(not) Normal friend behavior.

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It started as a regular day at Jujutsu High, but there was a noticeable buzz in the air. Yuuta Okkotsu couldn't escape the feeling that something was amiss. Little did he know that his fellow students had picked up on the not-so-subtle signs of his burgeoning feelings for Toge Inumaki.

As the day unfolded, Yuuta found himself confronted by his friends and even Gojo-sensei, each taking turns to address the undeniable chemistry between him and Inumaki.

Maki: "Yuuta, you've been carrying Toge around like he's a feather. What's up with that?"

Nobara, smirking: "And those cuddle sessions every night? Friends don't do that, you know."

Megumi, raising an eyebrow: "I've seen you kiss Inumaki's wounds more than once. That's not exactly typical behavior."

Gojo-sensei, with a knowing grin: "Come on, Yuuta. The denial is strong with you, but we can all see it. What's going on between you two?"

Yuuta, blushing furiously, stammered his way through excuses and attempted to downplay the situation, but his actions spoke louder than words.

Later that evening, as Yuuta found himself alone with Inumaki, the tension in the air was palpable. Inumaki, ever perceptive, looked at Yuuta with a quiet understanding.

Inumaki: "Yuuta."

Yuuta, unable to meet Inumaki's gaze, mumbled an apology for the awkward day.

Inumaki, in his straightforward manner, took a step closer and pressed a gentle kiss on Yuuta's lips. The surprise on Yuuta's face was evident, but it quickly melted into a warm and reciprocated affection.

Inumaki: "No need for words. Actions speak louder, right?" He signed

And just like that, the denial faded away, replaced by a shared understanding that friends don't usually behave this way. As they stood there, the unspoken truth blossomed into something beautiful-a connection that went beyond friendship, sealed with a kiss under the starlit sky at Jujutsu High.

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