Silence and Lavender

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ever since the first day when he stepped inside the class room Yuuta had always found Inumaki to be a mysterious figure. With his quiet demeanor and imposing presence, Toge seemed to emit an aura that warned others not to cross him. Despite his smaller frame, there was something about him that demanded respect, or perhaps fear.

At first, Yuuta couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by Toge. His silence was unnerving, even more because yuuta did not know why the smaller boy didn't speak. Its not that he can't because he does utter out some words but never real sentences. Nither did he had the nerves to ask someone nor anybody explained why half of the other boy's face was always cover or why he never talked. Discomfort would always be present in places unknown to a man.

However, as days passed and Yuuta found himself spending more time around Toge, he began to see beyond the surface.

Despite his initial apprehension, Yuuta discovered that Toge was actually incredibly kind-hearted. Always the first one to lend him a hand without any questions asked. Always the one who did cooking and most of the dishes. How never once toge criticized yuuta like maki had done (though now he understands the girl is just made with hot metal)

Kindness is something yuuta had recieved rarely. He liked it. He was attracted to it. And possibly also to the boy who was the actor of the action. Yuuta knew he was being drawn to the flame like a moth and possibly screwing himself over. But that didn't stop him from day dreaming about toge.

Especially his eyes. Lavender eyes which often stared into nothingness. Well thats what happens when you get left out of most the conversation goin on. But oh well it was still pretty.

His lavender eyes held a warmth that contradicted his stoic exterior, and his actions spoke volumes louder than any words he could utter. Toge may not have smiled often, (and its not like yuuta could tell even if toge smiled because of that damn collar) but his gestures of kindness towards Yuuta were unmistakable.

Perhaps yuuta had felt silly calling the youger boy such sweet things in his head. Without rika Toge could probably throw him to the ground and beat him up if he wanted to. But again. That only added to yuuta's supposed admiration more.

As their interactions grew more frequent, Yuuta found himself drawn to Toge in ways he couldn't quite explain. There was something captivating about the way Toge carried himself, a quiet strength that resonated with Yuuta on a deeper level. He couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in his chest whenever he caught a glimpse of those lavender eyes.

One night, as Yuuta wandered the grounds alone, he stumbled upon Toge walking beneath the moonlight. Though his back was turned to yuuta he could still detect the absence of the collar that hid the boy's face. Yuuta's heart had started pounding. He wanted to know what toge looked like. And as he walked nearer the sound of footsteps approaching caught toge's attention causing him to look at the direction.

That was the first time yuuta caught a glimpse of the younger. wasn't anything that he had expected.

He had questioned several times why the other needed to keep his face covered to himself. And perhaps after a few times he had came to the conclusion that the other must have had suffered from some sort of injury. Not that it mattered.

But instead, the boy was far from that. Far from anything that could be called intimidating. He had the most innocent face yuuta has ever seen. Toge looked way younger than he was. He had a baby face that had lavender eyes that were big and round and slightly pink lips apart from.each other, lightly flushed cheeks probably from the cold.

In that moment, Yuuta caught a rare glimpse of vulnerability in Toge's expression. A sweet smile that stretched upon his lips when he noticed yuuta.

Gone was the mask of intimidation; instead, Yuuta saw the softness in Toge's features, the hints of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. It was a fleeting moment, but it was enough to shatter any remaining doubts in Yuuta's mind.

As he watched Toge, bathed in the gentle glow of the moon, Yuuta realized just how deeply he had fallen for the quiet boy with the lavender eyes. All the fears and misconceptions he once held about Toge seemed foolish now, replaced by an overwhelming sense of affection and admiration.

From that night on, Yuuta found himself unable to resist the magnetic pull of Toge's presence. Every stolen glance, every whispered word between them only served to deepen the bond between them. And as they stood together beneath the stars, enveloped in the quiet embrace of the night, Yuuta knew that he had found something truly special in the silence.

inumaki toge x okkotsu yuuta oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon