14 - two more injections...

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When I wake up it's dark.
No light enters the room through the slits between the curtains like it did earlier.
My eyes adjust to the dark and finally, I can make out a body next to me.


I whisper the words.
Within 3 seconds he jolts up, turns on a little light and sits up looking down at me.

"Are you in pain?"

"No, no. I just woke up, I'm alright. I'm so sorry for waking you up."

I feel the guilt rolling over me as I think of the fact that he must be suffering from extreme lack of sleep.

"No, I'm glad you did. Let me check your vitals and fever."

He gets up and walks around the bed. He has changed back into more comfortable clothes but his hair is ruffled and near black rings lay under his eyes.
He puts on the stethoscope and listens to my heart for a little. Then measures my fever which has gone down to 38.9°.

"Thank god. I was actually worried about that. The fact that it's not rising but constantly falling is a good sign. Now..."

He puts on a fresh pair of gloves.
What the-

"I have to- do something. You're not going to like it and god I understand. But Patrick says that it's necessary and inevitable-"

"What.", I demand.

"You are not going to be able to move or walk a lot for at least the next 10 days. That is problematic for your blood circulation. So basically there is this injection that I have to give you everyday for at least 1 week. Actually it's two injections. It's against things like thrombosis."

I swallow. Then move my hand to my arm and am about to roll my sleeve over my shoulder when Josh stops me.

"No, it's not in your upper arm."

An embarrassed and pained expression enters his face.

"One in your thigh. The other one in the upper part of the musculus maximus."

In other words, my ass.

"You can't be serious- Isn't there another option?"

"I'd let Pat do it but I felt like-"

"No. Not your brother."

I lay still for a few seconds before carefully pulling the blanket of my body. Then I open my pants and try to pull them down.

"Here, let me help you. It would enhance abdominal muscles."

He helps me with pulling the pants over my hips and I watch his eyes grazing over my exposed thighs and my panties. His eyes seem almost hungry.
He gets up and walks over to one of the cabinets. Then takes out a syringe with a pretty big needle.
I swallow hard.
He fills the syringe and lays it into a tray that he places beside me.
Then he pushes his fingers over my thighs, applying pressure. He seems to figure out which one he'll choose.
Finally he takes a disinfecting spray and sprays it on my left thigh, wipes it clean. He does not say a word as he takes the syringe and pulls some skin between two fingers with his other hand.
Then he practically slams the needle into my thigh and pushes it into my muscle. I tense and give out a pained moan. The feeling of him pushing the liquid inside is uncomfortable and I let out a tiny sob. He pulls the enormous needle back out and places a cotton which he fixates with tape over the little wound.

"Can you turn over? On your side at least?"

"I'll try."

It works. Without ripping my IV out I manage to rotate my body onto my side and realize that my but is completely exposed to him now.

"I have to- touch you. Is that fine?"

I hesitate but tell him yes.
A second later his fingers apply pressure to the upper part of my butt cheeks and I feel more pressure and then cold spray on a spot on my right cheek.

"Breathe in."

I do and again he pushes the needle in with a bigger force than expected.

"Don't tense your muscles. I need you to relax them."

I try and immediately the needle enters further. At least now I get to hide my face inside the pillow. After he removes the needle I exhale and wait for him to tape a cotton onto the little gash.
After he does that all of the sudden his hands are on my lower back, massaging it.
I immediately relax and sink into the feeling.

"Feels good?"

I groan in agreement. His hands move up my back and down until they reach the part right above my butt again. Then

I feel a different sensation on my skin.
It's soft and brushes up my spine. His lips leave a kiss and me gasping. Within seconds my attention diverts from all the pain and the procedures.
Josh kisses my back and all of the sudden lays a hand on my hip then kisses my waist. I inhale and he chuckles.
Then he turns me back around and-
And kisses my thigh.
Around and on top of the place where he placed the injection minutes earlier.
I let him, enjoy the tempting sensation until it becomes to much and I grab his shoulder, pull him up to me.

He looks down at me.

Our eyes lock.

On each others lips.

He leans down.

Our mouths collide.




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