24 - 'dogs or cats?'

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As if having read my thoughts Josh states "There is nothing to worry about Lucy, we're going to put you under full anesthesia and you'll wake up in your room with pain medication in your system. And I'll be there with you the whole time."

And with that he switches a hairdryer on and lets the warm air swarm my senses. I can simply relax and turn the thoughts off.
It's an uncommon and weird feeling, not to be scared or worried.
It's different from the past few days, that's for sure.
I've gone through so much pain and bad news regarding my health that this, being assured that I won't even be aware of the next procedure, gives me an insurmountable amount of peace.
After some minutes my hair is dry and once everything is packed away, Josh brings me back to the room we've slept in.
Now I'm laying in bed while he has gone to get some food from downstairs.
I was already worried that I might not be allowed to eat anything before the surgery but apparently that's not the case which I'm more than happy about.
For the first time in the past few days I am actually sincerely hungry.
I'm pretty sure I've already lost a good amount of weight.
God, when my mum finds about about all that is going on- I'm definitely going to wait until I'm home again to fill her in.
Maybe I should-
My thoughts are being interrupted by Josh waking in with two big paper bags and two bottles.

"Hey", he smiles at me while setting the things on the little table and starts to take several boxes out.

"Hey", I smile back at him.

We fall into a comfortable silence while Josh is assorting the food onto plates and hands me a bottle of water.

"Thanks. Woah, that looks good."

„Are you hungry?", Josh looks up from the plates and smirks at me.

"Extremely." I answer honestly.

„I'm glad. You probably lost some weight. So this is soup, this is some chicken with veggies and mashed potatoes and then this is some pasta with tomato sauce and carrots. Oh and of course chocolate cake."

My eyes glow as he helps me with sitting up and then places a cushion onto my lap which I use as a table. He sits next to me, facing me and we both start eating.
It's weird. I don't even really know this guy. He's my colleague, yeah, and I think we both know that it has become- something more than just that by now.
But I don't even know his birthday. Nor his hobbies, favorite food, if he's a dog or cat person...

"What are you thinking about so hard?"

"Are you a dog or a cat person?"

Oh my god. I did not just say that.

Josh's hand stops as he is about to put a portion of pasta into his mouth. Then he puts the fork back down and quirks and eyebrow at me.

"Can you imagine me sitting on my couch with a cat?"

"Maybe a tiger?", I try to save myself from the embarrassment but Josh only laughs and continues eating.

Then he answers "No, I'm a complete dog person. We always had dogs while Pat and I grew up."

"Hm. Okay."

This is so awkward. God I wish I knew how to control my words sometimes. I shove another rather too big portion of chicken and mashed potatoes into my mouth and suddenly find the peas very interesting on my plate.
So round and- green.

"Anything else you would like to know?"

I look up from my plate and meet the eyes that are fixated on me.

"How old are you?" My heart is beating faster and I'm happy that I'm not connected to any devices monitoring that right now.


enemy to doctor - the hating game Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ