The Avatar and The Fire Prince

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Info: yuuta's grandmother is deaf so he knows sign language.

Yuuta felt a rush of dizziness wash over him as he beheld the sleeping prince, his features softened by the embrace of slumber. For so long, Yuuta had regarded the prince as nothing more than a formidable adversary on the battlefield, a symbol of strength and resolve.

But now, as he stood in the hushed stillness of the chamber, his heart quickened at the sheer beauty of the boy before him. The harsh lines of battle had given way to the delicate contours of sleep, casting the prince in a ethereal light that stirred something deep within Yuuta's chest.

Despite himself, Yuuta found himself drawn to the tranquil scene unfolding before him, a silent witness to the vulnerability of the prince in repose. In that moment, the barriers of rivalry and animosity melted away, leaving only a sense of awe and admiration in their wake.

But like the horror story Yuuta has been living since the end of the event a knock on the door was heard.

And it quickly turned into banging.

"Wake up" the man yelled.

Yuta stood up at the voice. It was the air nation's king. Toge started to rub his eyes. Waking from his slumber.

He sat up only to flinch when he saw Yuuta holding a sword to his throat.

"Don't. You. Dare. Say anything about my presence. "

Baffled as he was toge nodded.


"The fire prince has vanished since that fateful event," the king began, his voice laden with urgency and concern. "Do you hold any knowledge of his whereabouts?"

"No, father," came the solemn reply.

The king's gaze bore into his son, searching for any sign of deception. Eventually, he relented, nodding before turning to depart.

In the shadows, Toge confronted Yuuta with a fierce glare, his hands moving with practiced aggression in sign language. Yuuta's heart skipped a beat, his face draining of color as he struggled to find an explanation.

"I... someone was chasing me, and... oh, forget it! I saw you talking, stop signing!" Yuuta blurted out, his embarrassment palpable.

Toge's eyes widened in disbelief. Was there anything more humiliating than being caught red-handed, while he was acting like a school girl in love?

"No," he finally managed to verbalize, his voice strained. "I... I can't."

"Why not? You clearly can speak," yuuta pressed, his tone demanding an explanation.

"I will end up cursing you," he signed once more, his hands moving with a mix of frustration and desperation.

"Huh? What do you mean—"

"Don't move."

Yuuta froze in place, his muscles locking into an involuntary stillness as if compelled by an unseen force.

"That's what I mean," Toge signed again, his expression pained as he unleashed his cursed energy, releasing Yuuta from his forced paralysis.


"So, whatever you say... it just happens?" Yuuta's voice wavered with disbelief, his gaze meeting Toge's as he tried to make sense of the extraordinary revelation.

Big lilac eyes blinked up at him, filled with a mixture of uncertainty and resignation, while Toge's hands signed once again, 'kind of like that.'

An awkward silence descended upon them, the weight of the newfound knowledge hanging heavy in the air. Yuuta fidgeted, scratching his head in embarrassment, the bizarre nature of the situation rendering him momentarily speechless.

"So... Are you alright?" Yuuta inquired, his concern lingering like a shadow cast by the recent events that transpired. It was the reason he found himself here, grappling with uncertainty.

"Yeah? What's the worst that could happen to me?" Toge signed, his demeanor betraying a hint of nonchalance.
"I mean... I did hurl a fireball at your face."
"Yeah, no big deal. Why are y—wait, are you worried?"

A mischievous smirk danced upon Toge's lips, teasingly prodding Yuuta's concern.
"Shut up, Yuuta," the verbal command sliced through the air, silencing Yuuta's ramblings and preventing further nonsensical utterances.

"I understand your concern, but I'm fine. And BEFORE you launch into more gibberish, let me explain. See these bandages? My mother, being a forest fairy, gifted me this—well, not just bandages, but a rabbit imbued with magical healing and protective abilities. It transforms into a sort of protective layer, you see? Given my propensity for life-threatening situations, I'm not permitted to venture out without it, and—wait, I'm rambling now," Toge halted his animated gestures, recognizing the descent into verbal excess.

"So... that rabbit-turned-bandage thing shields you from harm, is that it?"
"Uh, yeah, haha," the Air Prince chuckled, a tinge of embarrassment coloring his demeanor.

"Hey, now, that's unfair. Is that why you always emerge victorious in one-on-one sword fights? You sneaky little—"
"What? No—wait. Shall we take this outside?" The Air Prince gestured, a mischievous glint illuminating his features.

Yuuta yearned to triumph, to demonstrate his prowess. Yet, despite his best efforts, the younger boy effortlessly dodged every strike, reveling in the exchange like a child in a game. He didn't even attempt to retaliate, yet Yuuta found himself perspiring, his frustration mounting with each failed attempt to gain the upper hand.

The prince's appearance, with its distracting allure, surely played a role. Throughout his life, Yuuta had assumed the owner of those piercing eyes would exude seriousness, decorum, and control—an embodiment of tranquility. Yet, reality shattered his preconceptions. He had long admitted to finding the other boy endearing, but now he witnessed a side that was joyous, even a tad bit bratty

In a moment of frustration, Yuuta relinquished his grip on the sword, forged from molten gold capable of conjuring flames. The very sword he had never allowed another to handle lay abandoned on the ground. His hands moved of their own volition, seizing the airborne boy with a force that nearly elicited stars from Toge's vision as he was pulled to the ground.

The Air Prince's eyes squeezed shut as his forearms met a sturdy chest, which unmistakably belonged to Yuuta, the older of the two.

"You're such an asshole," Yuuta muttered, his hands still firmly gripping Toge's biceps.

Toge, Inumaki, yearned to lighten the mood with a jest. Yet, as his sight cleared, he felt as if his breath had been stolen from his chest. He found himself mere centimeters from the other prince. Their lips hovered tantalizingly close, poised to meet with the slightest movement.

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