I'm not doing this anymore

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Me and Link went shopping and I got a few things for Impa, Riju, Tay and Urbosa and then we went ice skating

"Have you ever done this before?" I ask Link as we get on the Ice and he nods

"I was in a championship" he says holding my hands as I wobble onto the ice

"Really?" I ask looking down at the ice focusing on trying to not fall over

"Yep" he said skating backwards

"Theres so much I don't know about you" I say looking up at him trying to stand up straight

"Well I never told you" he said skating perfectly

"How do you do that so easily?" I ask as I let go of one of his hands and try to skate beside him

"Years if practice" he says and I almost fall backwards so he puts his arm around my back to keep my balance

"Well your really good at it" I say smiling at him

"I would hope so, I spent hours and hours of my life on this ice" he says, he's so elegant, he's a brilliant skater

I fell over many times but by the end of the hour I thought I got pretty good at it but not as near as good as Link


"What did you do today?" Fi asked as we walk beside a long lake just me and her, i want to get to know more of her and Link's past but I have a feeling he won't want to talk about it

"We went ice skating" I say looking at all the pretty flowers underneath the trees

"Nice" she says, nodding slowly as she watches the sun set at a leisurely pace

"I never knew Link was in a ice skating championship" I say and she nods

"Yeah...I was his partner but we had to drop out because Link got injured" she says and my eyes widen

"How?" I ask and she sighs and looks down at the rock she was kicking

"I messed up one of the moves..." she says sounding really guilty "I kicked his shin and the blade went in" she says her voice cracking "he spent hours in that ice ring trying to make up for the time that he lost in the hospital even though the doctors told him to rest" she says and I shake my head

"He's so stubborn sometimes" I say and she nods

"Thats Link though he always has been" she says "and then it went onto baseball then football" she says with a sigh "he's gotten really hurt doing sports" she says

"Its crazy he can still function properly" i say and she nods with a small laugh

"Yeah.." she says looking back up to the sky "how did you do it?" She asks me and I look at her confusedly

"Do what?" I ask

"You got him to talk" she says "3 and a half years he barely talked to anyone..." she says tears rolling out from the corner of her eyes "you know he had another sister" she says with a small smile

"Had?" I question, this could be the reason he went mute

"They were so close, they were almost like twins so it makes sense that a part of him died when she did" Fi says wiping the tears that had fell from her eyes

"How did she..." I started but couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence

"Car crash, Link always blamed himself" she says and I feel tears run down my cheeks "He asked her to go and get something for Aryll whilst he stayed with her and their parents where having a rough patch so Styla's death kind of tipped it over the edge and started the divorce process" she says

"Styla..." I whisper, that must've been her name "how old was she?" I ask

"15...Link was 16" she says "she didn't even have her drivers license yet but she always was a bit of a rebel" she says smiling at the thought of it

"And now I've burst into his life with my own family issues and my own problems" I say, stopping my walking

"You fixed him Zelda" she says, stopping too "he speaks now! He's happy with you!" She says with a smile "after Styla died he threw himself into relationships and sports anything to stop the pain" she said "I've never seen him this happy in years" she adds smiling at me

"Shall we head back?" She asks and I nod


When we got back I thought of bringing Styla up to Link but I decided against it, I wanted to make him happy not sad

"Hey mon ange" he says kissing my head "How was the walk?" He asks sitting down beside me in the living room (my angel)

"It was good, I learnt many new things" I say smiling at him

"Oh, really?" He said sounding slightly scared and he looks at Fi in a paranoid way

"Yeah...are you okay?" I ask him and he nods,

"I have something to show you" he says to me pulling out his phone and I see he has a DM from Toruma Dunes, isn't that someone from Ganondorf's gang I briefly saw the message and it went along the lines of this *Oh yeah? Who ended up in hospital last time?* making me concerned, what has Link sent?

"Why do you have a DM from Toruma Dunes?" I ask him, it was meant to be an innocent question but it didn't land that way,

"Why do you have Ruvara texting you at midnight?" He fires back at me

"Why are you looking through my phone?" I ask, thats an invasion of my privacy!

"Why do you have Ruvara as a saved contact" he says

"Because he gave me his number" I say and he looked at me as if I was crazy

"When?" He asks our voices getting slightly more louder

"In the aquarium with Riju" I say

"And you took it! After everything he's done to you and Tay!" He scoffs "does tay know?" He asks

"Of course she does!" I say

"And I don't! When were you going to tell me?" He asks and I go silent "Never" he scoffs "I cant believe this" he says shaking his head

"Im not doing this anymore Link! I'm going back to England!" I yell not thinking anything through

"What?" He says as I get up

"Im going home, text me when your coming to Urbosa's to get your stuff" I say before going up stairs and calling Impa

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