Soulmates In Sync

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Toge had gone to visit his clan for a while.

After a period of absence, Toge Inumaki returned to Jujutsu High with a visible change-a band wrapped tightly around his wrist, covering the mark that tied him to Yuuta.

To Yuuta, who had no romantic involvement with Inumaki, the sight of his soulmate covering his name was confusingly hurtful. He couldn't understand why Inumaki hiding something that was supposed to signify a deep bond between them could affect him. Because he had made it clear that he wanted nothing with the younger boy.
Yet their was that similar pang. And something else....

In the midst of toge's trio to his house yuuta had felt something very unnerving during a night. He wasn't in supposed physical pain but he could feel how sorrowful his soulmate was feeling.

This was very recent to the event of a hurtful lash out from yuuta on the younger so yuuta was troubled by thr fact if that's why the younger was so upset. Inumaki had never had the best relationship with his family. Do yuuta could assume otherwise. Yet he felt excruciating pain in the middle.of the night jolting his awake in his sleep.

This has bothered the man very much yet he had no option but to brush it off.
The band became a symbol of Inumaki's silence and the distance it created between them.

But what the band hid wasn't just yuuta's name.

The thick band was covering a scar that marred the name of his soulmate, Yuuta Okkotsu. This scar was not the result of an accident but a deliberate act of self-harm; Inumaki, consumed by sorrow, had taken a blade to his own skin, slashing across his wrist. Inumaki only remembered blood everywhere before he passed out that night.

Despite surviving the self-inflicted wound, the scar remained as a permanent reminder of his actions. Inumaki, ashamed of what he had done and the scar it left behind, chose to conceal it from the world, including Yuuta. However, this decision unknowingly began to weigh heavily on Yuuta's heart.

As time passed, the band over Inumaki's wrist began to hurt Yuuta in a way he couldn't explain. It wasn't jealousy or possessiveness; it was a profound sadness, a feeling of being shut out by someone he was meant to be connected to. The unspoken pain of their bond, buried beneath layers of silence and scars, weighed heavily on both Inumaki and Yuuta, shaping their relationship in ways neither of them could have anticipated.

Yuuta had lost his mind a little, those supposed celestial beings that forced soulmates to love each other sitting heavy on his head.

Sometimes he forgot what kind of relationship he had with the boy and stepping iver a line that made everything a bit more messier everytime.

The fireworks festival near Jujutsu High brought a vibrant display of colors and lights, captivating the students who gathered to watch. Among them stood Yuuta Okkotsu, accompanied by his girlfriend, experiencing a mix of emotions from his soulmate as he gazed at the spectacle above.

Amidst the bursts of light and sound, Yuuta could tell there was a moment of peace and happiness washing over his soulmate. It was a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time, a stark contrast to the chaos that usually consumed his soulmate's thoughts. (Even though he couldn't tell what exactly the younger was thinking toge was constantly very anxious and on edge) Curious about the source of this newfound tranquility, Yuuta followed the direction of his heart and found Toge Inumaki.

Toge stood a short distance away, apart from everyone, his eyes fixed on the fireworks, a small smile playing on his lips. In that moment, Yuuta saw Toge in a different light. He saw the beauty in Toge's simplicity, the serenity in his smile, and the calmness that radiated from him.

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