Baby called me daddy

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Inumaki Toge, known for his silent demeanor, found himself in an unusual predicament - a sudden transformation into a three-year-old. Confused and tiny, he looked around, searching for familiarity in the eyes of those around him. However, his gaze settled on one person who, in his toddler mind, seemed like the perfect candidate for his presumed parent - Okkotsu Yuuta.

Yuuta, shocked at the sudden turn of events, found himself being addressed as "Daddy" by the miniature version of his best friend. Inumaki, in his adorable innocence, believed Yuuta was his father. The day unfolded in a series of heartwarming and amusing moments as Yuuta embraced the unexpected role, playing along with Inumaki's toddler antics.

They ventured into the playground, chased butterflies, and shared giggles, creating memories that would last a lifetime. Yuuta couldn't help but be captivated by the sheer cuteness of the situation, cherishing the rare opportunity to experience this side of Inumaki.

As the day drew to a close, something magical happened. Inumaki, still cradled in Yuuta's arms, began to glow softly. The transformation back to his normal self was taking place, and it happened right where the day had started - in Yuuta's arms.

Inumaki, now restored to his usual form, opened his eyes to find himself still in the secure hold of his best friend. Grinning mischievously, he decided to have a little fun. With a devilish smile, he looked up at Yuuta and, in a playful tone, called him "Daddy."

Yuuta, caught off guard, felt his face heat up. The unexpected declaration from Inumaki triggered a nosebleed, and he stumbled, momentarily flustered. Yet, as he wiped away the trickle of blood, he couldn't help but laugh at the prank Inumaki had pulled.

Later that evening, as a playful act of revenge, Yuuta leaned in and kissed Inumaki, turning the tables in their ongoing game of affectionate mischief. The day of toddler-sized adventures had not only brought laughter and warmth but also a new chapter in the playful romance between Inumaki Toge and Okkotsu Yuuta.

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