.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she nearly crashed onto a young man carrying a big bucket of fish.

Min Ho pulled her back just in time, before her dress was splashed with the smelly water, or, God forbid, a fish fell onto her shoes.

She blinked and realized his hand was around her waist, their bodies pressing against each other.

His face was uncomfortably close. She could even feel his breath fanning her face before he scolded the young man, "Watch where you're going!"

She saw his eyes traveled to her lips, and she pulled herself free of him, murmuring, "I thank you."

"My Lady, are you alright?" Young Ji asked, as it was unusual for her to be so lost. The Lady Kim Go Eun that she knew was always calm and composed, and was usually the smartest person in the room. It's strange to see her so blank.

Go Eun took a deep breath, then slipped her arm onto Young Ji's elbow. "I'm alright. It's just been a while since I went shopping. It's so crowded."

Apparently, it was a ten minute walk to reach the bookstore. She felt a bit tired, but was bright again when she saw how majestic it was. The store was large, with old and new books lining up countless shelves. It was very large, and had two floors.

His employees ran to greet him, something she didn't miss as well. If he wanted to show off, he managed to make her feel impressed and envious.

Regardless, she had always enjoyed reading. For a long time, her family became her own struggles. Books had always helped her escape. She could enter different worlds and universes, and meet amazing people, even only in fiction.

Min Ho watched as she entered the store, reading titles after titles on the carefully arranged pyramids of books. She then entered the row of shelves, and he followed her.

It wasn't a surprise that she entered the row of traveling books, and took one that contained pictures of paintings of different places in Europe, along with the details of each place. It's obvious that she really wanted to go there.

The volume she was holding was an expensive one, with colored paintings copied carefully in each book. A handmade one.

"There are only fifty copies of that book in the world."

She gasped, not realizing he had followed her.

When she recovered, she replied, "It must be expensive."

"It is."

"How much?"

He mentioned a price that made her eyes grow larger.

She then noticed there's a special place for that book, a frame that made it look even more special. She wished she could buy it. She had money, but it had to last until the next autumn.

Trying not to show her regret too much, she returned the beautiful book to its pedestal.

"Just take it."

She chuckled and began walking away. "No, thank you."

"If you want it, just take it."

She gritted her teeth. "I can't afford it. I'll leave it to anyone who can."

"You can have it for free."

Her expression changed.

"Why would you give it to me for free? We're not family!"

"It's not that much, just take it."

She walked to him. "I congratulate you for acquiring a lot of fortune, Sir. But I am not a beggar. If I can't pay for it, there's no reason for you to give it to me for free."

"Why do I need to have a reason? It's just a goddamn book!"

"A book that costs as much as the allowance I'm willing to give myself for a whole month! I'm not having it!"

"I have five more of that book. I don't lose much if I give it to you!"

"I will lose my dignity if I take a gift from someone who has no family ties with me. You might enjoy insulting me, but I don't enjoy being insulted."

"I'm only–"

"I've intruded upon your hospitality too much. I'll go home now."

"Wait, Go Eun-ah!"

She pretended she didn't hear it, and quickly walked away.

Do Hwan and Young Ji were very surprised, and followed them. Go Eun walked very quickly, forgetting that she was tired.

"Do you bring your own carriage?"

She didn't answer.

"Answer me," he spoke to Young Ji.

"Yes, Sir. My lady's carriage is near the tailor."

"Lady Kim, it's too far. Let Do Hwan call it. You can wait here."

"You've helped me enough for the day, Sir," she replied coldly, still marching as fast as she could without falling.

It was a rare scene. The Mr. Lee Min Ho, the owner of so many Sunsuhan shops, walked beside a lady who had her nose high up in the air.

Go Eun heard ladies greeting him along the way, but he didn't reply anything back.

Such an arrogant man! So what if he's rich? He had no right to insult her. She wasn't a beggar!!!

They reached her carriage much faster than when they walked to his bookstore.

"I thank your hospitality today, Sir. Good day to you," she spat.

"Good day, Lady Kim."

There were three steps to enter her carriage, and he offered his hand.

She ignored it and held on to the side of her carriage. His hand hung in the air. Do Hwan and Young Ji stared at it in shock. It was horribly rude, nearly a social crime for a lady to refuse the hand of a man who was politely trying to help her.

Well, Go Eun thought he wasn't polite either!!!

"Young Ji, what are you waiting for? Get in!!!"

"Ne, my lady!"

Even Young Ji accepted Do Hwan's hand who was trying to help her. It was normal and polite for men to do that. And they never exactly touched skin to skin, since they were all wearing gloves.

Go Eun was past trying to be polite. She felt so humiliated by his free offer that she didn't want to see his face again.

Her coachman closed the carriage door, bowed at Min Ho, then signaled the horses to go.

As they watched the carriage drive away, Do Hwan noticed his master's hand that was offered earlier had turned into a tight fist.


Author's Note:

The rest of chapter 2 are available at my Patreon and KaryaKarsa. Find the links on my twitter: ladylia257

Stories that until now are still exclusive on my Patreon and Karya Karsa:

1. Anyone But You Chapter 2, 3 and 4

2. RMS 2023: Two Days Without You

3. The Vampire King's Guest

4. Delirium

5. Oppa Nappa Chapters 6-27

6. Tainted Salvation Original Version is available at my Patreon, chapter 1 & 2 at Karya Karsa

7. Goryeo's Future King: a series about Ji Hoon in high school, and his journey to prepare his future role as a king.

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