18 - a shocking revelation

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Josh moves his body to shield me from the sight while stroking his hand down my back.

"It's all going to be fine Lucy."

I can hear footsteps approaching and a whole different kind of fear envelops me at the feeling of Patrick's gloved hands on my bare back as he adjust both my pants and shirt.

"Josh- please."

My voice is pleading and i can feel the pain shimmering through my eyes as I look up at him.

"I'm sorry Lucy but this has to be done. I will not leave your side okay?"

My lip begins to tremble and it almost seems as if he can't take the pain drawn onto my face anymore, as he diverts his eyes onto my back.
Patrick pushes his fingers onto my spine and drags them down.

"I'm trying to find the nerve bundle."

A sudden pain from below his finger leaves me screaming.

"Found it. Josh, hold her firmly."

One hand pushes down on the part right above my butt while his other hand grabs both my wrists and pushes them down above my head. I can barely move anymore.
I try to bare myself for the impending pain as pure panic jolts through my system but nothing prepares me for the feeling of a long thick needle being pushed into my back.
I cry and scream and sob all at the same time as Patrick pushes the needle in further and further. It takes around 15 seconds before he announces last push" which leaves me in tears.
A few seconds later the needle leaves my body but I can feel blood trickling down the side of my back.
Josh' hands leave my body and a few seconds later he is kneeling before me stroking his thumb over my wet cheeks and planting kisses on my forehead.
Patrick is stilling the bleeding on my back.

"You did great. All done."

Another tear rolls down but he kisses it away.
Patrick's voice reaches my ear.

"I am so sorry Lucy. But if you have what I think it is then it was more than necessary. The pain would have only increased. I gave you a very strong and numbing sedative so side effects are a given. Tell me when your head hurts or you feel nauseous. I'll start the ultrasound now."

I try but don't manage an answer.
I feel another cramp developing but it's not even nearly as painful as the ones before. All I do is grab Josh's hand and squeeze it.

"That's it. Good girl. You're doing great. He's starting the ultrasound now. Just relax and lay calm."

Cold gel is being spread over my back and then something starts to move over my skin.
I barely even feel the contact with my body and concentrate on Josh's hand that is gently caressing my head.
A few minutes pass.
No cramps anymore.

"As I thought. Josh, check this out."

Josh stands up and walks over to the monitor of the ultrasound machine. It's silent for a few seconds.

"I see. Can you take care of it here?"

Patrick answers.
"I should. But I need your help. We have to do it as soon as possible."

I'm too exhausted to ask and feel somebody wiping the remaining gel off my back.

"Let's turn you over hm?"

Josh's hands push under my stomach and lift me slightly, careful not to hurt the bruised skin.
I groan and let him turn me onto my back. Then he adjusts my pants and shirt again and Patrick strives on gloves.

"Please- no more needles."

I can already feel the tears developing behind my eyes.

"A numbing cream should be enough. Meanwhile I'll tell you what exactly is happening and what has to be done now."

Patrick's eyes meet mine for a split second and I can see worry etched into his features.

"Your right ovary twisted."

I swallow. It fucking what?

"I can't tell you how or why but we have to start the procedure soon. I am no gynecologist but I've done this before at the hospital so I definitely know how to perform the procedure."

A long pause while Josh spreads some paste onto my stomach all around the fresh scar until Patrick continues to speak.

"I will have to insert a sonographic device into you in order to detect the exact damage and extend. Then depending on the severity I will perform further surgical treatment."

Silence. Utter silence.
All I can do is simply lift my hands and cover my face. What a fucked up situation.

"Hey. As he said, he's done this before. It's going to work."

Josh kneels back to my side.

"It's not that."
My voice is void of any emotion.

"I don't know if I can take more pain, Josh I really don't."

A further sob escapes my throat.

"Shh, shh. I promise that we'll do anything possible to get you through this easily. You're strong you can do it."

"Take her to the living. I'll prepare everything meanwhile."

Again I can feel Josh's hands gently finding it's way underneath my back, lifting me into his arms.
I keep my eyes closed and let my head sink against his chest.
I feel the slight swaying and ultimately him sitting down all while holding me in his arms.
One arm leaves my body and I open my eyes to see him spreading a blanket over us.
For the next few minutes we don't talk. It's just me in his arms and him holding onto me while softly caressing my head and down the length of my back.

"You know, I used to think you were a weak person. All the times that you gave someone more time to get their job done or simply understood every thing they had as an excuse, you understood."

I lift my head and open my eyes only to see him staring into nothing with a void expression.

"Now I know better."

And with that I fall asleep.


It's getting serious guyssss!

But don't worry I still have some more things incoming...

Hope you enjoy! <333

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